Welcome to 'Trying To Conceive Over 35'

Hi everyone mind if I join?
I am 35 and TTC baby number 1. Truth be told we were TTC'ng back in 2012/13. I have PCOS, Endo and a backward tilted womb. A lap and dye back then confirmed no blockages. First clomid round failed, was about to start round 2 but we realised we were upto our eyeballs in debt and decided to stop TTC until we had our house in order. We got it in order, got married and bought a house all the while we were not trying but not preventing.
Anyway, fast forward to the present day and we have been TTC since new year. Its hard though because my periods are not at all regular so theres nothing to track. This year my periods have been on 30th January, mid March and towards end of April....for the life of me cannot remember the dates! Last year was 6-10 weeks so I don't have anything to track
I am going to the doctors on the 21st June to discuss this further and see what help, if any, is available.
My PCOS symptoms are not as bad as other women I know with it. My main one is obviously my irregular periods, I get oily skin and hair is thinning a little. I am over weight, 15 stone 2lb and 5ft 2inch so yeah the first thing doctor will say is lose weight which I am doing....I am 8lb down in 3 weeks just from watching what I eat. I wouldn't say I gain weight easily, I weighed before xmas and then again 3 weeks ago and only saw like a 6lb gain so to me thats not bad for all them months. I just love my food thats my problem
Please, any advice on this would be brilliant xx
Good morning all, I’m new to this forum too. 41 and TTC our first.
We suffered an ectopic pregnancy at the beginning of the year which has been really rough and left me quite anxious about everything. My husband is the most supportive soul and without him I would’ve lost the plot completely. I had to have emergency surgery and a tube removed, so not only am I ttc at 41, we’re also trying with only one tube. I’m an obsessive poas and every negative breaks my heart a small bit more. Currently 15 dpo, 1 day late and still BFN this morning. I’ve read of woman that haven’t got their BFP until 18/19 dpo, but I’m not sure I should stay hopeful anymore. I am so desperate to see those 2 pink lines. I’m also struggling so much to meet up with friends who have just given birth or are about to. Husband is amazing, but I need some girly talk with others who truly understand the pain I am feeling right now xxx
Evap line or positive ? This was from a first response test. When I did the test, it was a faint line without much color, but when I came back it was like this front and back. TTC at 38.

2C79D983-F016-480F-8329-FB67FCCD8F7B.jpeg 2F75DEBF-CF72-45AC-AEE6-7D2CE2DE0971.jpeg
Good morning all, I’m new to this forum too. 41 and TTC our first.
We suffered an ectopic pregnancy at the beginning of the year which has been really rough and left me quite anxious about everything. My husband is the most supportive soul and without him I would’ve lost the plot completely. I had to have emergency surgery and a tube removed, so not only am I ttc at 41, we’re also trying with only one tube. I’m an obsessive poas and every negative breaks my heart a small bit more. Currently 15 dpo, 1 day late and still BFN this morning. I’ve read of woman that haven’t got their BFP until 18/19 dpo, but I’m not sure I should stay hopeful anymore. I am so desperate to see those 2 pink lines. I’m also struggling so much to meet up with friends who have just given birth or are about to. Husband is amazing, but I need some girly talk with others who truly understand the pain I am feeling right now xxx
any update on you?
I am also 41 i have one child. I suffered many mc's leading up to my now 6 year old and also suffered a tubal a couple years after him. I am now late a week almost no positive all negs and yet i feel like af is coming and been feeling like it for almost a week. So i can totally relate to your feelings and ALSO AGE and ttc.

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