List your IVF Successes here

I'm completely in shock and cannot believe this but after my second beta today, we are over the moon to be PREGNANT!!!
I really hope and pray this little one grows and grows so I can finally post on this thread after 5 long years!
Just wanted to share the news, although we have so far to go, this is a major milestone!

Grow, baby, grow! :happydance:
Voormana that's amazing congrats and best of luck grow healthy little bean! :)
Name: Rachel
Age: 33
How long TTC: 8 years
Diagnosis or any known issues: Robertsonion Translocation 13 and 14
Treatments you tried before IVF: No treatments but 4 natural conception losses
How many IVF did you do before success: 2 and 1 FET
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No
Protocol (meds taken):
How many follicles at ER: 10
How many eggs retrieved: 7
How many eggs fertilized: 6
How many days between ER and ET:
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 4AB
How many days bed rest: 2 days sofa rest
What day you got your BFP: 22/04/2016
Number of babies:1
Hi, ladies, dropped in to expand the list - lol.
Name: Regin
Age: 40 yo
How long TTC: since 2012
Diagnosis or any known issues: endo and PCOS
Treatments you tried before IVF: 1 round clomid – BFN. 2013 – 1 fresh ivf with 2 5-day blasts – early miscarriage. 2015 – 1 fresh ivf cycle with OE. 2016 – ivf with donor eggs in Ukrainian clinic.
How many IVF did you do before success: 1 cycle.
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: donor eggs.
How many eggs retrieved: 11
How many eggs fertilized: 10
How many days between ER and ET: 5
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 2 5-day blasts.
How many days bed rest: 2
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: no real symptoms apart from cramping.
What day you got your BFP: didn’t test before the test day
Number of babies: 1
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: everything’s was clear due to counselor’s work.
Best wishes to all of you!!!
Just a quick update since I won't be posting here for awhile. I was diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy at 7 weeks and am in the middle of Methotrexate treatment to hopefully avoid surgery. So incredibly sad and disappointed, but I'm keeping faith that I'll be back here to post after our next round.
Blessings to all of the women reading this that are at your wit's end. This is a hard road to travel, and you are not alone. Sending all of my love to you!
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss best of luck with your future I hope you won't need surgery take time to heal.
Just a quick update since I won't be posting here for awhile. I was diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy at 7 weeks and am in the middle of Methotrexate treatment to hopefully avoid surgery. So incredibly sad and disappointed, but I'm keeping faith that I'll be back here to post after our next round.
Blessings to all of the women reading this that are at your wit's end. This is a hard road to travel, and you are not alone. Sending all of my love to you!
I've recently suffered 2 miscarriages. My first pregnancy was a blighted ovum and the second pregnancy my baby had a hb of 126 and then it stopped a week later. I feel your pain and my heart breaks for you. Please take time to take care of yourself and don't ever blame yourself for your loss. Never lose your faith, stay strong my ttc sister. Much LOVE to you!! xx
Name: Tagomi
Age: 39
How long TTC: 1.5 years
Diagnosis or any known issues: had PCOS symptoms though was never officially diagnosed, hypothyroidism
Treatments you tried before IVF: 2 IUI's
How many IVF did you do before success: worked the first time
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: no
Protocol (meds taken): Day 4-6 150IU Gonal F, Day 7-9 75IU Gonal F, Day 4-10 5IU Microdose Ovidrel, Day 8-10 250ug cetrotide, Day 11 80U luprolide. My estrogen levels rose higher than expected which is why they dropped my Gonal F dose and switched my trigger from ovidrel to luprolide. I developed mild OHSS so I had to freeze all but I never had any OHSS symptoms.
How many follicles at ER: had 22 at my scan 2 days before ER
How many eggs retrieved: 23 (only 15 were mature)
How many eggs fertilized: 14 via ICSI, all made it to day 3 but only 2 made it to day 5 or 6, both were vitrified
How many days between ER and ET: N/A, did frozen transfer
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 1, quality not given, they showed me a picture of it just before the transfer, the blastocyst hadn't expanded yet but they said that it was in the process of expanding and looked good
How many days bed rest: 1, probably would have been fine without it, I had no pain and only took one pain killer
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: none
What day you got your BFP: 9 days after the transfer
HPT before blood test: no
Number of first beta: 264
Number of babies: 1
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: It's a frustrating process where a lot of luck is involved, your practitioner can only do so much so try to be patient if success doesn't come straight away. I think the best thing you can do, especially if you're of advanced maternal age, is for you and your partner to see a specialist ASAP to see if you have issues. We only waited 6 months before getting an appointment with an RE but it took a month before we could see him and then another 2 months to get diagnosed so when we saw that the last 9 months of trying had been in vain I felt like we had lost precious time. Though I have a high AMH and got a lot of eggs, only 2 made it to freezing and that's likely due to my age, so it's a bit of a race against time.
We were also offered the option to do preimplantation genetic screening (PGS), they charge a pretty exorbitant fee for this and from what I could find about it, I just didn't feel confident that the technology was reliable enough to be worth the price. My PGS would have been done by FISH but the latest technology is aCGH so we decided against it. If you plan to do PGS, don't just believe whatever the RE tells you about it, do your own independent research because of course they want you to do it, they earn a lot of money from that. Good luck on your journey to pregnancy, I pray that it happens for all of you!
Congratulations to everybody with a bfp. There is something even more magical about IVF bfps, in my eyes.

