IVF 2020 Chatter

Thank you, I'm glad everything is going well and baby is doing great. This whole process feels challenging but all will be worth it at end. Wishing you a healthy pregnancy.
@Katzoemac Very exciting! Congratulations again. And I'm sure their yolk sacs are there if they have heartbeats so I wouldn't worry about that at all!

@elek87 Welcome to the club! I wish you and your husband the best as you get started.

@FTale Keep dreaming big! I've heard of so many people conceiving on their own just before they were meant to start IVF. Not possible in our case but you never know, it could happen to you!

We had a couple scares yesterday, ladies. I honestly don't know how much more my husband and I can take. But I will say that our little blueberry is doing well in there and we are 7 weeks today. But here's what happened:
Yesterday I had horrible cramps (turned out to be gas, but still, it hurt SO bad) and some brown spotting when I tried to use the bathroom. I panicked and called my IVF Center and they were able to get us in for an ultrasound right away with a different nurse practitioner than the one we saw before. She really struggled with the ultrasound. She could barely get a clear picture or clear measurement of the heartbeat, then proceeded to tell us that our baby was measuring small and that the heart rate had dropped to 55BPM, down from 112BPM last Friday. I was so devastated that I couldn't even think straight, but thankfully my husband asked if our RE was in and to see if he could come down and take a look. Well thank God that he did because he found the baby right away and its heart was beating perfectly at 120BPM! We could even see the amniotic sac in some shots. Our doctor apologized profusely for the first scan and said he would speak with the NP. So we will be seeing him for our next ultrasound and that should be the last one before my OBGYN appointment on 8/4.

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Emotional roller coaster doesn't even begin to describe our feelings after that mix up, but we are just grateful that our little one is doing well. The spotting has stopped and my gas is much more manageable today thankfully. They said that the spotting could be from my cervix being irritated from my vaginal estrace and that progesterone can cause gas. So that helped to put our minds at ease.
@Bevziibubble Thank you! It really did feel unreal. I struggled to process it in the moment but I'm so glad my husband spoke up, and in a very kind way so as to not insult the NP. He was very composed while I basically froze. I am so grateful for him.

@elek87 Thank you! There are so many hurdles to jump when pursuing IVF. One of the realest quotes that I've read about it is, "IVF is a marathon, not a sprint." I honestly couldn't agree more.
LadyVictoria that was scary just reading!! What the hell? If you think you are seeing some thing that bad you need to call some one else in for a second opinion before shooting off heart stopping info like that. I am so glad you doc swooped in to the rescue. Can't beat expertise when it comes to ultra sounds. Rub your baby bumb for me and tell baby its gonna be already. Put you feet up and drink plenty of water as often as you can. HUGS

AFM: I see my doc on the 4th too!! I find out what he plans to do with us for IVF. I bit the bullet and just solidified the loan for the fertiltiy treatment. It was hard but the amount we ended up needing once I eliminated PGS testing (doesn't always gurantee a pregnancy) especially since I was cleared any any genetic problems. I am not 100% crazy about the place but this is where we are at in the process and unless I see some thing that is a total deal breaker we will stick with them.

The loan we got is personal and in our own bank account so we can go anywhere we want right now.

Sigh...I am 9dpo and tested bfn today. I will test in the morning or weekend or both but will stop progesterone if not pregnant on 12dpo.

Its preggy this cycle or IVF within the next two cycles.

Thank you all so much for the encouragement!!! I need it so much right now. I feel so wishy washy.

I will keep you all posted.

