★ October & November 2020 Hedgehogs ★

Jelly what a cute little face! It makes me want to get a 4d scan too lol. But it’s a bit expensive .

Cat I’m glad to hear you are ok. You’ve had your fair share of ups and downs.

Afm I noticed on my Glow app I have exactly 100 days to go till 40 weeks :) which means tomorrow I’ll be in the double digit countdown whoop!

This week I’ll still be working mostly at school, I just have too much to do in person. From next week (August) I’ll start working mostly from home and teach online via Zoom and Microsoft teams.
@Fern81 I'm so sorry you're having so much stress, with work and your husband being the way he is. I really hope things get better soon. Packing the hospital bag around 34 weeks sounds good, I'll probably do it around that same time now that I think of it. Cute 3D photo - A is adorable :)

@co_fostermom So happy to hear your GD test came back normal!! That's really awesome. Also, how freaking exciting that you have an opportunity for a house. I'm so jealous! Would love a house too!! Hope all goes well with the purchase and everything!

@Catmumof4 Sorry about the pains! I'm glad it wasn't premature labour (when you said back cramps that's where my mind immediately went), but that sounds really painful with your scar stretching/pulling. Fingers crossed it won't split.

@jellybeanxx Awww love those 4D photos. What a cutie. :)

As for me - well I had a bit of a hard time (emotionally) after writing my last post.

I had a consultation with my doc the next day to go over the ultrasound report, and while he was kind about everything, he definitely seemed very negative in regards to baby's size and said he would 100% not do a vaginal birth with the way it looks right now. Said anything over 4kg and due to me having GD, if I do the birth with him, it'll most likely be a c-section.

I showed him my blood glucose log to prove that my numbers have been good and my GD is controlled (had had the feeling that the ultrasound lady was implying it was my fault baby is so big and that I'm not controlling my diet).
He said we'll do ultrasounds again at 32 weeks and 36 weeks, and then decide which kind of birth we'll do at 36 weeks (which will be my last ultrasound).

Cried a lot that day bc I struggled with mourning the idea of not having the vaginal birth that I want and have always pictured myself having.

I also know that doctors are often too quick to recommend a c-section and that it's definitely possible to birth a larger baby without any issues. Am kinda torn between two sides: on one hand I trust nature and I definitely trust my body and feel like I'd be able to birth this baby without any big issues - on the other hand if something DID go terribly wrong, he got stuck or something, I'd never be able to move on from that and always blame myself for not choosing a c-section.

Doc definitely scared me a little, saying he's seen babies die from shoulder dystocia and such.

As per his orders I saw an endocrinologist a few days later, whom looked at my numbers and could only confirm that my diabetes is well controlled. She doesn't think baby's size is related to my GD. We think it might be genetic as I was a large baby myself (and some of my siblings too), as was my boyfriend.

I think my lil bubba must somehow have felt that i was sad and crying lots that day, because when I tried to sleep that night he was incredibly wiggly, moving and ping-ponging around like he'd never done before; his movements actually felt frantic and panicky, it's hard to describe. Got up at 1AM went to the living room and spent a while singing a lullaby to him that I've been singing to him daily since months, and lo and behold when I got back to bed he was calm and peaceful. I loved that moment and think of it often.

Have started going to the gym again and doing home workouts, not only to feel better myself but to try and hopefully reduce baby boy's weight a little.

He was awfully quiet this whole weekend. Started noticing decreased movement on Friday and it lasted all the way till this afternoon (nothing helped - cold drinks, lying on my side, etc.). We were at my boyfriend's parents place on the countryside without a hospital near so didn't end up going to check it out (even though I definitely wanted to on Saturday). Arrived back home this evening & thankfully, he's very wiggly as I type this.
Fern yay for double digits! I’ve been counting down to that as my next milestone. It’s all getting so close. Hope you have a good week at work!

Pine sorry to hear you’re having a difficult time of it! It sounds like your GD is well controlled and especially if the measurements are all in proportion. It tends to be things like abdominal measurements that get too big with uncontrolled blood sugars. Some women just grow them big and I reckon that would’ve happened even without the GD. I know you’re the kind of person who will get all the information you can and make an informed choice about what you do. I would just say trust your body, don’t feel pushed into anything you don’t want either way and make the best informed choices you can. You’re doing a great job cooking that little baby, you’ve got this!

