IVF 2020 Chatter

:hugs: awwwww...this is such good news. I love scans!!! Baby is all snugs. Makes me want to take a nap...lol

Excited for you to end those shots too. I'm hoping I won't has as many on my list by the time things get underway. But in the end, it will all be worth it.

@Katz thank you and I hope you feel better. I just don't even want to imagine the yuckiness you are going through times two. HUGS....talking about taking one for the team. Deep breaths.

AFM: I am just sitting here with AF like :sad1:. Stupid maxi pad. hahahaha....sucks but alas not much you can do but wait for the next chance to wrangle some eggies. Hope you all have a great weekend if I dont make it on here before then.
@FTale Thank you! Yes, I'm going to miss seeing the little nugget every week. I'm not sure if I'll get an ultrasound at my first OBGYN appointment next week. And the last PIO shot and Estrace pill can't come fast enough! It will probably feel so weird to not have anything to take aside from my vitamins after being medicated for so long!

I'm sorry that AF has you down. It felt surreal to put away my tampons and soft discs for a while. I hope that everything goes well as you begin the IVF journey, and have a great weekend as well. I've had to work evenings 3 days in a row this week and took tomorrow off for a nice long weekend.
Ive been out again,,,ive just been sad. I think im having a MC. Since yesterday my nausea was not as bad, and today i started w spotting. When i pee there is blood when i wipe and for 7 hours ive been wearing a pad, there is a spot of blood there. I have mild achy dull cramp/heaviness in my Pelvis :( im so sad. I called ob, she aaid it’s common but i didnt tell her bout my loss of nausea....ill see her tomorrow for an ultrasound. Im not very positive tho....
@Katz !!!! Hold on tight! I don't know what is up but please do all you can to keep positive thoughts. I am not saying you don't know your body but your body could be reacting to two babies growing in side you. I am scared with you and don't want anything bad to happen so lets pray and hold on to hope that all is well.

Praying with you, Katz!
Thank you @FTale

i actually went to the er because bleeding got worse. They diagnosed me w threatened abortion. My cervix is closed. My babies seem good hb 170s. But said size 7w3d i should be 8 w. I doont know if it’s cos it was not done by ob it was a radiology tech. and was abdominal not transvaginal ultrasound. Also possible subchorionic hematoma...i have my ob appt today....i cant sleep. I got out of er at 2 am now it’s 530 here..... i dont know what to think
@Katzoemac ok, this is a mix of 50/50. I am more hopeful that everything will be ok since it was er and not your OB. The week estimate isnt too far off and the heartbeats are wonderful.

Sub chronic bleeds happen and I dont know why but they most often resolve on their own.

I hope you can see doc soon. Katz, please take deep deep breaths and send as lil stress to babies as possible. You have done and are doing all you possibly can.

Please let us know how you are as soon as you can. Cant hug you hard enough. ...
@FTale thank you so much...i am waiting for ob to call for my appointment but should be today she said. I woke up more positive today...i know, all i can do is leave it up to God.

ive just been catching up on postss. Im sorry AF came.....have you decided on ivf already ?
@Katzoemac I'm so sorry that you're going through such a scary time and praying that your little ones are just fine! It sounds like there are some great signs (cervix closed, strong heartbeats) so I hope that you are able to get some rest and take it easy until your appointment. I know that it's so hard not to worry though so I'm just going to send strength and love your way!
@FTale thank you so much...i am waiting for ob to call for my appointment but should be today she said. I woke up more positive today...i know, all i can do is leave it up to God.

ive just been catching up on postss. Im sorry AF came.....have you decided on ivf already ?

Ok, I am waiting with you. I am very impatient so I am praying and happy I can't reach your OB to say NOW...see her noooow. HUGS

I have been given the all clear to start IVF but these yahoos have not given me a protocol or exact date yet. I just msgd them asking what the hold up is? This doc already knows what he wants to do, half of it I said no to because we cant afford then he turns around and says things to the affect he expects a good response from my ovaries so minimum stim is requires to get a good grouping of eggs. I told him no to pgs cause you cant guarantee an egg will stick no matter what. And I just dont have all that cash right now.

He seemed upset by all my 'no' s but I think he is use to most ppl being so desperate that they shell out al this money for them to experiment on your body with. I dont need tons if cycles of farming out my eggs. But he tried to offer it...I reminded him that he already informed me of that in my initial consultation. And I said no then. Ugh.

