BFP Chasers...........Feel free to join....

Wow you have a lot going on, I'm tired just reading it!! Sounds like his bday celebration was a blast!! topped with Thanksgiving too - phew! How are you feeling about your parents' impending visit? how's your mom been with this pregnancy?
We had my family up from NC from Tues-Sat morning and I'm sad to say that I'm good with not seeing my sister for a long while. She couldn't have shown a more selfish side if she tried. But I got to see my nieces for a couple of days (they were with their father, who was also up from NC to see his family, for the first couple days) and that was great - I love and miss them both so much. And they got to play with the boys, which warmed my heart. Thanksgiving was actually great this year - a few people bailed so the crowd was a bit more manageable and besides my sister, no drama! And everyone left right around 9pm! WOO!
and now - 3 weeks until Christmas?! holy moly! I'm not prepared! We aren't getting the boys much so it shouldn't be a big deal.

Is everyone else as prepared as I am?? :haha:
Haha, Wish! I am so NOT prepared for Christmas this year! I feel like I need another month in addition to the remaining 3 weeks in order to be somewhat ready :haha:

Miki, your life sounds so busy right now. I'm with Wish... makes me tired just reading it, and I'm not trying to grow a tiny human! I'm impressed that you have any energy at all. I hope the 2nd trimester has meant less nausea and easier food choices. I can't believe you're already over 25 weeks. Just 15 more?!

Kai sounds adorable and I bet he's loving all the visitors. How does he do with family he hasn't seen in a while? Is he shy or does he kind of remember them now? Miriam is very shy, but we found that showing her pictures for about 2 weeks before the meeting helps a lot. I was so relieved at Thanksgiving because she warmed up in a matter of minutes. With such a short visit (2 days), it helps if she's not shy and hiding from people for the whole first day! How are you feeling about your mom's visit? I hope you have some planned downtime where you can get away, even if it's just to relax in your room for an hour.

Wish, do you have any special plans for the boys' birthday in January? I can't believe all these "babies" are turning two! When did they all become bona fide toddlers? Christmas for us will be low-key this year, too. We will just have my mom at our house (she's local, so that's easy) and we aren't planning anything major for Miriam. My dad and stepmom will be in town for a couple of days between Christmas and New Year's, so we'll do an extended family thing with my sister at that time, but no gifts to speak of (except everyone seems to buy for Miriam!). I'm looking forward to kind of a quiet holiday. However, before then, we have my choir concerts, DW is going to visit her mom for 4 days, and we have to get all the paperwork done for DW's hip replacement surgery coming in January. While I'm not excited about the surgery itself and DW being laid up and unable to drive for a while, I am sooooo glad she's having this surgery! Her hip had gotten so bad that she can barely walk at all and it causes her constant pain. She also kept falling a couple of months ago - one time while holding the baby, who got dropped on the concrete driveway. Thankfully, everyone was okay, but it made it finally hit home that the surgery was necessary NOW and not "in a few years when it gets really bad." DW finally realized it already IS really bad and her primary doctor and the orthopedic doctor both told her so.

Miriam finally started walking right before she turned 18 months and now, at 19 months, she is running around like a total goofball. She still only says a few words, but she "talks" constantly, so we think that with a little speech therapy, she'll start using real words fairly quickly. She seems to understand everything we say, so the language development is there. Maybe she just doesn't feel the need to speak? :shrug:

Thanksgiving was so fun, though. My parents bought a vacation house in WV, which is the perfect central location for all my siblings to get together. So we were all there in one place for the first time in over 15 years. Miriam just loved playing with her cousins, who are 9 and 13. Amazingly, the 13-year-old boy was GREAT with her and kept her giggling all the time. Of course, all the aunts were thrilled to hold her, too. And since the house wasn't baby-proofed AT ALL, Miriam had free run and loved testing all the boundaries. I, on the other hand, was worn out by the end of the weekend from chasing her up the stairs and out of the kitchen! Thankfully, she was a great traveler and had no problems in the car (4 hours each way). DW had to work, so it was just the two of us. It could have been a real trial, but it wasn't! It's hard to believe this was her second Thanksgiving. So much has changed in the last two years, from being pregnant and sick at Thanksgiving, to feeding purees to a baby, to her eating actual turkey and sides this year. Can we just get time to slow down a little bit?!
Here's a picture of Miriam playing with her cousins and one of her eating Thanksgiving dinner. She was so happy!