I totally forgot to update after my last post... I git a bfp back in July and am now 15 weeks!

Name: Ellie
Age: 39
How long TTC: 19 months
Diagnosis or any known issues: Me: mild hypothyroidism, polycystic ovaries, chronic endometritis, 15% natural killer cells. DH: 78% sperm antibodies.
Treatments you tried before IVF: 6 rounds of clomid
How many IVF did you do before success: none, this ICSI worked.
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: no
Protocol (meds taken): Downregs: 7 days norethisterone, suprecur nasal spray until retrieval. Stim days 1-10: alternating 150iu and 75iu Gonal-F. Stim days 11-13: 150iu. Stim days 14-17: 225iu. Triggered with 250iu ovitrelle. 20mg prednisolone and 2x400mg cyclogest pessary from day after retrieval until 12 weeks.
How many follicles at ER: 12 measurable
How many eggs retrieved: 7 (6 mature)
How many eggs fertilized: 5 but only 2 made it to day 2.
How many days between ER and ET: 2
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 2: 4B and 5B
How many days bed rest: none, but I took 2 days off work and took it easy at home.
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: some cramping at the start, then heartburn and high libido at the end.
What day you got your BFP: 17dp2dt
HPT before blood test: I had to do hpt, they don't do blood tests. I did get GP to do 2 later though!
Number of first beta: 3186 at 21dpo!!!
Number of babies: 1
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: Trust your team. They will do what they have been trained to do, so you have to trust them. I had become extremely knowledgeable about the whole thing because that's what works for me, but I think I had a tendency to worry that they weren't doing things correctly when, in fact, they were!
Also, accept that you will get stressed and probably argue with your SO quite a bit. It won't necessarily wreck your chances. I reached out and my clinic provided counselling for me. I would advise anyone doing IVF to have an individual and a couple counselling session. This helped me and my relationship so much.
Finally, and this may sound obvious, just because nothing else has worked, does not mean this won't. I honestly thought it would never happen to us, but we got here and it feels so sweet after all the heartache.
Hi, still feeling apprehensive about writing here but...
Age: 30 yo
How long TTC: since November 2004
Diagnosis or any known issues: DH azoospermia Me missing KIR's & homozygous MTHFR C677T (only found out about me before final cycle)
Treatments you tried before IVF: Previous ICSI cycles but no other treatment due to dh diagnosis
How many IVF did you do before success: 4 cycles, pregnant on 5th sucesfull round was clomid banking cycle so used clomid to stimulate as this gives best egg quality you are capable of but you then must freeze and transfer on another cycle as clomid negatively affects lining
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No
How many eggs retrieved: 8
How many eggs fertilized: 6
How many days between ER and ET: 5 but FET
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 2 5-day blasts aa expanding blasts and another 2 AA 5 day blasts still frozen
How many days bed rest: none relaxed day of transfer flew home following day and stuck to my normal routine,
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: cramping, tired couple days before testing
What day you got your BFP: 7dp 5dt first day i tested.
Number of babies: 1
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: if could do it again I would test for inherited thrombophillia before cycling as test for number of things but mthfr that i have as well as causing mc, implantation failure can also cause birth defects and autism if not nown about and supplemented correctly as well as allt of health implactation just in life yourself, i also went to paris for uterus biopsy tested on dr ledee research wish i had done this as immune s in uterus can be different to bloods as was case for me.
Name: KatO79

Age: 37

How long TTC: 1 year naturally plus cirka 1 year and 3/4 months doing IUI and IVF tries (there was a break of 4 months while waiting to start IVF).

Diagnosis or any known issues: Unexplained infertility

Treatments you tried before IVF: 6 medicated IUI tries, all with Puregon but all failed without even a CP to show for it.

How many IVF did you do before success: 2nd IVF worked, the 1st resulted in a CP.

