July/Aug 2022 babies ❤️

Hello all

I'm 32 years old with one 12 year old daughter. After many years of trying and many losses I'm finally pregnant with my little miracle baby. My edd is July 25 and am set to have my first ultra sound on 12/15 which I am super excited for. We were on our third round of Clomid this cycle with the help of progesterone cream so eager to see if we have multiples. Twins run in mine and my hubby's family so will be Interesting to find out. I've never had a bfp so early in a cycle Before at 4 weeks to the date. I'm happy to be here in this thread !!
Baby rain, yay for a booking appointment! I haven't had mine yet, considering I'm 7 weeks according to my lmp (even though I think I'm 6 weeks) I thought I would have heard about it
I've had an appointment letter though for the 12 week scan on new year's eve!

Welcome to the group and congratulations ❤️ that will be exciting to have twins! My sister had girl/boy twins exactly 4 weeks after my last Dd who is now 19 months, it's crazy when we're all together hope the scan comes round quick! I'm excited and anxious about mine, it's the waiting whilst they initially look that nearly finishes me off
yes hold your breath for those first few scaning seconds...which feel like forever!!

I've heard quite a few ladies saying they have to self refer online for a booking appointment and it can take a while to come through...here I just had to phone the community midwife team which I did yesterday, my midwife phoned to introduce herself this morning and booked me in for Friday. All quite fast but them I am over 8 weeks now! I did leave it until I was more confident and they were ok with that.

Hi @babymoma89 Congratulations! So glad to hear of your little miracle x Looking forward to your scan to find out if its twins!!
Thank you ladies, I’m really bad at logging on often. My life is ridiculously hectic these days lol. I’m 37 with 5 children and number 6 on the way. I have a 14 DD, 9 DS, B&G Twins who are 6 tomorrow, DD who’s 2.5, I also run an events business so I’m always on the go. I’ve never embraced my previous pregnancies and being that we’ve decided this is our last baba I’m hoping to enjoy every moment and have all the first I’ve never had such as baby showers, gender reveals etc I can’t wait.
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Thank you all for the warm welcome!

Lucy, I’m sorry for your loss. I’m glad that your GP is going to do some testing, and I hope that you get some answers and solutions as well as your rainbow soon.

Star, I haven’t a clue. It’s just a telephonies appointment, so I imagine that they’ll ask me a few follow up questions and go from there. I know I didn’t qualify from NIPT testing last pregnancy, but a part of me hopes I do this time. I highly doubt it though. No clue on scan as they’ll book the prenatal after my telephonies consult. They used to book them both right away, not sure why that’s changed. They do an ultrasound then, and they prefer to book it at 7-8 weeks. How old is DD? Sorry, you’ve likely already said. DS has the same sleep schedule haha. So I feel you on is this normal tired or pregnant tired or both? :rofl: That’s awesome that it’s just a week until your scan! What a fun NYE present to have your 12w scan!

BabyBrain, awesome that you get to see your midwife in person! I’m in the US, so what exactly is a booking appointment? I’ve heard of it, but I’m blanking.

Welcome, babymoma89! So thrilled for your rainbow and excited for your scan as well! Are you hoping for twins? My little brothers are twins, so I love twins. But my parents had an au pair and I was already 8.5 and a super helper. I’m sure I have a single bean just because when i did have twins I doubled every 28 hours, but I’m doubting every 42. This is actually my slowest growing bean. Freaks me out a little.

Sheeza, happy early birthday to your twins! I’m so glad that you’re planning to really celebrate this pregnancy. I hope you get to create all the memories you hope for and some ones you didn’t expect :)

AFM no big news. I'm still testing for keepsake progression pictures. It's really not in the plans for me to ever have a third child. Both my frer and cb early are slightly darker than the control. I have about four more tests, so hoping that I get a real obvious dye stealer by then. Really hoping to get one where the test line barely exists without having to buy more tests hahaha
Oh wow shezza, you sound like superwoman! That's great you've got gender reveal and baby shower plans, I've had a baby shower for 1 and 2 and not number 3, my sister was pregnant with twins after 4 cycles on ivf and due around the same time so me and my sisters just done her 1 as she has waited long enough and I didn't mind not having one, we got some lovely friends ig bump pics together though lol

Babybrain, Dd is 19 months, Ds is 3 (4 in Feb) and Dd is 6 next week, there's 2.2 months between them all, which wasn't Intentional, just how it worked out with the ivf!
With this one will be about the same age gap! Again definitely not intentional as it was a massive shock lol

I done another cheap test yesterday and the test line was darker than the control line again, maybe even darker than last Thursday night it I won't do anymore now, I still have my frer which I keep looking at in disbelief still, just have to wait for scan day now, every day I'm more nervous and keep imagining bad news, wish it would hurry up and be Tuesday!

Still tiredness is my main symptom, mainly in the evening, feeling a little bit nauseous after my coffee this morning so don't think it will be long before I have to stop that

How is everyone else's symptoms? I still wish I had more!
Star those are such great ages! Love it! And congratulations on the test progression. It's always so reassuring. Excited to hear your update on Tuesday!

I'm in the same boat. Not much going on symptom wise. Everything is mild but I do have some breast tenderness, nausea, headache, lower back pain (already acting up though from a car accident 6 months ago)... DS is so clingy since I got my bfp. It's crazy. He hasn't been this clingy in years. The only moderate symptom I have is this dang bloat :rofl:

Hope everyone who celebrates Turkey Day had a lovely holiday!
Hi Everyone :) Hope you are all well.

