pre-IVF anxiety... Help!!

How is everyone doing? I still think of you all and our babies who grow so fast.

@WinterBub how are you? Sending lots of prayers of good health your way.
@Nima im doing pretty well! Clarke amazes me every day and is just growing up so fast. She is 7 months old today! She’s been working on crawling and has been eating solids and just looks so big. I’m trying so hard to savor every moment with her. How is your little family doing?

How is everybody else doing? I also think about you all often. ❤️
7 months old! @Megan0625 I can't believe how time flies. I feel like it's going even faster the second time around. Clil is 4.5month old and rolling and laughing and being such a sweet little man. He loves his big sister and they are amazing together. She helps him calm down when they sit together in the bicycle trailer.
Unfortunately he is really sick since yesterday, high fever and all. But he's still smiling when he sees her.
7 months old! @Megan0625 I can't believe how time flies. I feel like it's going even faster the second time around. Clil is 4.5month old and rolling and laughing and being such a sweet little man. He loves his big sister and they are amazing together. She helps him calm down when they sit together in the bicycle trailer.
Unfortunately he is really sick since yesterday, high fever and all. But he's still smiling when he sees her.

Aww. I hope he feels better soon <3
7 months old! @Megan0625 I can't believe how time flies. I feel like it's going even faster the second time around. Clil is 4.5month old and rolling and laughing and being such a sweet little man. He loves his big sister and they are amazing together. She helps him calm down when they sit together in the bicycle trailer.
Unfortunately he is really sick since yesterday, high fever and all. But he's still smiling when he sees her.
Awww poor guy! I hope he feels better soon! It's so hard when they are sick. Clarke got sick when she was 3 months old and it was so scary having her congested and having a cough and feeling like there was nothing we could do to help. Babies tend to be resilient and bounce back pretty quickly though so I hope he's feeling like himself shortly. I can't believe how fast time is going, it's scary and sad honestly! I feel like I was just going to the hospital at 3:00 am and was feeling nervous and excited to meet our girl for the first time.
Hi guys!

@Nima oh I hope he’s already better, poor thing! My little one has never been sick yet, hope it stays like that for a long time.

He’s already 3 months old, we are so in love with him, he’s super cute and talkative always doing lots of sounds, and really just a very easygoing boy, doesn’t cry much. The only thing is he has a hard time getting to sleep, it takes hours to get him to take a nap or to fall asleep at night, I’ve tried everything and don’t know what else to do.

Did you guys go back to work already? How did it go? I have to go back in a few weeks and is going to be so hard!

@Megan0625 I agree it’s really sad that time goes by so fast, I wish I could go back to the day he was born and hold him again when he was so little.
@elencor wow 3 months! Ours is also a VERY difficult napper. She fights naps so hard, she just wants to be part of everything and not miss anything while she's sleeping lol. Every once in a while she will go down easily but it's usually a 30 min- hour long ordeal just getting her to sleep. She sleeps great at night though! I have started work but luckily I've mostly been working from home because I've been doing a lot of writing and revising these days. My boss has been very supportive and I'm so so lucky. I've had to go in for long hours for a couple of time-sensitive experiments but I can analyze data and write papers from home thankfully. I've honestly been looking for potential remote jobs so I could stay home with her and work.
@Megan0625 that’s so great that you can work from home, I’m happy that you can stay home with your little one for the most part of the time. I’ve also been looking at potential remote jobs but it isn’t possible at the moment, maybe in the future.

He is starting to sleep very well at night too, just last night he slept from 9:15pm to almost 8am, although there are still many nights that he wakes up 2-3 times at night. But nap time is a nightmare , and getting worse. Most days I spend 3 hours (literally) trying to get him to sleep with no success, until eventually he gets super tired and super cranky and falls asleep.

Overall, I’m loving being a mum. Already thinking about doing another transfer in maybe a year from now, at most.

On the other hand, I can’t believe how much weight I’ve gained in one year. I’ve been avoiding thinking about it and weighting myself since the baby was born, which has led to gain even more weight, but I’m going to get serious about it. I’m going to diet and exercise again.

@Nima how are you doing? And @WinterBub I hope you and your family are well.
@elencor wow 3 months! Ours is also a VERY difficult napper. She fights naps so hard, she just wants to be part of everything and not miss anything while she's sleeping lol. Every once in a while she will go down easily but it's usually a 30 min- hour long ordeal just getting her to sleep. She sleeps great at night though! I have started work but luckily I've mostly been working from home because I've been doing a lot of writing and revising these days. My boss has been very supportive and I'm so so lucky. I've had to go in for long hours for a couple of time-sensitive experiments but I can analyze data and write papers from home thankfully. I've honestly been looking for potential remote jobs so I could stay home with her and work.
Hi, you can use filters "remote" in LinkedIn to find remote positions; there are tons of them nowadays.

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