Reactive Lymph Nodes...


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2011
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Hi everyone.
First of I need to say that I have severe health anxiety and I can come across slightly over the top when it comes to health....

I just need a little advice.
Beginning of December. My 6 Yr old comes and tells me he's not feeling well. I look at him and he has these great big lumps sticking out both side of his neck (nearer to the back) I start freaking out. I googled it and straight away cancer comes up as it does. Few days passes and I realise he has swollen tonsils with them too. Ring the Dr. Refuse to see him due to COVID. I send them a photo they tell me they're very swollen but no white spots, it's a viral infection can't give you anti biotics so will settle on it own... 3 weeks later I ring them up again I say they've slightly gone down but the lump on his neck on the right is huge. Left side lump has gone by then. She tells me it's normal it's called a reactive node. Anyway fast forward to now. It's still there. It's still big they're not concerned but he's gone for a blood test to check for iron and infections. I've read online so many children have had these and have never actually gone back down...

I just need some reassurance. With everything happening in the UK noone will see us because it's not urgent but I can't help thinking the worse

Anyone have positive stories?
Firstly, relax and stop googling. I have horrendous health anxiety too, so I get it, but you need to stop googling as google ALWAYS says cancer.
What kind of cancer are you specifically worried about? Have you mentioned that you are worried about cancer to the GP?
I’m in a high covid area (near Glasgow) where the NHS have cancelled all non emergency everything, yet my daughter got a same day appointment for constipation. They absolutely would see you if they were concerned.
Thank you for reply. My worry would be lymphoma or leukemia but he doesn't have any other symptoms. His dad isn't concerned either because he's showing 0 signs of being poorly. Hasn't lost weight etc. But I just hate how visible his lump is. They won't see him because they're not allowed to look down people's throat even though at one point they thought he could have glandular fever.
Thank you for reply. My worry would be lymphoma or leukemia but he doesn't have any other symptoms. His dad isn't concerned either because he's showing 0 signs of being poorly. Hasn't lost weight etc. But I just hate how visible his lump is. They won't see him because they're not allowed to look down people's throat even though at one point they thought he could have glandular fever.
What about if you take the throat issues out of the equation and call individually about the lump which won’t go away? Have you told them you are concerned about lymphoma?
Funnily enough, lymphoma is my #1 anxiety cancer. I was convinced I had it for years, abs now I’m convinced my dad has it. In the midst of all of this, my dog actually had lymphoma.
When my dog had lymphoma, it was totally obvious what it was instantly. I thought I knew what “huge” nodes were, but I was wrong. My dog had a routine checkup at the vet, exactly 7 days later a HUGE swelling under his chin formed. It was around the size of a tennis ball, and completely solid like rock. I know he is a dog and your son is a human, but the disease is exactly the same. The lump got bigger and bigger in the week it took for results to come back and treatment to start. He could barely swallow.
If the doctor thought lymphoma was even a remote possibility, they would see you. Our health board is in the top alert level. My papa was actually just sent for imaging on a neck swelling on Monday. My dad has been to his GP twice about a rash, and had also been sent for blood tests and a chest x Ray. Dd has been to the GP for her stomach issues and has a follow up next week. They would not leave someone with suspected cancer.

Also, those cancers are likely to flag up on a blood test. When is his blood test? There is a girl near me who was recently diagnosed with leukaemia (who has just completed treatment and is cancer free!) and she got collected by ambulance the same day as her blood test to start treatment right away.
I have severe health anxiety too and totally get how awful it is.

However, reactive nodes like this are common in children. My eldest's nodes come up quite prominently in her neck when she is ill. She has had one on the right side that has never really gone down since she was a baby. It isn't huge, but it is visible, especially when she turns her head. Nobody who has looked at it has ever been worried by it.

I believe Bevziibubble's son has/had a huge node in his neck with illness that had to be checked out, but has not caused any problems ... hopefully she will be along at some point!
Yes, as Meep says, my son has a huge node in the side of his neck. It used to be a lot bigger and it used to go to almost the size of a golf ball when he was under the weather. He was prone to tonsillitis and it would swell up every time he got it. The doctor said it was a swollen node and that it may always be there but go smaller in time. He still has it but it hasn't swollen up in a while and is a lot smaller than it used to be.
Ladied thank you so much for replying to me. You have no idea how much I needed to hear this. Everyone i try to talk too make such a big deal about it making my anxiety 100times worse when they full well know how anxious I get.

His blood test was last week and I'm hoping it comes back clear.

His has never been a size of a golf ball but really visible if he turns his head all the way to the left. I'm so glad I came and asked on here because Dr Google can be a right **** at times haha. I'll try and update you if anything happens but thank you again xxxxx

Good luck for the results :) I'm sure everything will be fine :)
We've received his result and his white blood cell counts were a little high. The Dr said he's not worried and I shouldn't be worried. The numbers are showing a sign of an infection. I asked if it was cancer and he said no. However he needs another test to see if the Wbc goes down. Obvs I googled it and it high white blood cells and a lump is a sign of lymphoma. I hate Google!!! I'm trying to stay calm because the Dr wasn't worried but I can't help it. I just hope the blood test comes back clear next time.

Google is the worst! :hugs:
The white blood cells will be higher if he's got an infection. Sometimes it can be a small infection that you don't even know they've got but the white blood cell count will be higher. I think they would most likely be a lot higher if it was lymphoma and he would have other symptoms too. I'm sure everything is OK and if the doctor was overly concerned then they would be rushing things through immediately :hugs:
I had that as a kid. Every. Single. Time. I was sick, big golf balls in my neck, basically. Every single time. It went away when I was a little older, and I didn't have cancer or anything! I was fine, just anytime my body was fighting an infection, the lymph nodes in my neck would swell up! Doctors would tell my mom, my body was localizing and fighting the infection.

It wasn't painful or anything, and they'd always go away! :hugs:
Try to remember that white blood cells will be high with any sort of infection, as that's what they are there for. And in susceptible children, the lymph nodes will swell with any sort of infection also. My daughter's node (which has never really gone away) was determined to be due to cradle cap!

If the white cells were at lymphoma levels, they'd be fast-tracking your son. A little high is nothing to worry about. I am sure they will go down again.

I totally get the fear though and hope you are ok. <3
Thank you everyone for taking your time to read and reply to me. My DS had his repeated his blood test and found out this week they came back normal. His little gland is still a little swollen. Nothing like December so I'm keeping positive. Its obviously going to take its time to go back down but I feel so much better knowing his bloods are normal xxx
Ah, brilliant. I'm so glad and hope you will be able to relax now. :D
Just another little update... After all that the Drs wanted to be 100% sure he was OK so sent him for an ultrasound. Turns out he has 2 reactive lymph nodes next to each other creating one big lump and both came back benign. Now I can definitely relax. Thank you again ladies xx

I'm so glad you've got that reassurance. What a relief!

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