Have a great morning afternoon or evening where every you are.....lol
@FTale it def is a huge jump getting on board w ivf especially if not covered by insurance but pray pray pray!
Ill be here to support you! ☺️

@LadyVictoria omggg we are the same! I had a scare last night too!! I had severe cramps, but TMI but i also had diarrhea and gas. I had i had cream cos i read online it can help w nausea, bad idea cos i am lactose intolerant lol! My hubby reassured me was just that. I didnt have the discharge tho....but still scary! Yours tho! I wouldve lost my mind!!! Especially w the mistake on heart rate!!!! That’s not cool. But im glad your baby is doing so well!!!! Reading your post, saw that 55 , scared me!! but thank God RE was there! ☺️

i have my next US till 2 weeks :/ i want another one already cos the cramp last night scared me, also my nausea is not as bad today so scary a little bit. But for thise of you who have been preggy before, do pregnancy symptoms come and go?
Katz yes! They do. Especially as your body adjusts. I was pregnant with girls both pregnancies and I didn't have morning nausea at all. Whenever I have used trigger...omg I wake up in the am completely wanting to toss my cookies then by afternoon I was fine. That was just with the shot.

But your hcg is going to start really rising and there is no telling how your body will react. Along with how much water are you taking in , are you as active as you once were. And foods, will trigger you body as well. So if it is starting to feel a lil evened out do not get comfy because it could change in a heart beat and you are puking 24/7. BUT always go with your gut if you want to make sure every thing is alright. No one can tell you 'you're just fine' but you because only you know your body best. I woke up 3 days ago and I had this feeling instantly ' you are not pregnant'...I wanted to die. I wanted it to be a lie but I just knew. And sure enough 10dpo all my tests are bfn and the last 3 days I have had the worst chills and bood pain has disappeared.

I am so sad but this ttc journey is not over. I call in a few minutes to see when I have my appt to find out when I start Stims...lol lots of whens lol

HUGS please take care of your body, let us know if you get in for an early scan. And yes......gas hurts when preg. :blush:
Elek87 how are you coming along? What are you doing in the meantime? Are you ttcing still or just on break?

MissCassie same are you doing anything special while you wait for transfer?

I am hungry but too lazy to budge from my blankets. Need to find my socks....hahah On Fridays my job doesn't stay opened for long so I have my laptop on my bed just in case some one dares to have me do work..rofl...being funny. I am thankful for my job every single day that I wear pajamas to work. :lol: School starts soon though and I will be home schooling my 10 year. We are going to do our best not to kill each other. Covid has turned her into a total hermit. I hope to break this and get her use to sunlight and hugs again. Poor kiddos of Covid. God send us a cure very soon. Amen
@FTale I completely agree that she should have had someone double check. We shouldn't have had to ask for our doctor to come down and we shouldn't have been put in that position at all. We're so grateful that our little baby is just perfect and we talk to it all the time! Always words of encouragement and positive affirmations.

I'm excited for both of our upcoming appointments! Can't wait to hear how yours goes. We didn't PGS test and so far, I have no regrets there. It's just not a perfect science and if we were able to conceive naturally, it wouldn't be an option. And sorry you're not feeling pregnant. That's such an interesting concept to me because I really didn't feel different until I was 5+4 and the morning sickness started. I wonder if I'll just know next time?

@Katzoemac You ate regular ice cream and you're lactose intolerant? I am too and that would definitely tear up my stomach, so no wonder you had those awful symptoms. My husband is also lactose intolerant (I always say he gave it to me) so we buy vegan substitutes. I don't know if the So Delicious brand is sold where you are, but they make amazing dairy free ice cream made with a variety of nut milks (coconut, almond, cashew). Cashew milk ice cream tastes the most like the real deal in my opinion. Ben & Jerry's also makes some great dairy free options as well.

I hope the time flies between now and your ultrasound! I've really enjoyed having one each week, although I wish they were under less stressful circumstances! Our next one got bumped up to Tuesday morning and it may be the last one with our RE. I don't know if I'll have one at my first OBGYN appointment or not. It's also a whole new office for me so they said they'd mail me some information.
@LadyVictoria I think symptoms and body changes will happen alot sooner for you. I can't say I knew right away only hindsight with my second. But my first I should have known by the way my nipples hurt. It was so funny. I was bumping in air with them bad boys. And I STILL didn't have a clue.

I like that women get preggers and do not have symptoms early on. Because its lets me know that there is no 'normal' pregnancy symptoms until you are really in the thick of it. And even then some of us just won't feel things as bad as others.