I had an awful day of back/leg/hip pain yesterday. I’ve got to be so careful not to over do it. It’s horrible feeling so restricted by the aches and pains and then also various coronavirus restrictions. I miss being able to go out and do normal things! It’s just for a short time though and I’ve got to keep reminding myself of that.
Pineberry- huge hugs!!! That’s a very negative experience for you to have gone through, so sorry to hear about the doctor scaring and upsetting you so much. I’m in no way claiming to be an expert or give medical advice but logically, to me, it makes sense that due to your sugar levels being controlled your baby’s size might just be genetic. My story- with ds1, at the 30 week scan his growth was “off the charts” (just last night I read through everything I posted on here during third tri last time). I did the GD test which came back normal; he kept measuring really big especially due to his head circumference. Dr also advised against a vb but I was adamant and said I’ll only agree to a cs in an emergency. The day before I delivered she cautioned me again and asked if I was sure & had me sign loads of forms. Lo and behold I had a vb, though I tore quite badly but that was due to his shoulder not being positioned right (not dystocia though). His head is STILL large and he is a very big boy, genetically! In fact I hope A is also a big boy.
You have some time still to come to peace with the possibility of a cs and of course though the birth might not be as you had planned, the end result will be a beautiful big :) boy. And who knows, maybe you’ll still get your vb.

That’s another difference I noticed between my medical care and that of some other countries. My dr visits plus ultrasounds at each visit are at: 6-7 weeks, 9-10 weeks(sometimes they leave that one out) 12 w, 16w, 20w, 25w, 30w, 34w, 37w, 38w, 39w, 40w.... thus very frequently and weekly toward the end! Whereas in some countries there are way fewer. Well for that matter in my country you also get wayyyy fewer if you go to a government clinic/doctor.

Jelly- oh the pains...!! I have so much sympathy. Xx Hope you find some relief! Do heat or cold packs work for you whatsoever?

Vent warning- about the school where I have a contract for the year and still have no clue if they are going to extend my contract etc, even after having a meeting with the boss and the principal today!

The boss and principals at my school are really ridiculous. So they OK’ed me teaching from home more often than at school BUT they want me to work up till the MINUTE I go into labour. They told me it’s unlawful to keep a teacher physically at school until she goes into labour, because it might happen at school and be “traumatising” and “a health risk” to the kids and the teacher BUT since I’m going to be teaching online from home it will be “easy and comfortable” and no problem with me going into labour at 40 weeks while still teaching full time. Hey, at least the kids won’t see my water breaking, right? And if I want to stop working earlier eg at 38 weeks, I need a dr letter with a valid medical reason. Wtf!? It just shows me I’m just a commodity to them that they want to use up until I physically can’t anymore. They told me that they haven’t made any arrangements for a substitute teacher so that’s obviously why they want me to work for so long and they are very obviously not planning on giving me paid maternity leave. Otherwise I would have had the option of going on mat leave from 38 weeks until 4 months after giving birth, as per government regulations. I’m fuming. I’m a person, not a piece of machinery that must be used until the very last second that it falls apart! I spoke to my sister now and she agrees that they are “milking” me (lol) and trying to get me to work as long as possible; then not appoint a sub and also not pay me any leave or renew my contract, so as to save money. The school year ends in Dec so they will just have the kids do revision by themselves after I’m gone. This is a private school btw and one of the largest businesses in RSA so clearly driven by money. I’m disgusted by their treatment of me, lack of transparency and lack of regard for the kids’ education (no sub has been arranged or even advertised for).
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CC - cute bumpie! Also you look like you're carrying small like me. My bump didn't really start to pop until the middle of 24 weeks.

Fern - I'm sorry about school being such a mess with direction, contracts, etc. That's happening here in the US too - I have so many teacher friends who are just confused and very concerned about what's going to happen, and the vast majority of schools open literally in TWO weeks and they still don't know what's going on. I hope all goes well and you get some answers about your contract soon!

Jelly - I'm sorry about the aches and pains. I'm getting them too, especially in my groin and starting to wonder if I have SPD. At any rate, it sucks, and I hope you are able to bounce back super quick after birth and feel like you get to live normally again soon!