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Oh those pictures are so heartwarming!! I love when the cousins get right on down and play with the littles and don't feel too silly. I told my one 12 yr old niece, who was starting to feel that way, that she just needed to get down to their level and there was no limit on 'silly' - they'll love it the more you do. Then she played with them for hours! That's awesome that she's running around and getting her speech going now too!! I knew she would - some kids just sit back and take it all in a little longer, I think.
Christmas will be much more low key for us too - we go over to my aunt's house about 10 mins away every year. We'll have our morning and head over there for around 12/1:00, have dinner/play games and then most likely leave for the boys' bedtime. We aren't getting the boys much but I did just pick up stockings for them to go on the mantel. Maybe fill those up and get them a couple little things, but we got them a big swing set to put up in the spring.
The boys' bday - good memory! We aren't going to do a party, that's for sure. We did that last year and our doors almost busted off. My folks will fly up and we'll maybe just do a little something with family this year. I want to get them to one of those trampoline places so maybe we can do that. They start allowing kids at 2yo at the one near us. There's a great restaurant right next door so maybe we'll work up an appetite jumping around and go have lunch.
Wish- Your holiday period sounds busy too! Too bad your sister did not behave so well, from the sounds of it. I completely understand that feeling when family gets on your nerves and you need distance from them. Talking about that, my mom is surprisingly not really getting on my nerves yet. She likes to appear wonderful, so she’s doing a decent job of pretending to be a good grandma to Kai. We’re all doing ok so far, cramped together in our little old house. My parents leave next Friday morning.
Funny how we’re also doing a low key thing with family for Kai’s birthday this year too! The birthday party we went to was for his cousin. His cousin, parents and grandma will be joining us at our home for some cake and dinner, and that will the extent of Kai’s birthday celebration.

Wicky- Your Thanksgiving sounded great! What a sweet photo of Miriam and her cousins, and the one of her eating is so cute! Sounds like Miriam is blossoming really well, and I wouldn’t worry about her talking. Kai was probably behind her in the speech department, and he’s suddenly talking a whole lot more, and is not considered to be behind in speech. Kai warms up to people really fast, he seems to be pretty extroverted. And he ran straight towards my dad when my parents first got in to the house! He loves my dad, and they have so much fun together. I think kids and animals can tell when a person truly likes them. My dad loves kids and animals, and he genuinely adores Kai. Thank goodness, as I know that my mom struggles with the fact that Kai is not genetically related to her.
Wow, I can’t believe how bad your DW’s hip is! Poor thing. I hope that the surgery goes wonderfully and she makes a complete recovery.
Oh yes, I feel much better now, thanks! About a week or so ago, I suddenly turned a corner and love eating again. Unfortunately, I can't eat the amount I want to as I get bad heartburn and it all feels so cramped up in there!

So Kai is doing great in the new room at daycare, and he has so many activities and interactions all day long. But he has cried when we leave at drop off for the past 3 days, and he’s a bit sensitive after we get home at the end of the day. I think there’s just so much change, including my parents suddenly appearing in the house and DH and I moving back into the room with him. He’s woken up at 5:30am the past 2 nights, and I’m an exhausted wreck!
Glad you're doing pretty well, mum! Everything seems more uncomfortable in pregnancy, doesn't it? Are you feeling a wave of energy in your second trimester? Sometimes I have just enough energy to get a bunch of stuff done, and the next day I am almost unable to move from exhaustion! I think my leg swelling is fine now, thanks. But then I've had terrible nasal congestion at night, I get anxious and I can't sleep after I get up in the middle of the night. Do you get that too? It's driving me crazy and I can't find a remedy that works for me.

Hey. Sorry, not been on in a bit. Since I was last on I had a good few pain free weeks which was awesome but it’s back with a vengeance. It feels like the base of my spine is bruised badly and the top of my left butt cheek but doesn’t feel like sciatica. I feel kind of ok I just still feel pretty knackered sometimes. Definitely not got the wave of energy people mention. I think it’s an age thing! I’ve had the bloody nasal congestion since about 15 weeks. I went to the drs last week with it because it was soooo bad. She told me to try an OTC salt water nasal rinse which I used 4 times in not a lot of time and only got brief relief from that. She also prescribed me beconase nasal spray to use twice a day. I’ve used it 3 times and it isn’t anywhere near as bad now. It’s not gone completely but it’s 75% better. And I only used the beconase 3 times!!! Have you tried that at all? Glad the swelling seems better. Fingers crossed it stays that way! Yep the sleep is about the same. I’ll wake either about 4 or 5 am ish then start to drop back off again as we need to get up for school!! How poo.... I’m experiencing quite a few braxton hicks lately too. Some are quite intense but not painful. More inconvenient lol. We’re just about ready for little miss now so I’ll just be glad when it’s over and can move about again instead of feeling like a beached whale hahaha.
I’m 26+3 now, how far are you now? Hope you’re still doing ok xx
miki - that's wonderful that your folks' visit is going so well! Ah that's right - it wasn't yet Kai's bday. When is his again? You'd think I'd remember. Soon, yes? you were only a bit ahead of me?
that's fantastic he's doing so well in the new room!! I'm sure his unrest is definitely due to all that's going on right now. He'll settle in once things are back to normal. If missing a nap or staying up later one night can mess with them for a day or two, I imagine the current scenario is definitely impacting him. In good ways, though!! I'm sure he loves having more family around! I love what you wrote about your Dad - he seems like a wonderful person. <3