So I am waiting.....still waiting. And drank 4 cups of weak sugary coffee....I dont care today. I need feel goods in me.

Well thats me blabbing. Sending you good vibes. Hugs
@LadyVictoria thank you! And congratulations on your healthy baby and graduating to OB!! So happy for you!!

@FTale aww i know. Ivf is so expensive. But ob shouldnt really be mad when you refuse some treatments. I think i read somewhere shorter stim cycles are better...but im not too sure if it’s a case to case basis. Also you could do your own research on protocols online see which one works for you financially and w good success rate. I was never really given choices so i dont know much about them. But hopefully your journey goes smoothly! I also refused pgs , too much money. Hehe.

My RE actually said she doesnt want to see me today ! I am so upset! She told me last night, no matter what the ER says or shows, she will see me. Then she calls me this AM, says the size is concerning. But i dont have to see you toll tomorrow. I cant believe. Like does she not understand how anxious we get?? Esp when they tell us, oh that’s concerning. Ugh. But i just went ahead and found an OB here in town, they got me in this afternoon, my friend’s ob. Bec i dont understand how my babies are small but w good heart rates, although i saw one paper online that says fetus may stop growing before heart beat stops :( this makes me sad but...i can’t be negative anymore. Im tired. I will just be positive with you ladies!
@FTale I'm sorry to hear that you're kind of in limbo here waiting to learn when you'll start everything up. Good for you for speaking up for yourself and being firm about your decisions. As couples pursuing treatment, we're so vulnerable already and just want it to work, and I don't think it's right for doctors to prey on that desperation to turn a profit. Not that PGS doesn't have its merits, but it's not a perfect science and there are no guarantees as you already know. I hope you learn something soon! And enjoy your sugary coffee. If you plan to give it up, then I recommend the Baby Booster Kona Mocha protein powder for shakes. I didn't buy it as a coffee replacement, rather to help get more protein and calcium in, but I do actually enjoy the taste.

@Katzoemac Thank you, love! And I'm so sorry to see that your RE is making you wait. How could she not bring you in right away after being scared like that? What did the OB that you saw today say? I hope and pray that your little ones are growing just fine and that you'll be able to breathe more easily soon! I just think back to when that awful NP sucked at doing the ultrasound and scared us into thinking that the baby's growth and heart had slowed down, only to be completely wrong, and I really hope that this is the case for you as well.
@Katzoemac♀️ unbelievable.
How insensitive. I am appalled. Who does that? Way to help you feel better by cancelling a supposed urgent sono. Just wow.
I pray you have gotten good news from the I the other OB.

We are here for you. HUGS

@LadyVictoria thank you and I did. Stood up and paid up. I am officially waiting to start my mini stim with the promise of tranferring two embryos. As I get closer I will discuss how old I want them frozen but it might ultimately be up to the doc. This whole thing has me teetered out today along with work.

Hope all is well for you. Rest up as much as possible. Stay safe with Covid lurking. Hugs
@FTale I'm sorry to hear that you're kind of in limbo here waiting to learn when you'll start everything up. Good for you for speaking up for yourself and being firm about your decisions. As couples pursuing treatment, we're so vulnerable already and just want it to work, and I don't think it's right for doctors to prey on that desperation to turn a profit. Not that PGS doesn't have its merits, but it's not a perfect science and there are no guarantees as you already know. I hope you learn something soon! And enjoy your sugary coffee. If you plan to give it up, then I recommend the Baby Booster Kona Mocha protein powder for shakes.

I will be looking this protein powder up. I do not drink coffee like I like to and if this gives the flavor I crave. I'm totally game. Thank you
@FTale and @LadyVictoria ugh i was so upset!! And it did remind me of your story @LaDY. The stress! Omg!

But i found a wonderful OB amidst this all, my friend recommended, he squeezed me in his schedule. And found out the ER ultrasound was completely wrong. I have no subchorionic hematoma, the babies are perfectly normal heartbeats and size at 8 weeks 1 day and 8 weeks 6 days!! 1 is Bigger a little bit actually! I cant believe how this could happen! I did not have sleep due to stress. But we heard the heartbeats today so that made us cry and OB let my husband in so it was so emotional. He said nothing to worry bout bleeding right now. I really cant believe. I am so happy. God is amazing!
My bleeding has slowed down today but still there. But im not as stressed out. :)
Im tearing up writing this. Just full of emotions.
@Katzoemac Amen to good news. :yipee:

Prayer the bleeding stops. Make sure to keep an eye on your cervix. It is usually the cause of bleeds early on. I had the suspicious bleeding with firat ever pregnancy but it would only happen after being active like walking in the mall not even fast or to the grocery. Turns out I had weak cervix and it eventually caused me to lose my luk girl because my OB at the time just wasn't that interested in me having 'issuse" I was told over the phone that first time pregnancies oftwn dont make it. Such horrible experience.

