July/Aug 2022 babies ❤️

Aww that’s great news about your scan Lulu! And fab you get to go back for another one at 9 weeks!

I’m still stressing over lines, my cheapie today was not amazing. I’ll do another when I get home. I noticed it’s also a 25 sensitivity so maybe it will ist take longer to progress

Ahh lovely news lulu
My last pregnancy I had so many scans from bleeding, although it was reassuring at the time, I'm hoping this time not so many scans are needed!
The bleeding was a haematoma that got a lot bigger from when the bleeding first started and they said there was a risk of miscarriage as it was was right next to the sac, thankfully my girl stayed strong in there and now 19 months old!
It's exciting you get to see baby again soon and not have to wait til the 12 weeks one, I could never do that!

Lucy, maybe it's better to stick to frer, the cheapie aren't good for lines and you don't want to be worrying over a test that just doesn't show lines well, at least you can compare the frer to your last ones?
Hope you're feeeling well

Afm, I'm tired but nothing else still, no nausea, I'm worrying, going to get a couple of tests today for today and tomorrow then the digi Saturday so Dh can be here as he didn't see the last one
Desperate for more symptoms, I think I'm around 5w2d so it's early but I just find them reassuring

I've got work today and tomorrow so thst will be a distraction.
I work in the office for a company with 3 care homes, I mainly stick to the 1 home since covid but do bits for them a. Only 3 mornings a week and anything I need to at home. I used to be manager of 1 but stepped down when trying the ivf for dd1. They then opened another home so I helped set that up when pregnant with dd1 and they asked if I could stay with the office side of it, they're so flexible, let me choose my hours, where I work, it suits us both well as I can step in and help the 3 managers but also don't have ti's tress about working holidays when the kids are off as childcare is impossible lol
In the holidays I might manage 1 morning a week then work from home where I can and use up all my holiday pay lol

What does everyone else do?
Star let us know how you go with your digi! Do you normally get symptoms by 5 weeks?
I’m still stressing over tears, I did a frer which isn’t any darker than 2 days ago BUT the cheapie is now showing a decent line. Doing my head in! I know I should just stop testing but it’s so hard!
Lucy, I'm probably stressing over nothing as I don't normally have symptoms until 6 weeks lol, I just don't know exactly when that is, I'm so used to ivf and knowing it all!
I'm glad I tested early but like you I've done a lot, it's hard not to
I done a cheap poundland one yesterday mid morning which was a lot darker than the poundland one I done Saturday, the test line was darker than the control line, I think those tests are faint compared to frer so I wouldn't have used them early on but there's a good line now

Have you got pics of your recent tests? Maybe your frer isn't going to get darker now as some just stay a certain darkness don't they and all is OK, that's good it's darker on the cheapie! How far along are you now?
Hello ladies I'm coming over to join :)
I'm hayleigh from the UK mum of one still born (13) and two sons 9 and 6.
I don't have easy pregnancies and nearly lost my 9 year old as well. Then the 6 year old I got pemphigoid gestationous (sp). So I'm cautiously taking this pregnancy step by step. I'm due around thr 15th July. But will go in around 2 weeks early for an elective c section.

I hope you all have easy pregnancies and looking forward to getting to know you all x
Hi @hayleight87 lovely to see you here. Gosh you’ve had some hard time, wishing you a smooth pregnancy this time. How are you feeling?

Star, how many weeks are you again? I know what you mean about stressing about lack of symptoms, I hope you get some hitting you ASAP! That’s great your test was so dark! I tested again and the frer are still useless and not showing any progression but surprisingly the cheapies are! Today’s test looked good, so I’ll keep going with them. I have one frer left which I’ll dip in a day or two.

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Hi hayleigh
Congratulations! Glad you can join us too, I hope your pregnancy is an easier one for you ❤️

Lucy, I think I'm 5w4d roughly
My digi today said 3+
We've moved the scan to the 30th Nov when I think I will be 7 weeks, so nervous!
Your tests are still looking good, better progression on the cheapies is better for your bank balance!
Are you planning an early scan?
Yay for 3+ On your digi! That must have felt so good seeing it pop up. I get so nervous waiting to see what it tells me. I think 7 weeks is a great time for an early scan. I think I’m get one around 8 weeks as my OB has one in her rooms.
This morning I dipped a cheapie and it was totally blank! So dipped another (you’re right so much better for the bank balance!) and the line came up right away. A good reminder for me that I should probably stop testing as they’re not that reliable. When did you stop testing?
The bottom two are from this morning, such a difference from the same pee!

