★ October & November 2020 Hedgehogs ★

Co sorry that you had to go through a nasty scary situation... I’m relieved everything is OK. I agree with jellybean, rather go in to be checked when you feel anything is wrong, it’s your right as a momma. Hugs!

Joanna I hope you are having a lovely time at home!

Hope everyone else is doing well and have a good weekend. I’m planning on properly cleaning up my home classroom today, hanging new curtains etc since I’ll be working from home more now. I also wanted to clean out and fix (involves drilling for shelves) a large cupboard to use in ds bedroom so that I can move all of his clothes out of the baby’s bedroom but husband has to work today so that probably won’t happen, maybe tomorrow. And of course schoolwork. I have a lot of assessments to mark. 11 work weeks left! It’s actually flying by!
@Fern81 dont know about a baby shower tbh, not because of covid but I'm definitely not gonna throw one myself, a friend talked about throwing one for me when I first found out I was pregnant but I'm not actually sure I want one :-k I feel like I already have most items for baby & I'm kinda picky with the style of clothing / toys, so i'd be afraid to get like a ton of stuff for him that I dont like hahah

@Flueky88 Yay congrats on selling! Wonderful news. :)

@co_fostermom Aww I'm so sorry you had such a scare. Am relieved to hear that bub is doing alright. I remember once about 2 weeks ago when babe hadn't moved in a while and when I decided to check his heartbeat with the doppler it took about 30 seconds to find it - longest 30 seconds of my life especially because I usually find it the moment I put the doppler on. But I guess this is our life now - always worrying about our babies :hugs2:

I'm legit concerned about how it's gonna be when he's here. I'll most likely spend night after night getting up every 2 hours just to check if he's still breathing lol.
Fern I'm glad you have your tutoring job to fall back on. Oh and forgot to mention, we are going to have a sprinkle. Honestly, maybe I should call it a dripping faucet lol. I just want to celebrate baby with close family. If anyone wants to buy anything, just diapers but it won't be expected. I haven't set a date since we have so much else going on but I'm thinking the start of October.

It sounds like you are quite busy and yes it's going by so fast!

Co sorry for the scare. I would ring up your OB next time you have reduced movements.

Joanna so glad you are ready. I feel so weird not preparing for baby. Hope you enjoyed your time off

Happy weekend everyone!
Hey all flukey congrats on selling so quickly!

Fern I'm really glad you have your tutoring to fall back on!

Co, I hate to say this but next time u don't feel baby move just go to get checked the dopplars for phones etc are NOT accurate! One my good friends recently lost her son at 36 weeks it's been really traumatic and midwife said she shouldn't have wasted time trying to find the heartbeat at home (mega harsh if you ask me) and just gone in at first signs of trouble. I can't tell you how relieved i am to hear he's fine now!!

Afm I went into hospital wed evening cos midwife wasn't happy with a pain I was getting and itching all over really bad. Long story short I had gastritis (not gastroenteritis lol ) and possibly the starting of obstetric cholestasis oh yey lol but at least wasn't anything serious xxx
Cat that sounds so uncomfortable! I hope you get some relief from the pain and itching. What’s the plan now?

Pine I still check on my kids if I feel like they’re sleeping too well. That worry never really goes away I don’t think, it just becomes part of life!

Fern sounds like a busy time, satisfying to get it all done though!

I’ve been working on getting my youngest moved from the nursery into his big boy bedroom. The big bedroom is getting gutted and decorated and I’ve been sorting through all his clothes and things ready to move over. Then we can get the nursery done up for the new baby. I’ve found myself obsessing over the sex of the baby again :haha: I think it’s something I do now when I get anxious about other things. My brain just diverts all its nervous energy into whether this one is a boy or a girl. I know it sounds daft!!
Doesn't sound daft at all hun it's a good coping method. If you find yourself getting too worried go to Dr hun!

Thank you for the reply. I don't really have a plan now.. hope for the best Lol!!

Afm had a great afternoon at friends for the first time in months was soo nice!

Has anyone on here had a previous c section? Xx
Congrats on selling your home Flueky!

Pine... So glad you're feeling slightly better about the possible section but please don't settle for one if you really don't want one. My first baby was over 4kg and I birthed him vaginally no problem, I tore slightly but nothing a few stitches didn't sort out. My next two were much smaller but my friend consistently has big children and births them without issue. 4 of them all over 10lb, funnily enough she's just a petite thing herself and the doctors are always baffled how she manages to grow them so big because never any GD.

Co - so glad you found baby's heartbeat and he's moving around more normally now, must have been so so scary. Sending hugs.

Jelly - how exciting that you're preparing to sort the nursery. We don't have a nursery to sort because baby will share with big sister, for the first few years at least after coming out of our room.

Hope everyone is doing well, happy Monday guys!!
Cat I’m glad you had a good time with your friends, it’s so nice to get out isn’t it? I went to the park with friends and their kids today. It was good to feel a bit normal. I’m so sore now though!