Pine - Wow. I'm so sorry that was your experience this week. Please be sure to take a moment to be proud of yourself for keeping your GD under control. If it makes you feel any better, I have a young friend who also births big babies and to my knowledge never even had GD so obviously baby size was not related. Her last baby (third) was 11lbs and she said it was the easiest birth so far (vaginally) out of the three. I want to say she's a bit tall, maybe somewhere around 5'8/ 5'9, so if you are on the taller side and your BF is on the taller side, it's most likely genetic. I will also say that babies tend to grow to the size of their mothers because nature is pretty neat that way, but like someone else commented, I'm no medical expert and ultimately you should listen to your doctors and your instincts (they are powerful mama - trust them). As far as the type of birth you were hoping for, I just want to give you a big hug. Once upon a time I wanted a home birth, or at least a birth in a birthing center. Then I found out about my uterus and discovered that I would never be allowed to have a home or birthing center birth because no midwife would take me as a patient. Fast forward a bit and I've been forced to come to terms with the very real possibility that not only can I not have a home birth, but my hopes (which I still have) for a natural birth might not actually be a reality. A c-section has been made even more possible by the fact that this baby is almost always folded in half every time I go in for an ultrasound, so he might try to come butt first. Anyway, I share this because I want you to know that it is totally OKAY to grieve the potential loss of your dream birthing experience, and it's OKAY to take the time you need to mentally and emotionally prepare for other possible outcomes. At the end of the day, you will be holding your beautiful baby boy in your arms, and that's really all that matters. Don't let anyone guilt you into one form of birth or another because of course you care about yours and your baby's health (some people will try to say "don't you care about your health and safety?!") and ultimately, you'll end up birthing the way you feel is the best option given the information at hand. I hope you get your vb, but if you don't, know that you are still going to be a fantastic mom to this precious little one!

AFM - my pubic area/ groin is so sore. In fact, it's been sore for so long and everyone I tell about it tells me that it's only going to get worse, that I've just sort of accepted that the pain will be my reality for the next three months. I will be okay. I can't believe I've made it to the 3rd trimester now so I'm thankful for every extra day I get still pregnant.
Just want to say thank you ladies for all of your kind and encouraging words, and taking the time to write all that out. Feeling a lot better after reading these posts, and I think I might be making peace with the fact that I might end up having a c-section (though whether I'll really have one is still up in the air at this point). <3

CC - so cute, and also you're gorgeous!
Co- yeah if she’s anything like #3 I’ll start being a bit more obvious around week 26, but never did get very big, fingers are so crossed it’s the same way.

pine- thank you! Just a good day for a pic I guess
Fern I’ve been using a hot water bottle and it does give some relief! I’m sorry the school are treating you so badly, that’s very frustrating. I hope they get the sub arranged soon!

CC you look fantastic!

Co sorry you’ve been getting the aches and pains too! I had it all very badly in my second pregnancy as well. I ended up on crutches! However, it started to ease in the last couple of weeks of pregnancy and by the time my son was born I was loads better. I remember walking out of the birthing centre with him and feeling completely different! Horray for getting to the third trimester as well! Great milestone!

Pine I’m glad you’re feeling better and more at peace with everything. I always find one of the hardest parts of pregnancy is the unknown and the feeling that some things are out of my control. I find it helps to focus on what I can do and try not to stress about everything else (easier said than done at times!)

I’ve got my 25 week midwife appointment today. It’s usually just first time Mams that get that appointment here but my midwife thinks it’s too big a gap between the 16 week and 28 week appointments so sees everyone. It’s actually a different midwife I’ll be seeing today because my GP surgery has been taken over. I did my intake phone call with her and met her in my last pregnancy and she works closely with the usual midwife I had and seems similar so hopefully it’ll be okay!
GL at your appointment Jelly!

Question: is 3rd trimester nausea common? I feel it on like a 1st trimester level...
Co I remember that with my first pregnancy! The nausea came back in the same way in the third trimester! Making sure I was well hydrated helped a little bit.
Fern, I really hope that I make it to hospital in time, but I also believe that if came down to it, we would be just fine having a car side delivery. We shall see what happens though and try to have a plan to avoid that situation.

