IVF 2020 Chatter

@FTale thanks so much. My doctor friend actually just reassured me that my second choice hospital is still a very good hospital. My mom is a pediatric nurse and has said the same, and one of my cousins is a nurse and has had all four of her children there, so I am all reassured.

Waffles sound amazing right now! Eggs have actually been one of my food aversions since early on but I did have a bite of scrambled eggs with my turkey bacon and a biscuit yesterday. So I need to pair it with meat, but on their own, I don't think I would want them.

What's new with you? I hope that all is well.

@Katzoemac I'm sure they'll kick in soon enough, and then you'll be at their mercy. Mine don't go away until I eat them. My new one is a meat lover's calzone from this one restaurant that makes them to order, so we can get ours with no cheese (we're both lactose intolerant). I'm thinking I'll swing by and pick a couple up for hubby and I after my doctor appointment on Wednesday. I really do hope that I'm happy with this office. And as I told FTale above, my second choice hospital really isn't so bad at all. It does have a NICU, it's just the other hospital has a more advanced one (level 2 versus level 4). But I hope to not need the NICU at all! Hope you start to feel better soon!

I'm feeling a little crummy today but felt pretty good over the weekend. We took a short road trip to see my in-laws. My mother-in-law is a saint and did a lot of cooking/baking for me as I've been craving some of her specialties. It was a beautiful day (we only do outside visits spaced apart) and nice to see them. Then I pushed myself to take an afternoon walk yesterday, which ended up being a nice time at the waterfront with my husband and our fur baby. I look forward to pushing our little one in the stroller next year on walks!
@LadyVictoria :) That is so very very relieving to hear. It helps so much when you get to find out people you know and trust approve. YAY!! And I just had a funny thought. That when those contractions hit, you will be like 'take me anywhere NOW"...lol...well, you might be calmer than I was. I was all good to go until 7 cm. I had the thought of 'What is this? Oh, no, no no no no...." hahaha..but I was different. I had already had my cerclage stitch taken out like an hour or so maybe 3 before hand so I was still sore and stail. This time around I will get the stitch out much sooner so I can have time to stretch my perineum more and not tear or as badly. Look at me planning..haha..better get pregnant first.

Right now I am chilling and sipping wine or a hard cider when ever I want. We didn't do anything too exciting to catch eggy on our own this cycle but we got close to O day and that's that. I think I am only 3 dpo today and it will be the last day of alcohol for me. Really I am only having some because I know after this cycle going into next month I won't have any hopefully for the next 11 months if my prayers are answered.

Loved ready about your walk with your fur baby. It was nice huh? We got out this weekend for our first family walk since moving into our new home back in December. It was piping hot but so much fun.

Well, gonna chill out before doing my round of shots and oral progesterone. I like to be on an empty stomach but I can still feel dinner.

Catch you all later
@FTale LOL I bet you're right! I get a little nervous when I think about going into labor since it's just so unpredictable. Thankfully both hospitals are close to our house so it'll be a quick drive. I'm just worried about what we'll do with our dog, since if nothing changes between now and March, my husband won't be able to leave the hospital to take care of her since they wouldn't let him come back. We may need to drop her off at my mom's house. But I guess I won't worry about those details just yet.

And I'm so afraid to tear! I'll have to look into stretching and proper pushing techniques to try to minimize that risk. Although I think about my mom and older sister, who both ended up having c-sections for all of their children. I get faint just thinking about major surgery but they both recovered well - my mom has all 3 of us that way and my sister had 2.

And yum - I rarely miss alcohol but a hard cinder sounds so tasty right now. We have a local cider mill that makes apple cider slushies and all kinds of baked goods (pies, donuts, etc.) that reopened recently and I really want to do a curbside pick up order! Thanks for reminding me. I hope that you are able to enjoy your drinks now and that you won't be able to have any more for a long time! :D
@LadyVictoria...I was so thinking of doing a C Section...LOL...but I will just keep it on the back burner. Maybe I will luck out and not need a cerclage?? Who knows but massaging the perineum will help tremendously Look it up!!

My alcohol craving is gone and now I want to eat yummy pies after reading your post...oh, I love pies! I hope you did curbside for some goodies there!!
@LadyVictoria...I was so thinking of doing a C Section...LOL...but I will just keep it on the back burner. Maybe I will luck out and not need a cerclage?? Who knows but massaging the perineum will help tremendously Look it up!!

My alcohol craving is gone and now I want to eat yummy pies after reading your post...oh, I love pies! I hope you did curbside for some goodies there!!