Jess the nursery is only a tiny room so will have to rethink bedrooms etc when the kids are older but it’s exciting to be able to create a little baby space. Hope you’re keeping well!

I’m find getting a comfortable night’s sleep a bit harder. I’ve started needing to get up to wee more as well and then struggling to get back to sleep. So tired! It’s definitely starting to feel like the third trimester is approaching :sleep:
Jelly thank u it was lovely doing it again wed I'm so sad I'm very excited lol
Have you got a body pillow to help you sleep?

Afm had a really chilled out day was nice but I keep finding myself really grumpy for no reason! My poor family, good job they love me ](*,) :blush:
Jelly thank u it was lovely doing it again wed I'm so sad I'm very excited lol
Have you got a body pillow to help you sleep?

Afm had a really chilled out day was nice but I keep finding myself really grumpy for no reason! My poor family, good job they love me ](*,) :blush:

I was so grumpy all the time in my last pregnancy! I felt so bad about it but I couldn’t stop snapping at everyone. They were all so annoying :haha:
I do have a body pillow, might have to try that now. I’ve been using a few different regular pillows, one between my knees, one sort of under my bump and then a couple propping me up. Might be time to get the big body pillow out!
Jelly im so glad its not just me lol!!
I'd be lost without my pillow Lol!! It's a bit squished now lol
Catmum - my last pregnancy ended with a c-section (she was breech).
I'm also sorry about the itching, that sounds awful.

Jellybean - I've been uncomfortable sleeping for about a month now, so right around where you are at in your pregnancy. I wake up every time my body wants to turn over. I've always been a mover in my sleep (can tell by my hair in the morning)... but now I wake to flip to my other side every could hours. The next 2 months are just going to get harder lol.

So my daughter is 6.5 years old and shes got several 'fears'. Including being afraid to go down the hall to the bathroom or bedroom on her own (her brother likes to scare her and makes this worse)... and shes also afraid of storms. I feel these are pretty normal fears for a kid her age. However, on the weekend we were visiting my grandma and my daughter had a little cry because she'd left her teddy at home and we'd had a few phone alerts regarding storms in our area. My grandma thought it was highly concerning that a kid her age was so fearful of storms, she basically said that we had taught her to be afraid as she'd learned it from her elders. I feel like my grandma is making this into such a big deal and stressing me out over it. Am I right be pissed that she's making this a big deal when it's a normal kid behaviour?
Joanna my son is a similar age and has started to be scared of similar things. I was the same at that age too. I think they’re learning to risk assess and especially at the moment there’s a lot of general worry around so they’re just figuring out how to react to it. I think it’s a normal part of development. I just reassure my son as much as possible and try and help him work through why he’s worried.
As for the uncomfortable sleeping, I’ve got the same with waking up when I need to turn and I think it’s because turning over if getting a bit harder with the weight of the bump!

99 days until my due date from today! So excited to be in double figures!
Happy double digits Jellybean!

I’m 27 weeks today so “officially” third trimester yay! I can’t stop thinking about getting A’s room and clothes and toiletries ready and pack the hospital bag... oi. I have to keep reminding myself there’s still time, I’ll have a bit more time to do stuff during September as my final grade learners will be busy with exams.

Jelly seems like we’re kind of doing the same; I’m also moving ds stuff out of the baby room into his new bigger bedroom. He is already sleeping in his new bedroom and his toys have been moved & cupboard unpacked (it has to get new shelves). Then I’ll start packing and organizing the baby’s bedroom (where I will sleep too) however I think I’ll leave washing everything until closer to his due date so that it’s nice and fresh and clean when he gets here.

Sleeping- oh my gosh I’m so uncomfortable. I try to sleep on my left side as recommended but my back gets so sore. On Sunday night I woke up on my back while vomiting up painful, burning stomach acid! It was an interesting experience to say the least... I’m going to try a pillow behind my back tonight for extra support. Heartburn is here in full swing, anyone else??

Co are you feeling a bit better?

My teacher friend got covid from the school that he teaches at. His wife (good friend of mine) just had a baby 2 months ago. Their older daughter is in the same school as my son but they are all in isolation. Teaching remains scary; I can’t even imagine what pregnant doctors/nurses must be feeling and how they are coping!

Hope everyone has a good week.
Btw I think babysizer was hacked because there is no way whatever is on my ticker can be correct lmao
Okay I have a lot to catch up on and a lot to catch you all up on -

Catmum - are you feeling any better? Also - gotta love pregnancy hormones! I never really know how I'm going to feel in a given day, though I'm sorry were feeling grumpy. I got really upset about something last weekend (you can read about it my journal if you so desire) and I cried for like 24 hours straight. After a while DH just started laughing and said it was "endearing." Ugh I wanted to punch him lol.

Jelly - I hear you about being uncomfortable at night! I saw a meme recently that said "rolling over in bed now counts as my daily exercise" and I wholeheartedly agree lol.