I am happy we are not doing the PGS cause man the amount of money it took off the procedure is so relieving. My husband sounded so happy....lol

I just found out so far we can get 25% off some of the shot
  • Follistim AQ Cartridge (follitropin beta injection)
  • Ganirelix Acetate Injection
  • Pregnyl (chorionic gonadotropin for injection, USP)
I am waiting to see what we can get through Compassionat Care and I know Freedom Pharmacy has discounts too. Will see who has the best and go with them.

I still wish I could get a bfp some time before Monday ;)

Give baby bump a rub for me. Sing a favorite song of yours too. I found my dd like the abc song...rofl. She would hum it or breathe it in her baby sleep...I do not lie. Babies are survivors and they can learn early on so much if you teach it to them. I wasn't even trying. Soooo cute. Hugs
Spotting. Its over and a new journey is beginning. Nervous.

Will let you all know whats next when I do.

Thinking of you :hugs:

Thank you.

I am on hold till doc visit on the 4th. The nurse said he doesn't want me to over suppress my ovaries so by the time I see them I will be cd 7 or 8 and I from what the nurse said he likes to start bcp on cd 3 of the cycle. I can't believe they are going to make me wait a whole additional cycle just for bcp. I don't even need it. I stimulate just fine.

Trying not to stress. All I had was thick brown cm and two needle pricks of dark blood. Never had so lil before in my life. If it was 6dpo or 7dpo I would be keen to think IB but 12dpo. I don' t know. BFN and I took my red raspberry leaf tabs to help tone my uterus. So will be cramping soon and guess af will start.

Work is busy busy busy this week so at least I will have a distraction. Better get back to resting before I start really plowing into work. HUGS
Hi all!! Ive been so sick this past week :( this weekend been in bed all day. My nausea is bad....i actually would rather be in hospital on iv fluids than to have to eat and drink, but im trying my best for the babies . I have to. Anyway, if anyone of you have suggestions on nausea please let me know. Im really struggling.

I just read all posts. @FTale sorry last cycle was bfn. But new journey begins!! Excited for you. My RE also put me on bcp for 1 month before starting stims. I dont really know why. And also didnt fo PGS, too much money plus i was reading some embryos dont make it or gets lower grade after thawing or testing. We decided we leave it up to God :)
@LadyVictoria thank you for your suggestions! Im staying away from ice cream for now lol. A little traumatized haha! How you been ? Has nausea struck you?
@Katzoemac so sorry you are so sick I totally know how you feel as I was so sick with both of mine my DD was worst I was still being sick right after she was born :sick: Please do get meds from your Dr to help with it - for me taking them didn't stop me being sick but made i more manageable at least

@FTale Interesting. Well it's been 2 weeks of morning sickness and fatigue so we'll see what else comes my way. I look forward to it subsiding, hopefully by the second trimester like everyone says! I will definitely have to sing to the little one more. We mostly just talk to it.

I'm sorry this cycle didn't work out but I wish you the best as you embark on your IVF journey! We're all here for you if you feel overwhelmed and need a little pep talk! :hugs2:

@Katzoemac I feel for you with the nausea and fatigue. I imagine it must be more intense with two babies in there! Mine is manageable, thankfully. The sea bands really help to tone it down. I have to force myself through small meals and eat lots of snacks, but I do feel better after eating. So I'm pushing through it.

We had our last scan at the IVF Center today and have officially graduated to the OBGYN! I have my first appointment with them in a week. We are so in love with our little baby already. Our RE said that I am 7+4 based on my transfer date but baby is measuring ahead of that. Its heart rate was perfect at 160BPM and we got to see its spine and arm buds. The feet were hiding behind the yolk sac. I stay on PIO and Estrace until 8/13 and cannot wait for that last shot! I'm excited for this to start feeling like a more normal pregnancy but we'll definitely miss our REs and the weekly scans.

7-28-20 Ultrasound.JPG

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