Wow that's crazy it's from the same pee, but just goes to show how much we can't trust them, they just satisfy a need to pee on a stick!

I think I've finished testing now which was yesterday at 5w3d I'm guessing. I have got 1 more poundland test in the house but I don't know where so if I come across it I'll do that lol, I done one of those Thursday so was going to compare but Thursdays was the dye stealer so I don't think it can get any darker

Still no real symptoms but I looked back at the group I was in from my last pregnancy and at the start of the group I'm saying all the same things haha
I also wrote how I looked back at threads before that about the first 2 pregnancies and it says nausea started at 6w4d and 6w5d so I've definitely got about a week to wait, I also wrote how ill I felt and had a migraine and how I wished I hadn't hoped for symptoms lol, so I think I'll stop moaning now!

When will you stop testing lucy?

How is everyone else?
Hello Everyone! So sorry I've not posted for a while, I keep popping by and have started to reply many times to everyone but keep getting distracted and by the time I get back, once boys are in bed, I feel too nauseous to use my phone!

So yeah nausea is becoming an on/off all day thing, it's not horrendous but I am feeling rather rubbish. How are you all?

@star25 Congratulations on the 3+ Not long till your scan....the weeks are flying by (but I think thats just cos I'm not prepared for xmas and it feels like its coming fast!!) Fingers crossed you don't get many symptoms this time around.

@Lucy3 How are the tests going? I'm sorry I've not been here to support you. I know how hard it is looking for progression while knowing that none of these tests are decent or trustworthy enough to actually show progression! I've seen the posts of same pee and 2 incredibly different looking tests. My tests seemed to stall around 13-15dpo I think it was, made me panic. I just stuck to the easy@home ones. How are you feeling?

@Lulu719 How is your nausea? I might need to try these sea bands. I've also been struggling with smells....my dog's bed is a nightmare!
So glad your scan went well, gorgeous wee blob! Hopefully you can see more at the next one. I think my DS2 looked like a gummy bear at around 9weeks lol.

@hayleight87 Congratulations! Brilliant to see you! Wishing you a smooth pregnancy this time, how are you feeling?

Hope I got that all right! xx
So here's my update - I contacted EPAS last week and spoke to the midwife team that handled all our tests etc last year. They were amazing and booked us in for a wee reassurance scan on the Friday morning. We have a little blob measuring right on track with a lovely wee heart beat! Such a relief to see that. All looked good for this point :)
I am back for another scan on Friday3rd where I should be 9w6d and will likely be back the following week for NIPT.
I have my first call with the midwife tomorrow at some point, just a 20 min call apparently.

Well...its getting REAL now! HAHA!

I've only told a couple for friends so far, I'd like to hold out as long as possible. We just don't want to get anybody's hopes up (so many early losses) or have them worrying. It was very hard for our parents and my boys last year. So once we get the NIPT results we can take it from there....hopefully a lovely Christmas surprise for them all!
Ahh that's lovely baby! Such a cute little pic, I've told a couple of friends and 1 person at work and family but that's it, waiting til at least the 7ish week scan
Then I might say something at work cos I will probably show before 12 weeks, although I could just blame Xmas haha
Hey ladies I’m hopping between 2 groups I’m due 1st July but I’ll likely have my csection in June. Wishing you all a happy and healthy 9 months
Hi everyone

I’ve tried skimming the thread several times so I could give everyone a proper hello, but nothing is sticking!

Lucy, can you ring your doctor to do a serial beta? I know it always eases my mind when my tests don’t look how I want to get concrete numbers. Also, try to pull out every other test? Helps me to see the difference.

I can’t believe we already have two ultrasound pics! Congrats ladies! Your little beans are adorable, and I’m glad things are measuring right on track.