Joanna - at least from my former experience as a foster parent, that sounds like totally normally behavior for a six-year-old and I agree with Jelly about "risk assessment" and also kids are finally starting to really process the stress caused from and felt by parents due to the pandemic. Ultimately, you'll figure out what's best for her to get through these times, but I bet you anything it'll be a phase and she'll be A OK at night and in new environments soon enough. It's part of learning how to self-regulate.

Fern - I'm so sorry your job is still stressful and that does sound super scary being around people with confirmed Covid but still having to work regardless. Stay safe!!!! Also, I have no idea what your tracker even is this week lol! Is that a beer?

Pine - I hear you about waking up every 2 hours once the baby arrives! I'm not entirely sure if I'll get any sleep that entire first week. I'm assuming my body will just shut itself down eventually lol.

AFM - Love Bug is measuring in the 9th percentile again so I have to go in for weekly NSTs starting this Friday and growth checks every 3 weeks. Assuming everything continues to mostly function properly (besides the fact that he's small), my peri wants me to deliver between 38-39 weeks (I would be THRILLED if I made it that long). BUT, if the placenta stops flowing properly, I could be forced to deliver at 34 weeks (yikes!) or even as soon as 32 weeks, which is only FOUR weeks from now (nope. A WHOLE lot of NOPE). Right now I'm on track for 38-39 weeks so I'm hoping for the best. Also, apparently if I stop feeling movement or if I feel less movement, my peri wants me to call and come in for a NST right away because she said due to my smaller anatomy, I should be feeling the baby more than the average mom. So you were all right - I probably should have called and I need to stop pretending that everything is always okay and just trust my instincts. Even the peri told me to trust my instincts lol. Okay, okay, I get it!
Wow co, 32 weeks sounds hectic BUT at least you seem like you are getting excellent care and that they are really keeping an eye on your babes. I keep all my fingers crossed that you do make it (much) further along than that but at least it sounds like they will make sure he is fine if he needs to be born earlier.

I have the day off tomorrow, our principal decided to give us a teeny long weekend break. I have so much school work to do (marking especially) but just want to take a break and do baby stuff. I want to exchange some blankets for baby clothes, pick up a free gift baby box (yay!) and continue sorting out a section of baby’s room (cupboard). Looking forward to forgetting about school for one day!
Morning All,

Thanks for the reassurance Jelly & Co - regarding my daughter's fears. I do feel that it is just normal behaviour... in fact yesterday there were some dark clouds in the sky and my daughter was outside playing with a friend, she didn't even notice them! I have a feeling her fear of storms is a way of getting attention when she wants it... rather then an actual fear.

Fern - welcome to 3rd Trimester, it always feels like the best milestone to get past. How has the heartburn been? I've been very lucky to never experience heartburn in pregnancy (hopefully I haven't just jinx myself now though). Did you try propping yourself up on some pillows when you lay down at night? My little baby can be very high up and under my ribs sometimes, which is super uncomfortable as it is, can't imagine adding heartburn to that. Enjoy your long weekend, hopefully you find some time to relax.

Co - I'm glad they are keeping a close watch on your baby's growth. My daughter was born at 36 weeks and was perfect (just on the skinny side)... so hopefully delivering at 34 weeks won't be too bad. But i'm crossing my finger's that he stays put until 38-39 weeks for you.

AFM: I've felt a significant change in baby's movement over the past 2 weeks. He's a proper wiggler now... I hated those days where I felt hardly anything for several days in a row and it made me quiet nervous. But now I'm feeling his patterns of being awake and wiggling vs. him sleeping. I do remember my other children waking me up at night from kicking... I haven't experienced that yet this time.
A few posts iv missed! Joanna my nearly 2 year old is literally terrified of everything up to and including a vein I have on my leg.. like seriously.... i think kids have to go through phases of learning what is normal and what isnt but glad she didn't notice the clouds the other day!

Fern so.sorry about the rubbish situation but glad you got a few extra days off!

Co I'm glad I was able to help, sounds weird but yours is the story I'm most following this baby is such a blessing to your family! My friend had her daughter at 34 weeks and after a short stay in nicu was absolutely fine and iv had babies at 36 37 & 38 weeks and all were fine no nicu time at all so it isn't all bad! As long as baby gets here safe!

Afm feel like I'm always moaning on here and I'm so sorry for that. Been in hospital since Tues afternoon with crippling headache pain in my right side and feeling like my scar was ripping open again. After all checks they think the pain in my side is due to having babies so close together and having to stretch again, the scar pain is baby growing and pulling on the skin and the headaches could be stress related I'm on so many medications now I'm heart broken for Bonnie and hope she will be ok. Anyways hope you all have a good weekend xx
Thanks for the reassurance ladies!

Fern - I hope you were able to enjoy your day off!!!!

Joanna - Yay baby kicks! I'm also so thrilled when I feel him move around a lot. It's so reassuring and makes me think he's a happy little worm in there.

Catmum - I'm so sorry for the pain you're having and all the medications you're having to take. I'm sure your doctors know that the medicine has more benefit than harm, otherwise they wouldn't prescribe certain kinds. Bonnie is going to be A OK!!!

AFM - have my NST today. Hoping all goes well.

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