I now know I nees a McDonald's cerclage every time I get pregnant.

By week 16 you should know for sure. By week 20 or more it may be too late.

Take a deep breath as always and love on your babies. Keep your heart chin up and continue to have faith in Gods good grace. Best news ever today..yippee!
@FTale thank you! I will. Im trying to just take it easy as much as possible.

Awww im sorry for your loss.... :( how did you find out you have a weak cervix? I dont know if i do?
@Katzoemac What a relief! I'm so glad that your little ones are just fine in there and that your bleeding has slowed down! And that your husband got to be there to see the little ones as well! I hope that you're able to breathe easier now and relax! I'm so sorry that you were scared into thinking something wrong, as it is not a fun place to be.

@FTale Yay! I hope you can get the ball rolling soon. I'm glad that they're allowing you to transfer the amount that you want. As for freezing, I'm pretty sure that depends on the quality of your embryos - the embryologist will make that call. And definitely give the shakes a try! I definitely prefer the Kona Mocha flavor to the Tahitian Vanilla. I'm not even a big coffee drinker (love my tea) but it tastes so good!

As for me, I was underwhelmed by my first OBGYN appointment yesterday and have decided to check out a new office next week. The new office was high on my list when I did my research, but they exclusively deliver at my second choice hospital. It's a great hospital but my first choice was the top children's hospital in the area with a higher level NICU. It also has come highly recommended by my RE and one of my doctor friends so I hope that I like this office better!

Aside from that, I am 8+5 today and my nausea seems to be settling down some. My appetite is coming back and I have crazy cravings along with it! The foods aren't crazy, but the intensity of the cravings is - I cannot get what I want out of my head until I eat it. And they're not things that I would have on hand and can make myself, so I'm ordering delivery every week now! At least I'm supporting local restaurants I guess :D
@Katzoemac Hi they noticed at my 20wk sono that my cervix was 2cm. And my daughter head down. When she was pressing it was clear to see but had to do a vaginal examine with the wand. The stomach one wasnt as clear. So in the first pregnancy the spotting was occurring with movement. And it was a sign something wasnt right. The doc would do a manual and speculum and say you are closed end of story. But it wasnt. And after what feels like 2 to 3 weeks of constant movement associated bleeding...cervix just gave out.

I think with multiples docs so cerclages on the norm but I could be soooo wrong but its a lot if pressure as you get up in weeks.
But dont add that worry to your list its just a precaution to not nudge away bleeding if you dont know the cause. Weak cervix usually starts showing signs around 12 to 15 wks.

So if you can put yourself on every kind of rest you can and nurture your body with good circulatory foods. I had a fav lazy I lived in...lol Hugs keep us up on how you guys are doin when u can.

@LadyVictoria I hope you get the doc/hospital you want. But most importantly want you to have a safe labor/delivery. The one hospital might not overall be the best but their are gems od docs n nurses everywhere and I pray they are there when you are ready to bring baby onto the world.

Hahahaha...craving time! Cucumbers eggs and mayo please!!! And whatever that stuff is, I'll take it. My fav was egg amd waffle sandwiches. Could never get enough.

Ok, off to work, Hugs!!
@FTale thank you for that information. And again, sorry you had to go through that.
Good luck at work today!!

@LadyVictoria thank you!! Im glad to hear you’re starting to have cravings! I cant wait to start having mine! Haha!! My nausea has been calming down as well. Im trying meditation. Haha
I hope you find a doctor you love! And i think having good nicu will be nice to have tho. Tough decisions. As for me, we only have 1 good hopsital here so choice isnt too hard. Hehe.

today i have lost 5 lbs already. But i bought ensure and so far it has not made me nauseous!! So hopefully this helps w weight gain. Also like i said, my nausea has been less. Reflux is bad but that’s fine w me. cravings soon i hope! Haha

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