Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

Yay!! Huge congrats Jane! One of each will be amazing :) so glad the genetic tests are ok too xx
How was Audrey's party mlm? How was your appointment on Monday, bloods ok?
Will be lovely to have a spring time baby mlm.
My due date is 17th Jan, not ideal being so close to Christmas and so cold but that's how it is.

Feeling ok and starting to show a little now, finally sinking in. Starting on names now- really struggling with a girls name. My favourites are way too popular now :(
Thursday I have a clinic appointment to discuss Greg being born early and checking my cervix- fingers crossed I don't need a stitch put in- ouch.
What are you favorite names Jane? I love baby names, it's a mild obsession of mine : ). Hope your appointment goes well!

Audrey's party was great, thanks for asking. She had so much fun and loved her cake and presents. My appointment was fine, except that they discovered I have a uti so am now on antibiotics for that. I know it's no biggie, but just hate for there to be anything wrong at this stage in the game! I have an ultrasound scheduled for next Thursday when I am 8 weeks, which will be a bit nerve wracking for me.
Oh also- Norah was born in early February, and it was kind of nice to be stuck indoors snuggling and not having many obligations to go anywhere. Although winter birthday parties definitely have limited options. Anyway, I think January will be ok : )
Ugh uti's suck- hope you've been feeling ok mlm. Hope your scan goes well on Thursday.
I'm now on progesterone and scans every 2 weeks- my cervix is too short, if it gets any worse they'll put a cervical stitch in. Doc offered the option of a stitch now but the risks are too great (infection, pop the waters, damage the bladder). Fingers crossed the progesterone is enough.
Have a good week all.
That stinks about your cervical shortening. Hope the progesterone works and good that they are closely monitoring it. Do they think that's why Greg was born early?
That stinks about your cervical shortening. Hope the progesterone works and good that they are closely monitoring it. Do they think that's why Greg was born early?

They can't categorically say, could of been the cervix or could of been an infection, they never investigated after the fact. Pleased they are monitoring me closely now though.

How did your scan go mlm?
I've been off here a bit sorry Jane. Glad they've picked up on your cervix early. I know a couple of people who've had a stitch and everything was fine with their pregnancies so seems to be a reasonably common problem. Doesn't make it any less worrying though I'm sure. Hope you are ok. Have they said to rest etc as much as possible? Have work been good?

Hope you are both feeling well?? Mlm can't wait to see a scan pic.
Had my scan a few days ago, it went great! Measured within 2 days and had a heartbeat, so that's all I can ask for at this point : )
Jane, also very glad they caught it early. My cousin was just monitored for this and had a stitch. They told her she'd have to be at the hospital early and have induced labor, but they kept rechecking the stitch and it was still holding on great, so they actually left it til she started to labor naturally at full term. Sometimes they do better work than they realize :)

mlm, how are you feeling? Great news about the heartbeat. And baby #3. I still can't believe how far we've all come!
Thanks for the reassurance ladies, I'm feeling better about things. Had a check up yesterday and length had improved by 9cm so progesterone is helping and will continue as I have been doing. I'm 19 weeks :happydance:

Yey for your successful scan mlm. How are your symptoms going whilst trying to look after your girls? Is DH excited?

How are you doing mackjess and bobster?
Thanks ladies! I actually found baby's heartbeat on my Doppler at home too, woo hoo! My symptoms are pretty bluh. A lot of queasiness and some vomiting, exhaustion. It's definitely more difficult feeling this way while staying home with two little ones as opposed to having an office job. The girls are so cute though and excited about baby. DH will be more excited when it starts feeling more "real" I think. He's not totally there yet.

And yay for the progesterone working Jane!! That's awesome!!
Hey ladies, happy September.

How are you all?

Congrats on almost being 12 weeks mlm. Have you already started telling many people? Have you got another scan soon?

I am 22 weeks on Wednesday and started to feel very real now baby is moving about and I have a distinct bump. Have started to buy a few peices, just bits we can't re use from last time.
Anomaly scan went well, all normal. She is still in breech but plenty of time to flip around. Still on the progesterone.

Have you anything planned for jacks birthday in October bobster? We might go to CBeebies land for the day.
Thanks Jane! Yes, I've pretty much told everyone at this point. I'm not very secretive I guess! Plus I swear I already look like I'm at least 4 months pregnant.

So glad everything is going well for you Jane! Yay for everything being normal and feeling all of those baby movements! Is Greg curious about your belly?
He's not too curious but I have been encouraging him to put his hand on the bump and talk to the baby, he likes doing that. He asked her if she had a tv in there- very cute.
It's scary that Christmas things are in the shop and my work are panning the Christmas party. I think the next few months to Jan will fly by!

How are your girls? Still very excited?
Cute! And yes, seems like time will fly by until your new little one is here. Such a busy time of year.

12 weeks today, woo! I have a scan in 5 days. Then gender scan at 16 weeks woo!
Scan went great! I'm so emotional with this pregnancy, probably because it's for sure my last. Still can't believe I'm going to have 3...
Pleased the scan went well mlm, any gender guesses at this point?
Enjoy your last pregnancy mlm, this is certainly our last but I'm quite happy about that!

We've had a worrying few days and I've been in and out of hospital. Recent checkup showed cervix had dramatically shortened to 8mm (down from 34 mm where the progesterone had previously improved things from 23). So needless to say an emergency stitch was required but despite the urgency, hospital couldn't fit me in amongst the emergency c sections going on. After a nervous 4 day wait of barely lifting a finger I finally got it done. It went well, just got to keep activities light. Fingers crossed it holds, every day she cooks feels like a bonus. Doc says I might get to term or I might just get another 4 weeks..:shrug: too many factors involved to say for sure.

Interesting that September is the busiest months for births in the UK, all those people conceiving over the Christmas holidays!
Oh my gosh Jane! How terrifying for you! Thank goodness you got that stitch in, you must have been so anxious waiting! Remind me, how many weeks are you now? Sending all my positive vibes your way!

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