WTT for #1 thread

I agree! We haven't told anyone that we are waiting and plan to TTC soon -- it's so nice to be in touch with a few people in a similar situation!
Hi, I'm new here today. We are waiting to try until we both have permanent jobs. It is a bit frustrating at times as so many of our friends are having babies, but we want to be in as good a position as we can be first I guess. It is nice to find a place where I can say this and see other folk in the same boat so howdy!
I'm in the same situation. My DH is not quite ready. I've been ready for while. We've been married for 4 years!
We'll be TTC for #1 in January 2015. As my journal states, we're waiting to get our finances in order and want to enjoy a little time to ourselves beforehand since we just got married.

I really don't want to tell anyone that we're trying to conceive or when we'll try. I just don't want to have to deal with that awkwardness if some were to happen.
So far we have been wtt #1
Usually its a mixture of insurance/funding so far

We have done 2 IUIs in our past and this month I had a theraputic D&C and waiting for pathology to come back to see when we can begin ttc again.

I had a lap/hysteroscopy/HSG for endo/adenomyosis last spring.

Never been pregnant yet just a list of Problems so far :cry: sometimes I feel super broken other days I feel like I'm okay :thumbup:

I will never give up on having a family :flower: we just may have to have a few different plans for us :)
I'm WTT indefinitely. I want a baby, but DH is not ready. If he has it his way, it'll be at least 9-10 years before we have a baby. It will not be 9-10 years before we have a baby! I just couldn't take it anymore and had to find others who know how it feels :cry:
Hey everyone. I'm Niki and waiting until January 2015 to ttc. Been with my partner for 11 years and own our own place. He owns a successful business and although I'm not where I wait to be career wise Im earning ok money and financially we can afford to have a baby.

I'm 32 this year and my partner is 35. The main reason for wtt is because we want to save some money first and also the rather selfish reason that we have some amazing holidays booked in November and December and I don't want to be pregnant for them :/
Hello everyone!

I am a 26-year old in a common law relationship with my boyfriend. We have been together for 3 years.

I am extremely maternal and have always known I wanted to be a mother ever since I can remember (pregnancy and breast feeding dreams around 11 years old). My dream number of babies is 4 although my bf's is 1 so we will have to meet in the middle. :)

I am hoping we become engaged in the near future, however I am now ready in my life to welcome a baby into my life and start making a family whether or not we are married first.

I am all about simplicity, harmony with nature, and natural health. I hope to have a water birth with a midwife when I am blessed to be able to do so.

Happy to met you all!
Hi everyone

I'm 31 and its nice to see some people on here around my age WTT for number 1! It's also nice to see so many people in the same situation, I can't really talk about it with any of my friends and I don't want to keep going on to my partner about it (although I can't help it!) so its nice to have an outlet for it all!
I am extremely maternal and have always known I wanted to be a mother ever since I can remember (pregnancy and breast feeding dreams around 11 years old).

I know exactly what you're talking about :) I had a very realistic dream about being pregnant when I was 10 or 11. I remember that I felt so happy in the dream, sort of similar to the pictures of chakras that feature bright light in one's belly :) So when I got pregnant at 19 (not planned, ended with miscarriage at 10 weeks), I had exactly the same feeling of this all-embracing happiness inside me. I am now WTT for #1 in October and can't wait to experience it again :)

I'm new here, I'm 31 and we have to decided to be ntnp around November.

Got a couple of financial issues to sort in the next couple of months and I don't want the pressure of officially being TTC.

For the same reason I have only told one person, I just don't want the pressure of people giving me lots of "advice" and trying to guess if it's happened yet!

I'm mainly here so I can talk anonymously and see how I can prepare myself mentally and physically :)
Welcome - I'm nut telling anyone either, people just start analysing your every move
Hi everyone, I'm new on here. My husband and I are both 28 and waiting to try until the fall for our first. We have been together nearly 8 years and just got married in the spring.

I noticed some of you talking about whether or not you would tell people you are trying. I was leaning towards not telling - other than maybe my very best friends and parents. Husband wants to tell the whole world though...
Hey All!

I'm excited that I found this forum so I don't have to keep bothering my friends or my OH with my baby plans/talk! I'm 27 and OH is 29, we are engaged as of this past February and are VERY indecisive so far with our wedding/eloping plans. Some background: A few months after I turned 25, I endured my first bout of 'baby fever'. At that time, OH and I had just opened our auto repair business and had just bought property to begin building our dream home.. Needless to say, we weren't in any shape to be starting a family just then..

Fast forward to now where there have been big changes to allow us to have a baby now, as well as some that are holding us back a bit... Our business has more than tripled in size and we now have enough personnel that can run the place without me if I'm out on maternity leave in the near future :) We have our house fairly close to being done, but the upstairs (kids) bedrooms still need some work.. We still need to work out our wedding plans and get married before getting pregnant.. Lastly, I will be starting grad school this September, so until my graduation next August, baby time has to be pushed back :(

The important part is that OH and I are both extremely excited at the thought of starting a family together and are always having conversations about our ETA with 'baby time', haha. As of right now, I'll graduate from grad school in August of 2015, we are planning to get married on October 10th of 2015, and lastly, we expect the house to be completely done by December of 2015.. The new 'baby time' goal is to start trying on or within a few days of our wedding day (depending on O day). We sort of set up a back-up plan/date of October of 2016 for baby time if we need to push it back for any reason.

Anyway, sorry this is so long but it's so nice to be able to get this stuff out to others who might be looking at a timeline like I am... I think the hardest part of waiting at this point is that most of my friends have already had their first or have plans to try for a baby before 2015.. So of course, it makes me even more baby fever-ish to hear about their exciting baby plans...
Hi everyone, I'm new on here. My husband and I are both 28 and waiting to try until the fall for our first. We have been together nearly 8 years and just got married in the spring.

I noticed some of you talking about whether or not you would tell people you are trying. I was leaning towards not telling - other than maybe my very best friends and parents. Husband wants to tell the whole world though...

My OH is under strict instructions not to tell anyone. This will limit the number of people he tells!!
Hi everyone

I'm 31 and its nice to see some people on here around my age WTT for number 1! It's also nice to see so many people in the same situation, I can't really talk about it with any of my friends and I don't want to keep going on to my partner about it (although I can't help it!) so its nice to have an outlet for it all!

I Completely understand!!!
I finally joined this forum as an outlet, myself...

My family knows how badly I've always wanted to be a momma. They've been waiting a good while for me to have kids, but I only first met my husband at 28, lol. We've been married for 3 months now, and I'm so happy to have finally found my partner!

However, I just turned 31 and suddenly everything in me is screaming, "Its Time to Make a Baby!!!" Now I think about it every day. I feel restless and broody, while DH is taking such a casual approach to timing..and it makes me nuts..lol..

I'm so glad to have a space to release some of the pent up baby-angst "crazies"..in a community of ladies who understand.
Welcome ladies!

The only people that know are my mom, my best friend and my coworker. I don't need people asking my 24/7 what's happening with my uterus lol.

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