wicky - meant to note about your DW's hip too! That's awful! I'm glad it's getting taken care of now, though. Like you said, not waiting until 'it's necessary' b/c it's necessary NOW! :) Winter months are good months to hole up anyway.

mum - ugh, this pregnancy has been rough for you! I hope time starts to fly for you. 26 weeks - you have the glucose test coming up soon, right? Do you have names picked out yet?

Nothing going on here - celebrated my 44th bday by not really celebrating anything this weekend - haha! It was a fairly typical day - took the boys to the gym, napped for a little bit, went out to dinner at a local Mexican restaurant. The boys were once again SO GOOD! I am just waiting for the time when they are little bears but they've been so well-behaved the last couple times we've gone out with them. Then had some wine and watched a movie - typical Saturday for us, really. But that's ok. I almost forgot it was my bday this year.
mum - ugh, this pregnancy has been rough for you! I hope time starts to fly for you. 26 weeks - you have the glucose test coming up soon, right? Do you have names picked out yet?
It has a little! Thankfully whatever the pain I had from last week has now gone completely so thinking maybe baby bruised my coccyx as it felt that area.
Hmmm I’ve heard a lot about the glucose test but I’ve never had one before and I don’t recall it being mentioned either. I have a scan on Monday and see the consultant so not entirely sure to be honest... I know they’re talking about putting me on fragmin from that appointment until 6 weeks after baby is born. I hope it goes quickly too. I’m ready now and starting to get a bit fed up haha. Not really no.... I’m crap at naming anything haha xx
WOW never had one? is that only for us old ladies?? :haha: Hopefully you don't have to. Not that it's a huge deal but if you don't pass the 1 hr one, you have to do a 3 hr one which is kind of a pain. What is Fragmin for?
HA! I doubt you're crap at names. I find names so intriguing, especially when they are lesser-known (but not crazy). Like there is a little boy at our playground named Clark. Not your typical name! Did the parents REALLY like the National Lampoon movies? Is it a family name? Maybe her maiden name? I love thinking about that stuff. I'm weird.
WOW never had one? is that only for us old ladies?? :haha: Hopefully you don't have to. Not that it's a huge deal but if you don't pass the 1 hr one, you have to do a 3 hr one which is kind of a pain. What is Fragmin for?
HA! I doubt you're crap at names. I find names so intriguing, especially when they are lesser-known (but not crazy). Like there is a little boy at our playground named Clark. Not your typical name! Did the parents REALLY like the National Lampoon movies? Is it a family name? Maybe her maiden name? I love thinking about that stuff. I'm weird.

LMAO nope, never had one. I’m 40 by the way Hahahaha so I think I class as old :haha:
Fragmin is a blood thinner to reduce the risk of blood clots.

There’s nothing wrong with trying to put things into perspective! Maybe they liked superman hahahaha xx
Wish- Happy belated birthday! Sounds like it was nice and relaxing, and that’s how I like my birthdays. Kai turned 2 on the 10th! It did turn out that you were right, his unrest was just due to all the change. His night sleeping was fine on the 3rd night. Wow, I’m impressed that both your boys have been so well behaved while eating out. That’s really great, I hope that continues indefinitely! I can’t say that Kai is completely well behaved, but at least we can sit down at a restaurant with him for over an hour.

Mum- How was your scan? I’m glad that your sciatica pain is gone, but I’m sorry that you’re getting all those pregnancy pains and niggles. I too have not experienced the wave of energy in my 2nd trimester, and I’m definitely old at 48! I don’t have Beconase, but I have Flonase. Right now I’m just sleeping on the couch whenever I can’t get back to sleep because of anxiety about my blocked nose, but will certainly try the Flonase if I get tired of sleeping there.