@Shezza84uk that's great you have these milestones to look forward to. I've never done the gender reveal/baby shower thing either.

@star25 scan day tomorrow?! Good luck and I can't wait to see your picture! How are you feeling?

@DobbyForever a booking appointment is just the first big appointment with the midwife where they take all the medical history etc lasted about an hour. hope your telephone appointment goes well. Oh and I feel ya on the bloat...omg!!

@hayleight87 @Lulu719 @babymoma89 How are you all doing?

I found our doppler the other night and managed to find a wee heartbeat!! Quite exciting!!
I am still feeling exhausted and just generally yucky a lot of the time....especially from about 2pm onwards!
I have another scan at the hospital on Friday (I will be almost 10weeks) and will find out then when I can get the NIPT bloods taken...we will be paying privately to get them done earlier. I'm starting to get a bit nervous about it all!
Still managing to keep it all quiet though, only told a few friends and really hope we can give our family and children a great Christmas surprise!
Hi ladies,

Unfortunately I’ve had a missed miscarriage, I have to go back to the EPU tomorrow to decide what happens next. Wishing you all a wonderful pregnancy journey, hopefully I’ll have my rainbow in the not too distant future ♥️
Hi shezza
I'm so sorry to hear this, take care of yourself, I hope you have all the support you need xx

That's great you found the heartbeat so early, I'm going to look back on my old thread and see when I found it with Dd
Good luck for the next scan
Your symptoms sound like. Mine, tired and generally yucky, mainly feeling nauseous in the morning and couldn't drink my coffee this morning but was fine with decaff the rest of the day.
Feeling very crampy and lower back ache most of the day, even when I'm resting, I don't remember having it this bad with the others, scan is tomorrow but im very nervous!

That's great you found the heartbeat so early, I'm going to look back on my old thread and see when I found it with Dd
Good luck for the next scan
Your symptoms sound like. Mine, tired and generally yucky, mainly feeling nauseous in the morning and couldn't drink my coffee this morning but was fine with decaff the rest of the day.
Feeling very crampy and lower back ache most of the day, even when I'm resting, I don't remember having it this bad with the others, scan is tomorrow but im very nervous!

I had to look back myself, I knew I'd found the heartbeat the day before I had a private scan last year, so would have been about 9w5d. So even though I was a bit earlier I couldn't resist! It did take a wee while, it wasn't as loud and I didn't get it for too long....but it was totally obvious.
I'm get crampy/achey too, been like that right from the start...think it's worse when aim tired!
Good luck for your scan! Xxx
Hi scan went well!
Last night was awful, cramping was moderate all night anf still there now although eased a bit, been awake since 2:30am as was too uncomfortable to sleep and felt sick, went downstairs to attempt something plain to eat and had to rush to be sick instead, did manage to eat after that but felt weak and drained

At least the Scan was good though, only done a belly scan as They were running 20mins late we didn't have time to an internal too, our choice not theirs as we had to pick kids up, a bit annoying but we saw the baby with heartbeat clear enough measuring 6w6d although it wasn't accurate measurements because of not being internal.
So relieved, just want to feel better now and I won't moan about not having symptoms again! download (11).jpeg


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That's brilliant news about your scan Star!! Really is such a relief to see that wee heartbeat :)

Not so brilliant news about your symptoms though, hope you get a good night's sleep tonight xx
Shezza, I’m so sorry for your loss. I echo everyone else. Hoping for a smooth recovery and will be thinking of you. <3
Babybrain, thanks for explaining! Seriously, thank goodness for the chilly weather and baggy shirts haha. Hoping the bill for the NIPT isn’t too bad. Yay for finding the hb!

Star, sorry about the appointment running late, but congratulations on a great scan and getting to see the hb! Such a relief. Thanks for sharing your little bean with us! And yikes sounds like the symptoms hit hard.

AFM I logged into my app to see when my phone appointment was, and i couldn’t find it. So I called them to double check it was booked, and she said, “Yup. Tomorrow at 11!” Did not realize it’s already December haha. Even though I got paid yesterday so it should have registered. Just to go over history with the ob nurse. I’m hoping that she can confirm or give me some hints about whether the genetics appointment will lead to insurance covered NIPT and/or if I can get an early scan this time as well. I’m trying not to let my anxiety get the better of me, but it does.
Thank you ladies!

Dobby, I can't believe it's Dec now either, Dd 6th birthday today so today's an early one!
I hope you can get an early scan dobby, is that what you're feeling anxious about or is it everything in general? Hope you're feeling OK symptoms wise?

I slept better thank you babybrain, Dd woke at 4 then I had to get some cereal as was so hungry and didn't want to feel sick then Dd woke up again so by 5am I was back in bed for another hour. Back is aching and cramps still there although I think they have got better and still feeling nauseated, definitely won't be wishing for symptoms again after this haha
Aww Happy Birthday to her! Any special plans for today?

I’m just always worried. I’m still testing so I know my lines are still progressing. I want one where the control line is basically gone lol. This is weird but I usually spot/my cramps are worse. So the lack of scary things freaks me out. This is also my slowest doubling pregnancy. I always get an early scan and I should feel grateful that my gyn doesn’t think I need one this time but it freaks me out. I also don’t like how much my lower back hurts already

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