I'm so sorry that your leaders at your school and being so shitty. This may be a blessing so that you end up in a job where you are valued and respected.

Such a precious photo of baby G! The end reminds me of the tww, but instead of "am I pregnant?" It's "was that a contraction? Is labor starting? Was that diarrhea because I'm prepping for labor? Oh here's some mucus plug, baby must be coming soon." Dd2 was born an hour before DH was supposed to have surgery for a kidney stone :haha:

CC that's great that she's so close. If I was in your shoes I'd have chosen the same. No birthing centers around here and I'm sure my insurance would consider it tier 3 or out of network so hospital birth for me. On the plus side my office ha both OBs and midwives and the OBs aren't quick to suggest induction or CS in my experience. So I'm very happy with them. I could honestly go to a closer hospital but it would be with a group I don't trust.

Lovely bump pic.

Co so happy that you don't have GD! Also, if it makes you feel better my bag wasn't packed with my 1st and had preemie. I packed around 32 weeks with my 2nd and went full term.

I hope the house works out for you all.

I tens to have good days and bad days during third tri. It depends a lot on how baby is positioned. With my 1st I never made it to the "miserable" stage. With my 2nd he last 2 weeks were hardest for me but it's manageable.

I had occasional mild bouts of nausea in 3rd tri, think it's more because organs are so cramped/squished.

Cat glad Bonnie is okay. Hope she continues to grow so you aren't worried. Oh were you other babies on the petite side? Mine were average to a little small. Well my preemie was good size for her GA.

Jelly how wonderful that he was able to attend. Baby is a cutie already. My 1st had absolutely no problems proving she was a girl. It was literally the 1st thing we saw on all her ultrasounds (after 12 weeks). My 2nd was a bit more shy and my 3rd is in between shy and proud lol

Hope the anticipation will help with pushing. My 2nd came out from 3 to 5 minutes of pushing but i knew she was a girl. I'm thinking this one will fly out lol

Pine I'm so sorry the appt didn't go as you planned. I would think that since your sugars are controlled it's genetics and not related to GD. My mom didn't have GD but she did deliver both my brother and I vaginally without an epidural and we were both 9+lbs so I definitely believe you can do it. However, if somethings happens and you have to have a CS then just know that how you deliver isn't all that important in the grand scheme of things and that healthy baby and mom are the most important
Now for my selfish post.

So just been reading along as again so busy with trying to get house ready. Well, Thursday realtor said another agent in the office wanted to show our home Monday morning before the house was even listed. Ladies.... we had an offer from that showing. It is too low for what we are wanting so we countered. Hope to hear a response this evening. If this goes through/accepted we will close on September 2nd!!! I'm thinking we will probably rent for a bit until we find a house we want that's in our budget. Houses are selling so fast right now that there isn't much available right now.

Saturday I was out picking up trash along our property line and pulled weeds around the house. The squatting made my thighs so sore Sunday and yesterday.

OB appt went well yesterday. No anemia or GD. My blood pressure was a little low 94/66 but think it's from lack of sleep and working so hard. Baby's heart beat was 144 bpm.

Anyone have a 26 week appt? I'm used to having 24 and 28 week appt. I'm wondering if it's because of my blood pressure.
Hello everyone. Thank you for all your kind words!

Pine I'm so sorry the appointment sucked, is there any way you could change doctors? Seems a little section happy doesn't he?

Cc lovely pic

Fern hope you get work sorted so you feel more comfortable

Flukey that's great news! Let us no if you get the better offer!

Afm we went to the zoo yesterday it was amazing!! Loved it!! Unfortunately my fibromyalgia has kicked my behind all day today and I have slept so much but was so worth it! X
Co_foster, I also get uncomfortable after eating but no nausea atm just really stretched out, bloated and blah. I forgot to say earlier, hope you get the house that you want!

And Flueky for you as well; both of you have a lot of guts to move house and/or be looking at homes during pregnancy. There’s no way I would mentally be able to handle it!

Flueky you really seem calm about a possible home or car side delivery. Wow it makes me really anticipate your birth story ;) hope your doctors are not too concerned about your bp. It doesn’t seem that low.