Are you using donor eggs or sperm: Nope.

Protocol (meds taken): For IVF #2 (short protocol), took 300 IU Bemfola and Cetrotide. During the 2WW, was on Crinone Gel even though they didn't think I had any progesterone issues.

How many follicles at ER: 4

How many eggs retrieved: 2, the 3rd wouldn't come out after 3-4 tries and was therefore deemed bad quality. There was no egg in the 4th follie.

How many eggs fertilized: Both but one was very fragmented by Day 2 and discarded.

How many days between ER and ET: 2 (the norm at the clinic I went to).

How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 1 top quality embie.

How many days bed rest: Only took it easy on ET day and otherwise went about my daily business.

Symptoms or issues during 2WW: Some mild cramping and a sudden aversion to sweets and other junk food while craving more healthy food.

What day you got your BFP: Around 14dp2dt

HPT before blood test: Nope.

Number of first beta: 124

Number of babies: 1 (my :yellow: bump went :blue: when he was born)

Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: How hard it really is on you emotionally and physically. You have to be really prepared before starting IVF on how much it takes out of you.

And here's a pic of my miracle baby, Alexander :cloud9:

Oh Kat, he's so beautiful! I can't wait to meet my miracle :)
Name: Wannabeprego

Age: over 35

How long TTC: 3 yrs before my first IVF cycle that resulted in my twins, 4 years before my 2cnd IVF cycle that resulted in my current BFP! I had 2 failed FET cycles before my 2cnd fresh cycle.

Diagnosis or any known issues:DH has low :spermy: count, and I have stage 2 endo, one damaged fallopian tube, and fibroids. I had surgery to remove a polyp in my uterus before my first IVF cycle.

Treatments you tried before IVF: I had 2 failed FET's before I tried my 2cnd fresh IVF cycle. My first FET i trans 2 frozen embryos and it was a chemical, and 2cnd one I transfered 1 frostie, my last one and it was BFN. I had my 1st fresh IVF cycle and it gave me my gorgeous twins! :thumbup:

How many IVF did you do before success: Both of my FRESH IVF cycles were successful. My 2 FET cycles didn't work, one was chemical and one was a BFN.

Are you using donor eggs or sperm: Nope.

Protocol (meds taken): For IVF #2 (short protocol), 375 gonal F, with 75 menopur, cetrotide to stop ovulation, vaginal estrace after retrieval and vaginal crinone gel 8% , baby aspirin

How many follicles at ER: about 13 on one side and about 11 on the other

How many eggs retrieved: 22 eggs

How many eggs fertilized: 14 were mature and got fertilized, 12 survived. I have 4 frozen total now, 2 on day 5 and 2 on day 6.

How many days between ER and ET: 3, I did a 3 day transfer with 3 embryos

How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 4 high quality embryos, 2 were day 5 and 2 were day 6

How many days bed rest: none, just tried to take it easy that day

Symptoms or issues during 2WW: soar boobs, some cramping, slight naseau if I go to long without eating, some bloating

What day you got your BFP: about 5 to 6 days after a 3 day transfer with three embryos

HPT before blood test: yes, i tested out my trigger shot, I am a POASA, LOL!

Number of first beta: 189.8 at about 3 wks 6 days

Number of babies: almost twins, but sadly one didn't make it so it is just one healthy singleton now

Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: Since this was my 2cnd fresh cycle IVF, I wasn't as nervous this time. It actually was a lot easier because there weren't any surprises and I am used to needles now even though I hate them. :haha: I learned not to give up if you really want another baby. I didn't think it would work for me a second time since I had 2 failed FET's before my 2cnd IVF cycle. But it did! :thumbup: I never thought I would be able to handle doing another fresh IVF cycle, but it wasn't that bad and I am so thankful that I did! I am so blessed that it worked a 2cnd time after going through so much!
Name: Blessed Life

Age: 43

How long TTC: Since Oct 2011 but took breaks throughout this process, some as long as a year.

Diagnosis or any known issues: Unexplained infertility, I'm old.

Treatments you tried before IVF: Nada. Didn't start trying until we were in our upper 30s so we went straight to IVF.

How many IVF did you do before success: 3 IVF cycles with my own eggs prior to donor eggs. Only the first of 5 transfers (2-3 embryos per transfer) resulted in a BFP that quickly ended when the HCG did not double. One IVF cycle with donor eggs, third transfer resulted in current pregnancy. First two resulted in miscarriages, first at week 5, second at approximately week 8, after we heard the heartbeat. The second required a D&C.

Are you using donor eggs or sperm:
Donor eggs

Protocol (meds taken): For this successful transfer, oral estrogen and PIO through week 10. No big deal, it was lovely.

