BFP Chasers...........Feel free to join....

Welcome YuLing :baby:

Comfy - it was nice to have a private ceremony first. Plus we did our honeymoon before the wedding and that was a lovely break from the hubbub of wedding planning. Enjoy your night away!
Hi Ladies..........hope everyone is well.

I ovulated on Saturday and cant shake this feeling Im out already. I know its early as Im only 2dpo but just dont feel confident at all these days.

Just found out cousin is pregnant............and I was happy for her but I was damn jealous also and feel bad about that too.
((hugs)) Taurus. I o'd Saturday too and I'm worried it is too late to O on Cd 18 in my 29 day cycle so I understand your mindset. I know it's hard but keep the faith! We are here for you.

Don't feel bad for being jealous. You can't help your emotions and it is normal!

AFM- Today felt like the tide of negativity is turning. DH's party went well today. It was a gorgeous day on the water eating lots of fried seafood. I was without a working phone since Thursday and was worried I would have to get a new one before I had planned to with money being tight but Andrew at Verizon fixed it! Plus, when I checked my phone I had a message about a job interview! That really helped change my mindset.
Thanks Book.........I try and talk about these things with hubby but he doesnt understand. He just says oh well, onto next month........I dont want next month!!!!

Good luck about interview Book xx lets us know how you go. Im jealous about the lovely weather you are describing. Its the middle of winter here so its cold, wet and windy.......
Bookwrmgal-That's awesome about your phone and the interview. I laughed at "Andrew at Verizon fixed it." HA!!HA!! He gets a gold star...when is your interview? Is it a better job?

Taurus-You can't feel out's way too early for that, and you never know when one of those :spermy: are going to be persistent. fxfx.
Bookwrm and taurus terri's right a persistent swimmer could've done it's job!

Bookwrm was that a later o than normal? 11 days for a bean to settle in still perfectly feasible tho.

a day on the water in the sun sounds glorious. Good luck with the interview and hooray for the phone man. ��

Don't feel bad about the jealously, you're only human and i think we all get those emotions. I do despair of myself when i get jealous of preggo celebrities though. For some reason that seems more foolish. *shakes head sadly*

Had fab weekend away. HSG d-day tomorrow. Bleurgh.
Enjoy your holiday Peachy xx........its cold and wet on this side of the world....bring back Summer :haha:
I will try my best Taurus! I've been waiting a long time for this warm weather! I'll send some your way. Oh yeah...I'm doing my first trackable geocache (basically a keychain with a GPS unit in it that you can hide and send to different places). We want one of them to go to Australia and back to Baltimore. I'll let you know where it is when it gets there! HA!!HA!! Maybe I should send it to Adelaide..hmmm....hee hee. brb. Oh yeah...Hubs didn't think it would make it there so we changed it to Mexico. Next time I get one, I'll send it your way. :) Galvan-be on the lookout. My trackables are so fickle. :haha:
Survived! There were only 3 lovely reassuring ladies in the room and it hurt less than period pain. Whole thing felt a bit traumatic and bit woozy and felt bit weepy after but back in car driving home 15 mins after start of appointment.

Saw dye merrily flowing along tubes so that‘s all good. Looks like we might be on to iui next month.

Enjoy your hols Terri and hope your geocache has a splendid adventure.

Off to watch GOT instead of cooking dinner.:)
Comfy - so glad that everything went well and that you have clear tubes! I felt weepy afterwards, too. Probably just all of the adrenaline/nervousness leading up to it I imagine. Glad you're doing OK though.

I looooooooooove Game of Thrones, too. Much better than cooking dinner for sure.
Thanks Comfycushions and glad your HSG went smoothly. I didn't feel weepy. I was just happy that all was clear, honestly.

IUI isn't bad...I was wondering what GOT was, but now that I have come into 2014, I see what it is now. My hubs watches it when we have free Showtime, but I don't.
Terri- enjoy your vacation!

Comfy - yay to free flowing dye! I'm also a big GoT fan. Am currently re-reading the 3rd book actually for my bedroom book.

AFM- job interview this morning. I think it went well but it's hard to say. I am worried about the supervisor reference checks but am trying to not think about it. I did the best I could and it's up to the universe to determine if it's the right fit or not. Still.. I REALLY need a new job before November when my current one ends.
It's 3dpo for me, which I think is normal but O was spotty before Clomid and on the 2 mos of Clomid I O'd on CD 16 and 17 so it's not too off.

I do have a question though - have any of you gals experienced high sex drive after O? I never have before but holy hell the past 2 days I have been beyond worked up.
Yes I think I was quite anxious in the build up, and during.

Only started watching GOT couple of weeks ago but been seriously binging on it since then. Previously I'd been resolutely resisting the hype. Not sure why!
I‘ll keep my fingers crossed for you bkwrm.

Hmm post o sex drive. It‘ amazed me to realize that despite monitoring and recording my cycles and our sex life the past two years I can't immediately answer that question. How can that be!?
Comfy - glad for the results! I have read all the books but I am behind on the series. I think I am only on Season 2.
Comfy – so glad to hear it went well. I think Im the only person I know who doesn’t watch GOT……….must download it and watch it.

Book – hope your get the job, fingers crossed for you. And no………after BDing for days prior to ovulating the last thing I wanted was a penis near me after ovulation lol….well at least for a few days anyways.

Peachy - when do you leave for holidays??

Afm – 4dpo and nothing out of the ordinary………sigh
Finally a place I can join. Hi I'm Gena. I just turned 39 a couple of months ago. A little about me-- I was told at a young age I would never get pregnant. I had an ovarian cyst that burst. There were never test ran other than an ultrasound. Flash forward 21 years through 2 marriages never preventing. In March a friend popped off "i think your pregnant" i laughed so hard i cried. That next morning I tested and sure enough I was pregnant. Went and had blood test ran the same day. Picked the results up that next morning, and ended up in the ER an hr later. I miscarried at what we think was 4-6 weeks. My obgyn started me on clomid, and I have no just finished my 3rd cycle today. The 2 previous cycles I didn't OPK test or BBT test. This cycle I am doing that. My cycle day 21 tests for the first two cycles were .29 & 5.17.

I hope you all get BFP's!! Baby dust to us all!
I'm leaving Thursday. I was supposed to go in the morning but my girlfriend's bike parts won't be in until then so Thursday afternoon is more like it. Now we'll probably get stuck in holiday traffic. It's still better than being at work, so I'm not complaining-yet. Ha ha.

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