@FTale there's nothing wrong with that! My sister toyed around with the idea of doing a VBAC for 2 seconds then decided to just schedule a C-Section because she was due the day after Christmas and wanted to be home with baby for the holiday. I'm going to try to talk my husband into picking some cider and donuts up later this week! And I plan on picking up my other craving tomorrow after my OBGYN appointment - a meat lover's calzone and french fries. Now that my appetite is back, I want junk! But I've been doing a pretty good job of balancing the cravings with eating healthier foods. I called to see if I'd be getting an ultrasound tomorrow but of course I'm not. I'm a little bummed but not surprised. Next one will be at the end of the month around 12 weeks. I just want to see our little love bug and how much it's grown over these past couple of weeks and hear that beautiful heartbeat again.
@LadyVictoria Agreed. Just want to see the lil bub. I know I could just stare at the sono all day if I could. I recall renting a doppler too but they say not to use it all the time because its not good for baby but I did it often enough to give me comfort. Its not that good until after 10weeks though.

I can't believe at the end of the month you will be 12 wks or so. Crazy. :D And I think its important to balance good and junk food. Your body knows what it wants. Right now mine wants sleep....haha I have been feeling so sick today and had so much work to do. I did what I could and will finish it up tomorrow but there is always new work...rofl. I am not stressing.Pacing myself because IVF is going to be highly stressful and I will be working full time because there is no one else to do my job at work. I am still hoping I don't have to do it because I will have to camp out in a hotel for a few days until retrieval versus driving back and forth every other day to make sure my eggs do not get too big or I hyperovulate. My latest fear is growing eggs that don't grow (face slap) Ok, I'm thinking to much and need to rest.

I will be getting some donuts though. You got that stuck in my mind!! ahaha
@FTale I'm literally counting down the days until our next ultrasound - 19 to go! I really liked the new OBGYN office that I went to this week and my husband will be able to come to ultrasounds, which was an unexpected surprise!

Yeah I've definitely had some junk over the past couple days but now I'm getting back on track. I just want nothing to do with vegetables right now, but fruits are great. I hope you feel better soon and that you'll find a way to manage work and IVF. I'm sure our jobs are different, but I found it pretty easy up until my retrieval recovery took longer than anticipated. It will all work out!

I still haven't gotten my donuts! I'm on a sugar kick but trying to be good. Between fruit juices and some treats my mother-in-law baked for us, I figured I'd hold off on the cider and donuts for a little while.
@LadyVictoria hahahaha...Yes, I feel you on holding off on more sure. 19 days is nothing! I am overjoyed your hubby gets to be with you during the sonos. This is so special I can't believe hospitals are putting up so many barriers for couples having a baby.

As far as doctors for myself, I am still undecided just yet. I need a high risk in network doc so...ugh. I think actually knowing I am pregnant will kick start my actual search/nailing a doc.

Thank you for the well wishes too....I am now sporting a weird type of brain freeze headache and better go to sleep before I make it worse.

HUGS you all.....keep me posted on your pregnancies. If you have a preggy journal you post, let me know and I'll go stalk you there.
@FTale Yes, I try to eat my sweets in moderation. I've really needed to up my fiber and water lately - the pregnancy constipation is real!

I'm very glad that my husband can be there with me too. It would be such a bummer for him to miss out on these milestone moments. I think I'm going to book a private ultrasound so we can find out the sex sooner though. My anatomy scan isn't until the end of October but I could get an early gender determination scan as soon as 14 weeks, which would be mid September. I also just ordered my dress and some accessories for our dog for our announcement photo shoot, which will also be early to mid September. I am beyond excited! I've waited so long for this.

I hope you start to feel better soon! I'm sure that actually being pregnant will light a fire underneath you to find someone. That's how it was for me with finding a new OBGYN, although it felt kind of stressful and made me wish that I had switched sooner lol

Has anyone heard from @Katzoemac ? I hope that all is well!
Hey checking in.

Wanted to make sure I let you all know my decision to not do IVF. Not with the red flag shady docs or at all. I just couldn't put my money where the tampon goes....thus I will be using them for some time still until my miracle baby or I finally let go. I am 43. I think I will probably stop thinking about getting pregnant when I'm kissing 45. And boy its getting close. :oops:

I will continue to pray for you all and absolutely cannot wait to hear more about your pregnancies!!!

So please check in as you feel and know 'I am ok'.

I am still ttcing. Have a new gadget on the way in the mail. I will try it out in this new cycle then give my reviews.

Hugs all
@FTale Sending you all the love :hugs:I'm sure this was not an easy decision for you. However this TTC journey results for you, I wish you all the happiness in the world! And I hope your new gadget is helpful! What did you get? I used the Ava bracelet up until we got my husband's diagnosis. It worked great for tracking my cycle but it turns out that timing was the least of our issues...

Let's definitely keep in touch, as I'll certainly miss having you around here!
@LadyVictoria Thank you so much. I feel kind of loss. Making myself eat healthy foods only so I don't gain anymore weight while I readjust to not doing IVF any longer. To easy to pop open a bag of chips and drown my sorrows in a can of lime soda...hehehe.