A little about me. I got my bfp about five days ago. 32, live in the US, single mom to DS, who is 4. DS has some special needs, so I guess that was enough to refer me to the genetics department. I wasn’t referred before despite some genetic concerns since I didn’t have them personally (brother, mother, paternal grandparent and uncles). So we’ll see. I have a phone appointment with an ob nurse on the 1st, then they’ll schedule my prenatal. Phone appointment with the geneticist is on the 14th. I did have betas done. 47 at 11dpo and 101 on 13dpo. My symptoms have gotten more mild, they were awful right about implantation. Bloat is crazy. Most likely looking at doing this solo again. Hoping to have no baby daddy drama, no anterior placenta, and I’d love to be Team Pink.

I told my two best friends irl. One took it as expected, and the other went off the rails. I actually Oed on the same day with DS and told my fam at Thanksgiving five years ago. They went off the rails. It would have been fun to tell them again on Thanksgiving, but I might just tell my one level headed brother and his girlfriend instead.

I’m due August 1st, which is my dad’s passing anniversary! So many coincidences with this pregnancy. DS came late July though, so I’m hoping I’ll go a little early again. I’d love for us all to be July babiess! :rofl: Can you imagine a house full of July Cancers?!

Sorry that wasn’t so little!
Hi everyone, unfortunately I had an early mc so just me saying bye and wishing everyone the best pregnancies. I went to my GP and getting some test done as this is my second mc in 4 months and I’ve had a few early chemicals too. Hopefully it’s low progesterone causing it or something easy like that. Sorry to be leaving this lovely group xx
Babybrain your scan! Awww so happy for you <3
Ahh no Lucy, I'm so sorry, I really hope the Dr can help figure out why, like you said, likely to be something they can treat by supplementing hormones,wishing you the best ❤️

Hi shezza and congratulations!

Welcome dobby, congratulations!
Hope your upcoming appointments go well, do you know what tests they will carry out if that's what they're doing?
That's good you've had betas for the reassurance
Do you know when first scan will be?

Hope everyone else is well

Nothing to report here, only real symptom is tiredness, although I'm up every morning at 5:30 with Dd atm so that doesn't help, she sleeps through though from about 7pm so can't complain too much!
A week today is scan day, can't wait
@Lucy3 I am so sad to read this....I am so very sorry :( Look after yourself and I hope you can get some answers and an easy solution. Sending lot's of love and a huge hug xxx
Hi everyone

I’ve tried skimming the thread several times so I could give everyone a proper hello, but nothing is sticking!

Lucy, can you ring your doctor to do a serial beta? I know it always eases my mind when my tests don’t look how I want to get concrete numbers. Also, try to pull out every other test? Helps me to see the difference.

I can’t believe we already have two ultrasound pics! Congrats ladies! Your little beans are adorable, and I’m glad things are measuring right on track.

A little about me. I got my bfp about five days ago. 32, live in the US, single mom to DS, who is 4. DS has some special needs, so I guess that was enough to refer me to the genetics department. I wasn’t referred before despite some genetic concerns since I didn’t have them personally (brother, mother, paternal grandparent and uncles). So we’ll see. I have a phone appointment with an ob nurse on the 1st, then they’ll schedule my prenatal. Phone appointment with the geneticist is on the 14th. I did have betas done. 47 at 11dpo and 101 on 13dpo. My symptoms have gotten more mild, they were awful right about implantation. Bloat is crazy. Most likely looking at doing this solo again. Hoping to have no baby daddy drama, no anterior placenta, and I’d love to be Team Pink.

I told my two best friends irl. One took it as expected, and the other went off the rails. I actually Oed on the same day with DS and told my fam at Thanksgiving five years ago. They went off the rails. It would have been fun to tell them again on Thanksgiving, but I might just tell my one level headed brother and his girlfriend instead.

I’m due August 1st, which is my dad’s passing anniversary! So many coincidences with this pregnancy. DS came late July though, so I’m hoping I’ll go a little early again. I’d love for us all to be July babiess! :rofl: Can you imagine a house full of July Cancers?!

Sorry that wasn’t so little!

Congratulations! and Welcome! I hope you have an easy, smooth and pink pregnancy!! xx
@star25 excited for your scan! Those are early starts, not surprised you feel tired.

I'm waiting on my sea bands coming and hoping they help! Also had a quick call from midwife, I've to go in on Friday morning for my booking appointment...glad its in person this time!

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