PG and BFing!

I probably will buy it, just haven't got round to it yet!
I actually had it in my Amazon cart the other day and deleted it. :wacko: If anyone else gets it and likes it, please say so!

Had a scare the other day. I got so sick that I couldn't keep anything down. I had to be put on meds and couldn't nurse Otter (he had to have EBM). I got so dehydrated that I thought my milk was going to dry up. It is still recovering. I was an emotional wreck over it.

When I thought it was ms causing it (I think it was actually a bug now), I discovered, to my horror and shame... that I am more emotionally attached to bfing right now than I am to this new pregnancy. :cry: I felt so evil about that, but it is the honest truth. I got so bad that I started spotting and STILL I was more terrified of drying up than I was of loosing the pregnancy.

I still feel guilty over that. I am sure that will change over the next several weeks as the pregnancy becomes more real. I sure hope it does! But I have been emotionally attached to bfing Otter until he self weans since before he was born! That has been over a year now. I have only known about this pg for a week.

Ugg, I'm just making excuses for my own feelings of guilt and shame. :blush:
Hi there again, sorry I joined and then disappeared quickly but I have started back at work and am amazed at where all the time goes!

I am slowly weaning William off his night feeds now with some reluctance and am giving him cows milk instead (he is 9 months and I refuse to give him formula and he seems to tolerate cows milk really well. I wish I could continue to feed him but I am so exhausted with work and have really low iron levels due to an operation that went wrong leaving me with 1/3 less blood than I should have! But on the plus side now William is having a bottle of cows milk each night he will sleep from 6pm- 1pm without waking and then settles back to sleep quickly on the boob.

I hope everyones pg is going well, has anyone had any scans yet?
I'm sorry to hear you are struggling! I hope you get much needed rest soon.

I had an early scan yesterday due to being ill and having some spotting. It was only 5 +2, but everything looked good.

I am starting to worry about my supply today. :cry: It is less -- I know it. I am hoping it is just residual from being so ill and I can bounce back. But, TBH, I am terrified.

I am going to try some Mother's Milk Tea. I know Fenugreek is controversial in pg, but I am going to stay below the scary levels. I just can't risk my supply drying up. :nope:
Hi Girls

You are all doing so well with the feeding still - I guess I am in a slightly different situation in that Poppy probably feeds a lot less than some of your LOs with her being that bit older.
Just in the last few nights I have started giving her a beaker of cows milk before bed and then just a cuddle and a story after her bath and miraculously. she has gone off to sleep without even a whimper for the boob. This is a pretty big result for me as I didn't want to cause her any distress by stopping but I was hoping she would start to drop at least one of her feeds if possible.

Not sure if this will continue, she may just have been extra tired this week but FX!

We've had a couple of scans now and heard the heartbeat the other day. It was brilliant :) I am just failing to get any constructive advice from any health professionals about whether I am safe to continue b/f Poppy given that I have a history of prem births......
Ohh... that does make it a bit more complicated. Do you ever feel any contractions or extra pressure in your uterus when you nurse Poppy? That is what I would watch out for. but you feed her so little now, I imagine it isn't enough to induce labor?

How often are you feeding her now?

Well done on the going to sleep with cows milk! :thumbup: Hopefully that will continue.

I'm still worrying over my supply. I just know it isn't as much. I had one cup of the Mother's Milk Tea today. I don't know if that is enough to help or not. :shrug: I can't wait to be able to call my OB after the holiday on Monday and get more advice.

I just can't figure out what is going on -- left over from sick? Drop in supply due to having trouble keeping up with new baby AND nursing every 3 hours? Drop due to decreased fluids and food? (I am trying to eat and drink as much as before, but am having trouble.) Or just another regular supply regulation due to Otter being 6 months and starting to wean?

:wacko: It is doing my head in!
oh can I join please? I found out last week that I am pregnant (TTC since october) and have Edward who is 14months. He nurses a minimum of 3 times a day, nap time, bed time and when he wakes in the night. This can vary from night to night and he helps himself most of the time :rofl: I am hoping to continue through my pregnancy and tandem nurse but not holding out much hope. He has refused to nurse twice this week and DH has got him off to sleep. Just taking things a day at a time and will see how things go
:wave: Hi, Bubbles!

