Our journey with Brachycephaly & Plagiocephaly- Treatment completed 20/10/20

Ahhh I’m so happy your all doing well with it ! What a trooper he is !! Wow that check up has come around so quick !!

That’s for having a look for me !! That’s great ! I’m still worried yeah , even DH mentioned how flat it was the other day . I just want someone to look at it really and say if it’s ok or not ! I’m more worried because he’s 1 next week and I don’t know if anything can be done now anyway if needed . He’s got his needles soon I was gonna wait and speak to the GP about it then but it’s just bothering me now . I will take some pics . I honestly just don’t know if it’s a flat spot on the very back of his head . . I’m just stressing over it cause I thought it would have improved since he started sitting up just after 6 months old . I took him the HV at 8 months old and she wasn’t concerned about it at all !

I don’t think this lockdown has helped my anxiety over it either !! Sorry for edging in on your thread !!
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Ahhh I’m so happy your all doing well with it ! What a trooper he is !! Wow that check up has come around so quick !!

That’s for having a look for me !! That’s great ! I’m still worried yeah , even DH mentioned how flat it was the other day . I just want someone to look at it really and say if it’s ok or not ! I’m more worried because he’s 1 next week and I don’t know if anything can be done now anyway if needed . He’s got his needles soon I was gonna wait and speak to the GP about it then but it’s just bothering me now . I will take some pics . I honestly just don’t know if it’s a flat spot on the very back of his head . . I’m just stressing over it cause I thought it would have improved since he started sitting up just after 6 months old . I took him the HV at 8 months old and she wasn’t concerned about it at all !

I don’t think this lockdown has helped my anxiety over it either !! Sorry for edging in on your thread !!

Hi hun, send me a photo of his head? I know what I'm looking for now thanks to the specialist! My partners colleague send him a photo of his little girls head, and I took a look and said whether she needs to be seen or not, its surprising what you learn haha! At 1 year old hun that's absolutely not to old, helmet treatment is effective up to 18 months old, but the older they are the longer it takes, but the main thing is it gets sorted.

My HV wasn't concerned either, it was only from going private we found out the extent of it hun! If your worried please go and see about it. Usually the 1st consultation is free hun. If you want my number so you can WhatsApp me about any of your worries ill help you the best I can! Just pop me a private message and I'll give you my number xxx
Ahh thanks a lot. I will take some pics tomorrow and post them on here ! Sorry I don’t want to over take your thread either !

I’m so stressed about it I don’t want to leave it and then regret it if it doesn’t go rounder ! I know his hair will cover it but urgh I dunno !

Yeah I’ve not had a good few expierences with my HVs always see a different one but she was so reassuring we just thought we would leave it a while longer ! I’m going to speak to DH about it tomorrow and see what he thinks . He knows about stressed about it . I just worry way too much can’t stop myself ! .

I think it’s always good to have other mums opinions too . Just cause I know it’s there makes it seem so much more noticeable to me !
You can see where it goes flat
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Such a cutie!!! I definitely see what you mean hun, but it doesn't look that bad really the ears and eyes seem to be parallel andbthe forehead looks even so that's good and doesn't look like plagiocephaly. He does has a flat back and wider sides which I think could be brachycephly 100% hun. I've added a picture of the head shape for brachycephly and it looks like your sons head shape

Thanks Hun

I’ve measured his ears and they are in the same place on each side and his facial features are ok too . Even his forehead doesn’t bulge out !

Maybe it’s a case of branchy then but it’s just affecting the back and sides slightly. I’m gonna have a look into taking him to see someone!
Yeah hun, these conditions can be mild moderate or severe, maybe he just has a mild case of brachy and that sometimes depending on severity it doesnt always affect the face if its mild! Definitely go and see someone even if they say he doesn't need a helmet, atleast youve been seen!
Yeah I just want some re assurance. It’s been bothering me for months now and we just left it hoping it would start rounding out . Don’t get me wrong the back isn’t at flat as it was which I’m taking as a good thing ! Thanks so much hun your advice is great xx

Looks like we are on the same path now . I’m waiting to hear back from a specialist !
I really do appreciate your help lovely XX
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Fab news hun! Even if he doesn't need a helmet (which of course is what we want) at least you have that confirmation and you can relax a bit! You'll have to keep me updated hun :)

Enzo has his 2 week helmet check tomorrow! I'm part of a facebook group with babies in helmets, and the one baby already had good results even just after 2 weeks! I think the head shifted 2mm which for 2 weeks is fantastic! I'm hoping Enzo will be the same.
Yeah exactly hun , I’m not gonna lie I’m very nervous to see what they have to say !!

Wow that’s amazing results for that child ! Fingers crossed for Enzo and his appointment !! Cannot believe he’s had it for 2 weeks already !

Edit - just to add we have spoken to the specialist today and she thinks he does have branchy but doesn’t wanna guess at the severity of it by pictures

We have an appointment tomorrow to get the scans etc done
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What an amazing 2 week check up! Enzo is down 7mm! Thats absolutely amazing for just 2 weeks! He had a growth spurt at the right time, I knew his head started to look amazing!
Hi Hun ,

Seen the specialist today , who has confirmed DS does indeed have Branchy in the severe range . I knew it was bad but I didn’t expect it to be that bad . I’ve cried all the way home because I feel so guilty that we left it so long. Suffering from real mummy guilt. Do you know what Enzo’s cranial measurement is ?

The specialist was very nice , he doesn’t have plagio as that comes within the normal range. Said it looks as though his skull has started to pop at the back as she can feel the bone, which is also good sign and his soft spot is still open slightly. There’s also no facial issues . IWe opted for the Timair band with 6 months treatment which she is confident he will end up in the mild range when finished.

We are getting the helmet in 2 weeks, with a video call for fitting and then a appointment on 1 July.

I feel happy that I have someone who can relate to this right now cause I feel so crap !
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Hi Hun ,

Seen the specialist today , who has confirmed DS does indeed have Branchy in the severe range . I knew it was bad but I didn’t expect it to be that bad . I’ve cried all the way home because I feel so guilty that we left it so long. Suffering from real mummy guilt. Do you know what Enzo’s cranial measurement is ?

The specialist was very nice , he doesn’t have plagio as that comes within the normal range. Said it looks as though his skull has started to pop at the back as she can feel the bone, which is also good sign and his soft spot is still open slightly. There’s also no facial issues . IWe opted for the Timair band with 6 months treatment which she is confident he will end up in the mild range when finished.

We are getting the helmet in 2 weeks, with a video call for fitting and then a appointment on 1 July.

I feel happy that I have someone who can relate to this right now cause I feel so crap !

Aww hun im so glad you got seen!!! Atleast you know what to expect now! The TimairBands are really nice i love how they look! Don't be upset hun, atleast you know that it can be sorted now finally and no more worrying:)

Enzos starting measurment was 19mm hun, he has both severe plagiocephaly and brachycephly, but after just two weeks, his sticky out forehead has literally almost gone back! Good luck for the helmet fitting hun, i can't wait to see a little picture! <3
How amazing is this! Just 2 weeks in the helmet! Look at this difference! <3

Its crazy isn't it! I was not expecting that result just after 2 weeks!

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