The 'gadget', I won't mention until it actually comes in the mail. I do not expect it until after the 25th of this month. It is coming from the UK and I am preparing myself to be completely amazed by the product :dance:or have my money stolen and never get it. :nope:

I don't want to give free advertisement to a product I only 'think' will help me.

Mean while, no matter how many veggies I eat, I'm still hungry. AF has to be on its way because the eating is insane

I took my last progesterone yesterday. So no more of it till after af and o. Just hope the cramps don't suck too bad.

Have you heard from Katz???? I hope she is ok too. I'm sure she is just chilling out.
@FTale I know it's hard to resist the junk sometimes. I drank so much wine when our transfer in March got cancelled due to the pandemic... I let myself be sad and eat what I wanted. I think taking time to grieve and give those feelings space to just be is healthy, as long as you don't let yourself get stuck there long-term. So eat those chips and drink that lime soda for now if that makes you feel an ounce better.

Oh that does make sense. Well I hope you do receive the product and that it works well for you! I wonder if the progesterone is making you hungry, even though you're off it now. I was ravenous when I started it until the morning sickness kicked in. And I haven't heard from @Katzoemac ! I really hope that everything is okay.
@LadyVictoria it may be the progesterone. It should wear off soon. I add a lik shredded chees to my veggies. I am being a good girl. I want to alkaline my body in time for ovulation next cycle. See if that helps as well.

I really hope Katz checks in soon. Worried about her.

Do you have a room set up for baby? Shower planned? All that fun stuff..lol My daughter told me she was nesting in her room the other day. I laughed so hard. Then said, did you mean resting? She said ,no, nesting. I explained to her nesting and she giggled shyly and changed the subject BUHAHAHAH..kids..

Meanwhile, thank you for advice. I am simmering down. Though i still get the urge to cry. I dont want to. I just want to be happy and be healthy enough when or if I ever do conceive again.
@FTale Well hopefully your appetite goes back to normal. I've never tried an alkaline diet but I've heard good things about being in an alkaline state. I'm worried about Katz too! :( Hopefully the twins are just tiring her out too much to check in as often.

As for your questions, no, I don't have any of those things set up. My temporary home office is in our future nursery and hubby has cleared out a lot of stuff though, because we were previously using this room for storage. I have started looking at furniture and items for my registry (started with travel systems) but I won't pull the trigger until I know what we're having. I'm not throwing my own shower but my mom and my sister-in-law have both offered (they will be virtual) and I know my supervisor will throw a work shower for me so I do look forward to those in due time.

Today I booked our private ultrasound to learn the sex in about a month so I'm very excited for that! We also plan to throw a little outdoor gender reveal gathering for family after we find out. We also have our NT scan in a couple weeks and I'm SO looking forward to seeing our baby again, especially since it will look so much more like a baby at 13 weeks. And I'm getting everything ready for our announcement photo shoot. I just ordered a couple dresses and my dog's accessories and other props... So lots to look forward to next month!


You do !!!

Brings a tear to my eye thinking of how you get to announcement. Such a special occasion that you want to go just perfect. Me? No. I'd ruin it. I'm horrible at secrets and surprises....hahahaha

Prayers for seeing a cute and healthy lil sprout kicking about on your next sono! Getting the room all set up can wait really. I know I've told my husband that I didn't see a point in the baby having their own room. I planned to be looking at them 24/7 so might as well sleep next to our bed...hehehe. At least until they are 6 months old.

Well, I hope Katz checks in too. But even if she doesn't will still be praying all is ok.

I just had some fried cabbage soup, well I fried it before I steam/boiled it rofl....I did many things to it. So goood. Now I need a nap. ;)
@Bevziibubble Thank you!

@FTale You're too funny! There will be a week in between our gender determination ultrasound and our reveal gathering so my husband and I will have to be very careful about not letting anything slip!

And thank you so much! Sometimes it's hard not to worry and wonder if everything's okay in there but I'm just trusting that our little one is perfect and growing strong. At 11 weeks today it's the size of a strawberry. I love those size comparisons in the WTE app. I do plan on setting up a nursery but also having a bedside bassinet for earlier on. I know we have time, but I'm just so excited to finally be pregnant that we're kind of going all out for this little one!

Yes, I will also keep @Katzoemac in my positive thoughts!
Sorry was at the Vet with the kitty. Their parking lot is toast. You have to dive bomb down a steep drive just to leave and it scoops the bottom of my car every time. I am getting him snipped next week then changing vets. None of our vehicles are high enough to not get destroyed. :(

OMG 11 weeks?? Its been that long already. I need a wall calendar so I can keep up with what day it ACTUALLY is..loll..my mind is programmed to cd and dpo only..hahahaha

Hey if you slip up won't change the level of happy!!!! Such an exciting time indeed!! Right mindset of grabbing hold of this pregnancy and enjoying it all. I'm sure baby feels all you feel good hormones flowing around. Best home ever!!!

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