So... My folks left on Friday morning, and Kai rushed in to the kitchen that evening after we got home from daycare, shouting “hello!” It was sad to see his confused face, but he soon was playing happily and I guess he moved on fast. I was amazed at how well things went for their visit, since we live in a tiny place with only one bathroom that is accessible from both bedrooms. Kai got used to us sleeping in the same room with him after two nights of waking up and calling/crying for us. My mom was actually pretty good, and she cooked quite a bit. My dad was enamored with Kai, he played with him loads, and he thinks the world of him. And Kai adored him too! We had a fun couple of weeks, but it was sooooo tiring.

There was a stretch where we went on a day trip (2+ hours drive one way), had his birthday party the next day, day trip the next day (1 hour drive), took a one day break, followed by a long day trip (3+ hours drive. Kai naps at around lunchtime, so it was difficult for him. He doesn’t really sleep much in the car, and never in the stroller. He had a meltdown just before lunch on the last day trip, but he recovered after a bunch of crackers and we managed to sit down and have a nice lunch. We went to seafood/Italian restaurants on all the trips, so we subjected him to long drives ending in long sit down lunches, and he did pretty ok. I was really happy about that!

Oh, to make things difficult, Kai actually had a cold during that time. And I guess I caught it, and it gave me laryngitis. I lost my voice for days, and I became asthmatic (maybe with a touch of bronchitis?) and couldn’t breathe through my nose or mouth. At some point I felt like I could barely walk. I’ve only just started to feel human again, and it’s been 9 days since I lost my voice. Then on Saturday, the day after my folks left, we went to a big dinner event for my work group. After that, Kai had a high fever of 104. We had to stay home with him on Monday, and he’s only just recovered to his usual happy and greedy self. Oh, and I hurt my back picking Kai up during that dinner, and luckily it seems to be finally getting better!
Mum- How was your scan? I’m glad that your sciatica pain is gone, but I’m sorry that you’re getting all those pregnancy pains and niggles. I too have not experienced the wave of energy in my 2nd trimester, and I’m definitely old at 48! I don’t have Beconase, but I have Flonase. Right now I’m just sleeping on the couch whenever I can’t get back to sleep because of anxiety about my blocked nose, but will certainly try the Flonase if I get tired of sleeping there.

Scan went really well. Little lady is definitely a girl! And was estimated to weigh 2lb 7oz and actually complied. Measurements were all good. Urine was all clear. So no GTT for me! Thankfully haha.
I do find the beconase helps but because it’s steroid based it has to be used twice a day in order to build up and work effectively. Been back to the doctor since with wheezing. Apparently I have a wheeze in my lower right side of my chest so have been given an inhaler now too!!! Just to add to the list! Lmao!

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Hi girls - WOW miki - that’s a lot of things going on in a short time!! I’m glad you’re in the mend and had a great visit with your folks. I love when grandpas fall in love with their grandkids! Take care of yourself - not long now!! I’m sure not breathing for a bit was scary. I recently had a friend have to call an ambulance for herself while she was home alone with her kids bc she had such bad bronchitis or whatever it was, she was crawling on the floor trying to breathe. She had to call someone to come take the kids and then get hauled away. Her husband was on work travel but was coming home later that morning thankfully. So scary!! So be careful!!

mum - glad no GTT! But booo on the inhaler!

merry Christmas, happy holidays and everything else everyone celebrates! I hope you have an amazing time this week and also get to relax some.
Seems work has blocked this website now so I don’t know how much I’ll be hopping on bc I can’t stand typing on my phone. But I’m going to see your pregnancy through, miki!! :)
Probably time I graduate myself anyway hahaha
Mum- Glad your scan went well, and your little girl is doing so well. Wow, that's a wonderful and clear scan! I haven't seen beanie since my 20 week scan, but I feel him squirming around a zillion times a day. It gets very uncomfortable, but it's also comforting!
I'll keep your advice in mind if I try out the Flonase. Oh, I had wheezing too! We seem to have similar pregnancy issues!

Wish- Thanks for your concern. You're right, it can get scary. I once had an asthma attack when I was living alone. I thought I wasn't going to make it to my phone and inhaler. After that experience, I try to have several inhalers around the house. I think a lot of it is just panic, as I had horrible attacks as a kid and they didn't bother me. Still, it causes me a lot of anxiety now.
Yeah, it's so great to see how much my dad loves Kai. He's great, he adores babies and kids.
Talking about GTT, I actually passed my test! I can't The glucose level was on the high end, and it could get worse, so I plan to test myself every now and then anyway.
Oh no, I hope that you can still pop in here every now and then. I love hearing updates about your boys!