How many follicles at ER: 30

How many eggs retrieved:

How many eggs fertilized: 19

How many days between ER and ET: 5

How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 10 top quality embryos (excellent or very good)

How many days bed rest: None

Symptoms or issues during 2WW: None

What day you got your BFP: About 10 days after transfer we did a blood test.

HPT before blood test: Nope.

Number of first beta: Around 300 or so

Number of babies: 1 (transferred two embryos)

Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: Do NOT stick with a doc because the idea of going to someone new is too exhausting. I feel my first doc was blowing smoke up my A** (and continuing to take my $$$) by telling me how great the embryos looked and then we kept having failures. When I went to a university, they looked at the photos of the embryos (from my eggs) and they pointed out the flaws and said the likely cause was simply my old eggs. Plus, the original doc pumped me so full of hormones (quantity over quality) he put my health at risk. I was so sick during and after IVF stimulation that I was more than ready to embrace donor eggs. Good luck all. Remember the goal is a baby, there are many different ways to achieve this! :)
Name: minty
Age: 38 ( 36 when cycled )
How long TTC: 2 years
Diagnosis or any known issues:low sperm count
Treatments you tried before IVF: none
How many IVF did you do before success: successful first time ( this was our second cycle, we have a 4 year old boy from our first cycle
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: no
Protocol (meds taken): short antagonist cycle , menopur 225 ( started with less and was upped )
How many follicles at ER: unsure
How many eggs retrieved: 6
How many eggs fertilised : 4
How many days between ER and ET: 5
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 2 transferred , 1 blast and one that hadn't quite reached blast, can't remember the grade but remember not being highest as remember feeling wasn't the best grade
How many days bed rest: 0
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: back totally went and couldn't walk
What day you got your BFP: about 9 days after transfer I think
HPT before blood test:
Number of first beta:
Number of babies: 2
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: not to over analyse everything and not obsess over number of eggs, we only had 4 eggs but got our beautiful twins from them and have frozen 2 day 6 blasts. I remember how much hope I got from reading these posts, hope my post gives others hope
Me - 40 yo, a teacher working with kids every single day of my life. Started TTC in June 2012 with no luck. After 8 months of trying started doing investigation and got to know about my endo and PCOS. That very year tried 1 round clomid - BFN. 1 fresh ivf with 5-day 2 blasts the following year ended in early miscarriage. :cry: Then devastated we all had to take a long break for emotional recovering. Though continued trying naturally. 2015 - another fresh ivf with OE - failure. DH's results came in healthy. Year 2016 started with the waiting for the miracle with Ukrainian Biotexcom where we applied for ivf with donor egg.
Our 1st app was conducted on 24th March. Since that date time flew. The process went quite fast and smooth. Donor matching program completed less than in 3 weeks. Synchronization -- finally ET. Our doc didn't reject so we put back 2 nice 5-day blasts. (3 blasts is the max with them and no age issue, only the health one).. Finally got our long awaited BFP!!:happydance:
Name: Blythe
Age: 44
How long TTC: 6 years
Diagnosis or any known issues:
age at time of cycle: 43
AMH: 7 pmol/L [as at Dec 2014]
FSH: 9.4 iu/L [as at Dec 2014]

age at time of sperm sample taken: 43
Frozen sample used in this IVF cycle:
Noted as ‘oligoasthenozoospermia’ [WHO recommendations in brackets]
Vol: 0.5 [>1.5]
Total Number: 2 [>40]
Concentration: 4 [>20]
Progressive: 25 [>50]
Abnormal sperms: 90 [<70]
Number of round cells: 0 [<3]
Concentration after processing: 0.3

Treatments you tried before IVF: TTC No 2 since 2010 - years of alternative medicine/remedies

How many IVF did you do before success:

2011 natural BFP - chemical
2014 - IVF No 1 - KCL - high stim SP - 20+ follicles - 11 eggs - zero fertilisation
2015 - IVF No 2 - City - High stim SP - Good start but stopped growing - converted to IUI - BFN
2015 - IVF No 3 - City/Gennet - low stim SP - 100 clomid/150 menopur - 7 follicles - 3 eggs - 2 mature and fertilised. 2 x 3DT 8 cell grade 1-2 - BFP - TFMR at 13 wks (Boy chromosomal issues)
2016 - IVF No 4 - City/Gennet - mild stim - 300 gonal f/menopur mix SP - dominant follicle - cancelled after 9 days of stims - triggered at home - poss chemical
2016 - IVF No 5 - City/Gennet - low stim Femara & menopur SP - 3 follicles - 1 egg - 2DT 6-cell embryo - BFP - Girl born November 2016

