Sex with two guys and now pregnant.

This is a long shot, but did you ever figure out who’s child it was? Your situation is just like mine
Ok so here is my delima.
My last period was nov 25-29. I had sex with 2 diff guys during my fertility window. My fertitlity window was the 5th of dec through the 10th One of them was on the 5th of dec and the other was on the 8th of Dec. Im now pregnant. My due date shows the 1st of sept and it says that my conception date was the 8th or the 9th of Dec
How do i tell who is the father??
This is a long shot, but did you ever figure out who’s child it was? Your situation is just like mine
I’m in a similar situation.

in April 2023 I had a chemical pregnancy which caused me to start bleeding on 4/5 for a few days. I then had another cycle start on 4/30.

This cycle lasted from 4/30-5/3(4) (I can’t remember exactly when it ended.)

I had sex on 5/6 and 5/7. I also had sex with another guy on 5/14. I took a plan B the day after having sex with the second guy.

I had what I’m thinking is implantation bleeding on 5/18, and a positive pregnancy test on 5/22. This test was very positive, not a faint by any means. I’m sure I would have gotten a positive as early as 5/20 if I had tested. I’m assuming my cycle was short and I conceived by guy #1 because of the distinctive positive test, and the bleeding on 5/18. I’m just lost. This is mentally exhausting.

Let’s say you ovulated the same day you had sex with guy2. That would make you 8dpo at the time of this test. It would be extremely unlikely that this test would be this dark. I think your inkling that guy1 is the father is probably correct, however the only way to know 100% is with a paternity test down the road.

but if all your info is accurate/truthful, guy1 is most likely the father.
Let’s say you ovulated the same day you had sex with guy2. That would make you 8dpo at the time of this test. It would be extremely unlikely that this test would be this dark. I think your inkling that guy1 is the father is probably correct, however the only way to know 100% is with a paternity test down the road.

but if all your info is accurate/truthful, guy1 is most likely the father.

thank you for responding! I also had an ultrasound done on 5/26 and there was a visible gestation sac. I’m not sure how soon a gs is visible after ovulation but I thought it would be too early to see if I conceived by guy #2 bc I would be around 12 dpo at that time?!
Definitely won’t see a sac at 12dpo ;). I second everything gigs said and the sac fits with guy 1 as well

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