Cat- so cool that you could go to the zoo. We went for a quick game drive for about 2hrs on Sunday and saw about 2billion zebras, lots of other antelope and buffaloes, I absolutely love African wildlife (all animals for that matter) and would love to go to the zoo before A is born, too. Sorry that you were in pain though!

Afm school still sucks. It’s way too much pressure to get 9 months worth of school work squished into 4 months (trying to make up for lockdown and then missing teaching time due to endless exam writing). I spoke to 2 other teachers today whom I heard complaining about the circumstances and everyone is anxious and stressed. Also, the teacher 2 doors down from me got covid from his dad, his dad passed away this morning. The teacher NEXT DOOR to me, is in isolation after spending time with a + family member during the weekend but she still attended school on Monday. Chaos! 11,5 weeks to go, I’ll ask my doctor to write a note saying I can’t work after 38 weeks, too bad. Doesn’t seem like they are going to renew my contract since I still need to complete my qualification next year, and that they are looking for a way to get out of paying mat leave even though my contract is until December. So I feel like I’ve given up on them but at least it’s a good reference on my CV for a new teaching position by the time I’m ready to apply for it.

I’ve asked this before but is anyone planning a baby shower or sprinkle now with the pandemic? I’m having a drive-through baby shower at the beginning of Sept, my sister is arranging it. Soooo looking forward even though all the guests will just pop in (onto the front lawn), with a mask, and leave again after a few minutes. It’s still a celebration!
Cat sorry your fibro is acting up but glad everyone enjoyed the zoo.

Fern right now I'm a little nervous about finding a place before closing. There isn't much available at the moment. My FIL said we can stay on his property. It wouldn't be ideal but it would give us shelter and we'd save money. I've called some places to inquire about renting but I've either had to leave a voicemail or no availability.

I look forward to hearing everyone's birth stories. It's an intense but wonderful experience.

So sorry it's looking like you won't get paid leave or a job ready to go back to. It does sound like you'd be better off elsewhere as they obviously don't value their staff.

AFM we accepted their offer last night. We should close by September 2nd so now trying to find a place to live. I'm excited, nervous, and sad all at the same time. DH and I bought this home 8years ago. We have many memories here, but we need something else that fits our needs and we are selling for $35,000 more than what we bought it at 8 yrs ago.

Oh forgot to mention a kind older woman told me I was such a cute pregnant lady. It was such a nice compliment :)
Congrats on selling your house Flueky! And it’s great that you are making a nice profit :) hope your move goes well.

I’m not too worried about not going back to work there because I still have my other job, my tutoring business that I’ve had for 8 years which is still running. That’s why I was fine with accepting a year contract to start with because I still have my own business to fall back on. Literally the only reason why I haven’t resigned earlier than my contract stated is due to covid finances.
Hi everyone,

I just did a quick read through of all the posts and because I’m on my phone I can’t reply to them. But glad everyone is still pregnant and going strong, even with a few scares and lots of normal pregnancy aches and pains.

I’m off work this week on holidays. Just staying home this week but it’s nice to spend time with the family. We’ve put up the crib and got most of the baby things bought. But thought I’d check in and say hi :hi:.
Morning all! I need to read through the most recent posts but wanted to share a quick update (sort of selfish - I will try to respond to everyone's recent posts soon). Had a pretty big scare yesterday as I spent 40 minutes trying to find Baby's heartbeat with my app unsuccessfully and hadn't felt him move around a whole bunch at all except first thing in the morning when it was super frantic and he moved like I'd never experienced. Finally last night I was able to find his HB while laying on my side and I did notice him respond a bit when I put the phone on my belly. Also had a Braxton Hicks contraction yesterday after the 40 minutes of fright, so of course my mind was like, great, I've lost my baby and now my body is getting rid of him. He's moving much better this morning and I was able to find his heartbeat right away after waking up, but man ladies, yesterday was not a good day for me emotionally.
Co that sounds so stressful! Are you feeling more reassured now? Could be that he just got himself in an awkward position but it’s always better to get checked out and get some reassurance in those situations. My midwife said to me at my appointment the other day that if I’m ever worried I should just call the assessment unit and they’ll bring me in to be monitored and it’s better to do that than stay home and worry!

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