Congrats on the new pregnancy! :mrgreen:

I take it that you co-sleep then? (From the helps himself comment) I have always been curious about helping themselves. I hear that alot from moms of older babies (toddler age). What do they do, just lift your shirt up themselves? That must be odd to wake up to an already bfing baby! Otter is still young enough that he has to wake me up to get what he wants (often by slapping my bbs! :dohh: )
Ohh... that does make it a bit more complicated. Do you ever feel any contractions or extra pressure in your uterus when you nurse Poppy? That is what I would watch out for. but you feed her so little now, I imagine it isn't enough to induce labor?

How often are you feeding her now?

Well I was feeding her at least 3 times a day - morning, once in the day either mid morning or mid afternoon, and before bed. But she has seemingly dropped the night one and in fact hasn't 'asked' for it in the day either (but that just may be that she hasn't gotten tired in the day which is when she normally wants it). Am not feeling anything at all in my uterus so fingers crossed that will continue to be the case.

How have you been getting on this week? Are you still worried about your supply? xx
can i join as well,i to found out i was pg this morn and currently have a nearly 15mth old lewis who still bfs.He feeds twice through the day mainly when hes tired or upset and as many times as he wants through out the night usualy at least 2-3 times,yes he co-sleeps with us,im hoping he will self wean as i enjoy the closeness of bf and struggled hard to get this far and lewis well i dnt think he will ever stop lol
Hi, biteable! Well done getting so far with your first! :thumbup:

Bec, I am okay this week. I'm not sick anymore, but Otter has been. :cry: He has an ear and sinus infection. He's on antibiotics and doing a little better today. But still not well. I was home from work to be with him all week before today.

As for my supply, it seems to be better. But I am not convinced I am out of the woods yet. :nope: Otter is eating less due to being sick, so I can't yet judge if I am doing better supply wise, or just building up more as he is eating less.

I pumped 11 ounces when I got to work this morning. That was great! BUT Otter refused to eat before I dropped him at daycare and he usually does. So, it had been a lot longer between feeding and pumping than it normally is. I'm still so confused! :wacko:

Hopefully it will all sort itself soon!

Since you haven't been feeling any contractions, I definitely wouldn't worry yet. :)

For those that still co-sleep with their toddler, do you plan to move them to their own before baby arrives? I can't imagine how I will fit me, DH, Otter, and Meerkat all in the same bed. But DH said we would manage if we had to. :shrug:
:wave: Hi, Bubbles!

Congrats on the new pregnancy! :mrgreen:

I take it that you co-sleep then? (From the helps himself comment) I have always been curious about helping themselves. I hear that alot from moms of older babies (toddler age). What do they do, just lift your shirt up themselves? That must be odd to wake up to an already bfing baby! Otter is still young enough that he has to wake me up to get what he wants (often by slapping my bbs! :dohh: )

Thanks. Yeah we do co-sleep of sorts. He goes into his cot until he wakes then comes into bed with me for the rest of the night, I tend to get him set up then drift back off so my PJ top is left open. I have woke up a couple of times to him nursing and thought "how did you do that?" hehe Edward also does the slappin and when he's had enough he waves bye bye to them :rofl:
:rofl: at waving bye bye!!! That is the cutest thing I have heard all day!!
i think we are going to end up with four sharing our bed as i cnt see lewis ever spending the night in his own cot,he has it pushed right up2 the bed with the side down but he still manages to crawl in with us or head in his cot and the rest of him sprawled across our bed
I worry about Otter trampling Meerkat in the night. I can totally see him crawling over the baby in order to get at me. Wouldn't be good. :nope: I have thought maybe I will need to buy a SnuggleNest for the baby and teach Otter that he is NOT to crawl on it. But I dunno if it will work. Besides, by that point he will probably be too heavy for his Arm's Reach.

TBH, I am hoping he will be in his own bed. But I just don't know! I would eventually like to have the bed back to me and DH. At this rate it is going to be another 2-3 years before we sleep by ourselves again! :wacko:
I'm hoping to have Edward in a bed by the time squeak is here. I figure he is used to being in a proper bed so will probably settle better in a toddler bed. Just waiting for him to start walking all the time, he does most of the time now but he has only been doing it a couple of weeks
Aw jealous of you all, hope I can join this group soon :)
Good luck with all your pregnancies!x x x
Thanks!! Lots of baby :dust: to you to bring on AF and get that :bfp:!

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