I hope everyone else is enjoying their holidays! We brought Kai to a little farm, rode a mini steam train, saw an entire neighborhood lit up with xmas lights, dinner at DH cousins house... Kai has been very happy!
Hi ladies, hope it's ok if I join you! I was on this forum a lot while pregnant with my 3rd in 2016, and I haven't signed on in years. I'm 37 and will be 38 in May. I have 4 kids ages 11 months (almost!)-8 years old. we are hoping for at least one more; my PPAF has not returned and tends not to until at least 14 months PP. My youngest still nurses a LOT at night so it'll likely be some time yet.

Anyway thanks for letting me crash this party and sending you all lots of luck on this journey!
Hi girls! How was everyone’s holiday season? Ours was tame - the boys opened a few gifts but we didn’t put a tree up or anything. Next year will be the big first year! Malcolm also got a fever the night of Christmas Eve and they both ended up with fevers and colds the rest of the week. That blew my PTO out of the water!! We are also treating M for an ear infection. He ended up with some drainage. He’s been in good spirits though.
Oh and I think Timothy already has a 2-yr molar that popped through!!
The boys move to the 2-yr room at daycare next Monday ALREADY. My folks come in this Thurs for their bday weekend, and I still don’t really have a plan. We want low key but I want fun for them too so maybe we’ll go to this inflatable indoor park on Sunday or something.
Busy busy busy!!
Miki - how are you 30 weeks already?? I love hearing about the wriggling! <3 That’s awesome you passed your test!!!!
mrs Katie - welcome!! I remember your name from other threads I think. Good luck in your latest journey! I have a couple friends right now who got preg after baby #2 with only one PPAF and still breastfeeding!
Hi MrsKatie! I think it's wonderful that you're trying for another. Good luck to you on your journey too!

Wish- How was Malcolm and Timothy's first day in the 2s room? It's nice that they have each other! Our Xmas was very tame too, we didn't have a proper tree, just this tiny one on our mantle from last year. How unlucky that the boys fell ill during the holidays! Well, Kai has been home sick since Saturday afternoon and we're taking turns looking after him. He was really cheerful and playing like crazy, but today his fever soared to almost 106. I took the entire day off work, took him to the doc, and it was an exhausting day. Tomorrow will be split between DH and I.
Thanks, I'm now 31 weeks and feeling huge and uncomfortable! I'm sure I'm bigger this time around. And I'm so exhausted that I can't stay awake at work. And I'm uncomfortable sitting and can't stand for long. Seems early to be feeling like this!

Mum- How are you feeling? Are you preparing for your little girl's arrival? I haven't bought a single thing yet... I'm starting to feel a bit nervous!
Hi ladies!
I'm a little behind so I don't have specific responses to everyone, but I wanted to pop in and say

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Timothy & Malcom (and congratulations to Wish & DH for surviving another year with twins!)!!!

I can't believe we have a bunch of 2-year-olds in this group now. Time flies!

Miki, I hope the pregnancy is going well. I saw that you passed the GTT - YAY!!!!
Mum, I hope you're also doing well.

Welcome MrsKatie! My sentiment is "the more, the merrier!" with this thread :lol:

Miriam is doing well - walking and running and CLIMBING all over the place. She seems to learn new words every day, so we hear a lot more of that adorable baby voice these days. No words strung together yet, but she is getting better at communicating her wishes/needs. DW's hip surgery is Tuesday, so we're getting ready for that. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. A little like thinking about delivering a baby in that sense. I am looking forward to the results, but not the actual process! Okay, have to get back to work now. I'll try to pop in more regularly during DW's surgery recovery, since I'll be home/off work for a week. Hugs to everyone and their little ones!
Thank you ladies for the warm welcome!

I will have to read back and catch up on what's going on with everyone here :) I hope you are all well and surviving cold and flu season. It can be so hard with littles!

Wicky, hope the surgery goes well and recovery is swift :)

My youngest is about to turn 1 (2/5), it really does go so fast.

I am driving myself crazy these days - I wonder if it's just my cycle returning. I have had crazy cramping and vivid dreams and am super emotional, high libido etc. If you are wondering whether I've taken an HPT, the answer is no, I've taken about 30 :dohh: It feels SO MUCH like pregnancy but I am just definitely not pregnant. Haven't had my first PPAF yet, usually it returns around 14ish months (but after my second I got it around 6 months PP, but it was profoundly irregular for a long time). I am about to turn 38 and feel the ticking clock. I should probably just relax (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)

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