Are you using donor eggs or sperm: own eggs

Protocol (meds taken):

femara 5mg [CD 2-6] & menopur 150 [CD 7-11]
First scan [CD7] showed 12 follies responding to meds but only 3 continued to grow at ‘retrievable’ rate. [The month before I had stimmed for nine days using 300 [comb of gonal f + menopur and jumped into this cycle with no break between]

First scan [CD7] showed 12 follies responding to meds but only 3 continued to grow at ‘retrievable’ rate. [The month before I had stimmed for nine days using 300 [comb of gonal f + menopur and jumped into this cycle with no break between]

How many follicles at ER:
3 follies drained

How many eggs retrieved:
How many eggs fertilized:

How many days between ER and ET:
1 x 2DT 6 cell

How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred:
to early to grade

How many days bed rest:
no bed rest, walking about 10 miles per day, long days at work, going in bumpy rides in taxis, trams and tubes/trains [and on day of ET], frantic hovering and cleaning, sneezing and coughing fits [I started googling embryo falling out and was reassured that this wont happen], caffeine [only 2 x cups of breakfast tea though]. I really thought it would not work as I found out after ET that partner’s sperm sample very poor and that combined with my age and only retrieving one egg etc etc just put me in a negative [more negative than usual] frame of mind.

Symptoms or issues during 2WW:
Nothing that I did not have in other unsuccessful 2WW – I started testing very early on

What day you got your BFP: increasingly stronger lines from 8 DPO

HPT before blood test: loads

Number of first beta: did not do any bloods until 29 DPO with HCG 51,118 and two days later it was 69,318

Number of babies: 1

Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process:

I did the following stuff but mostly its just down to luck and finding a protocol that works….for me that was lower stims. I have a much longer list of stuff I stopped doing. Mostly it was just a case of finding somewhere to put the heartbreak of years of failure somewhere whilst I found the strength to keep picking myself up off the floor and moving forward with the next plan.

Ate lots of omelettes sprinkled thick with black sesame seeds [great fertility food according to emma cannon] and huge pile of spinach.

Made weekly batch of organic chicken bone broth [my nails became really strong and I wondered what else it could help with my insides] – I just put chicken carcass in big pot covered with water and added what veg I had, gogi berries, ginger and garlic [if to hand] and stock cube and left over night on low setting.

making up yogurt puddings and snacking on 3-5 x p/w: greek yogurt with chia seeds, gogi berries, cocoa nibs and bee pollen [sometimes with honey or jam]

used ‘Good Oil’ and avocado oil in place of other types

had morning cocktail of organic black strap molasses, Braggs ACV, baobab and MSM powder with warm water. I have had recurring issues with cysts but also very good for inflammation in general. I was also taking serrapeptase on and off months leading up in addition to applying caster oil packs pre ovulation. I did not take this cocktail during the cycle though…just leading up to it to get my uterus in shape.

I had six weeks of effectively eating clean [no choc, low carb, high protein, no caffeine, no alcohol] – six weeks was all I could manage.

downloaded app called ‘Insight Timer’ – its free and really good when you want to stop horrid negative thoughts – I used five minute timer and also listened to some of the guided meditations. I have used most fertility meditations and I found focusing on non-fertility meditations suited me better. I did them other ones to death and they did not bring me my baby and just made me feel even more of a failure for not doing it properly.

Mindfulness – I really liked Mark Williams book on mindfulness and it got me through a difficult pregnancy loss. Its straight forward and he is straight speaking. It sat well with me.

Said to myself “I will handle anything thrown at me” and “if I deal with something terrible today, I will handle it and then make a new plan tomorrow”. I wrote down inspiring stuff on bits of paper and stuck in pocket or workbag and read it when I started losing it.

Took the best quality supplements I could afford:

Pre EC:
Some noted above but also:
Ubiquinol COQ100: 500mg-600mg per day [solgar or innopure]
Solgar gentle iron [25mg]
Solgar vit D3 [10,000 iu]
5-MTHR 1mg [Thorne] before than was taking Solgar Folate [1000 mcg]
baby aspirin
solgar B12 [1000 mcg]
solgar Vit E [400 iu]
Terra Nova Prenatal multivit complex [before this was taking another food source pre natal]
Loads of pomegranate juice [the one with the bumpy bottle] – my lining was 12mm three days before EC and had grown very quickly the more of this stuff I had. Also hot water bottles and keeping feet warm.

Post ET:
All of the above other than the morning cocktail, COQ10 and Vit E. have introduced a decent omega fish oil but use ‘Good Oil’ lots too.

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