Infertile people are annoying.

I dont fit in this section, because my problem is staying pregnant (I have been TTC for three years and ten months with eleven miscarriages and a stillbirth in that time) but I often read because I do feel I relate to the LTTTC posts in some ways, like the feeling let down by my body, in fact not just let down I hate my body.

Any way, I came in to say that I think it is really unhealthy to surpress what you are feeling. Faking your happiness for those around you, pretending you are fine with LTTTC is okay for a certain amount of time but eventually it will catch up with you. I have the doctors this week because I have been surpressing my pain, sadness, anger etc for such a long time now that I have spent the past six months physically ill, so I need to make myself mentally well in order for the physical side to be okay too.

Your pregnant friend will be fine if you arent dancing with happiness for her, the most important thing for you to do is make sure you are mentally and physically well by not putting other people's feelings before your own :hugs:
While I don't fake being happy for others (I am happy for them)..I am guilty of pretending to be "fine" :blush: mostly because I don't want to upset those who love me and because I hate the "pity" in their eyes. It drives me insane.

that's why this forum is such a great place! I can finally tell people that I'm not fine!! I've found it much easier to cope after I vent here, or write in my LTTTC journal lol :hugs::hugs::kiss:
I have been laying in bed crying for two days straight because not only am I infertile but I have been fighting depression for about 15 years. So, for me it is impossible to fake happy. I am happy for those who are pregnant or have children, but I have to keep my distance. I wouldn't wish any of this on anyone. But I being angry makes me feel better, then so be it. I would never show that anger toward the fortunate preggers, but it is completely normal. Luckily, my family is very understanding and will give me my space when I need it (I am the only one who hasn't given my parents grandchildren). I also have a best friend who is wonderful about it. I visited her right after she had the baby, have been to her sons christening, and recently celebrated his first birthday.she and I started trying for a baby around the same time and she didn't want it as bad as I did at the time (they were going to try for three months and if it didn't happen they would wait for a year). She knows that although I love her to pieces, I can't stand to be around her more than a few times a year. For me, it is truly life or death (pretty sad I am feeling this while medicated!)
I'm going slightly off topic here, but am so saddened to see so many of my ltttc friends also suffer from the nightmare of depression. Its truly awful to see so many infertile woman also having to deal with depression. I'm not saying its not awful that fertile people suffer from depression, just seems to be a worry trend between IF and depression. :(
I'm going slightly off topic here, but am so saddened to see so many of my ltttc friends also suffer from the nightmare of depression. Its truly awful to see so many infertile woman also having to deal with depression. I'm not saying its not awful that fertile people suffer from depression, just seems to be a worry trend between IF and depression. :(

I was diagnoised with it when i was young and managed to contain it until now, can feel it coming back!!!! on top of everything else we have depression to deal with and IF is a big factor in this, because it's a constant roller coaster of emotions. :cry:
I'm going slightly off topic here, but am so saddened to see so many of my ltttc friends also suffer from the nightmare of depression. Its truly awful to see so many infertile woman also having to deal with depression. I'm not saying its not awful that fertile people suffer from depression, just seems to be a worry trend between IF and depression. :(

I have been treated in the past for depression. I also feel that it is slowly creeping back into my life again. I sometimes feel that I have to drag myself out of bed and I feel mopey all the freakin' time. :cry::cry::cry: Infertility sucks and I wouldn't wish this pain on my worst enemy.
i also have to deal with my depression along with all the IF issues... im not a expressive person,so i keep it all in myself,,,and cry it all out after a week or so when i cudn't contain it any more... i have even stopped discussing it wid dh... u ppl r a big support though! :hugs:
I'm going slightly off topic here, but am so saddened to see so many of my ltttc friends also suffer from the nightmare of depression. Its truly awful to see so many infertile woman also having to deal with depression. I'm not saying its not awful that fertile people suffer from depression, just seems to be a worry trend between IF and depression. :(

Sadly it almost comes hand in hand.. I had already been suffering from depression due to anorexia, but TTC is what keeps me on my toes from staying "recovered" (no such thing as being fully recovered from it).

Luckily I got a DH who understands when I feel down, but I usually hide and form of down time I feel during the first 2 weeks of he month as I don't wanna kill the mood of BD and miss my chance but the 2nd half of the month I don't shy away from how I feel. If I'm pissed off or sad, I'll let it out. the worst thing to do is let it build up inside of you because it's only gonna come back to haunt you in the end if you let it build up.

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