★ October & November 2020 Hedgehogs ★

Jellybean - the shot is called RhoGAM. I can only every recall having it after giving birth, never at 28 weeks.

I'm also an O negative blood type too... so I've got some rare blood lol.

I've also shopped a lot less this time around. I've quickly checked the baby section at our local grocery stores when I'm already there but haven't gone out yet to get all the little things we will need.

Has everyone picked up a thermometer? I know it's important to have one with a little baby but I've only got a normal thermometer (under tongue, armpit). I had an ear thermometer when my son was a baby but it died many years ago. I feel like with COVID all the thermometers are hard to get and don't actually know which type to buy (forehead, ear, etc). I feel like it's going to be super important for when my kids go back to school in Sept, I wonder if they are going to be making us check temperatures every morning?
Hi all, iv got my bag packed I'm very ocd with organisation and like knowing it's done,

Erm so something really odd has happened today! I'm 28 weeks dead on and Bonnie suddenly dropped right into my pelvis and since then been getting period type cramps in my periody area and lower back.... never had this happen. She's still moving fine since eating but obv not sure what to do. It's 8.30 pm and kids r in bed and I have a scan tomorrow but at the same time if I was to go into preterm labour again (24 weeks with my 3rd pregnancy) I want them to stop it in time. What do you suggest??
Jelly happy V day! Now for 3rd tri milestone!

Maybe coloring or building with blocks or legos??

So happy DH can go to a scan with you Saturday! I can't wait to see pics or hear about it :)

Cat hope you enjoyed your haircut amd sorry Miss Bonnie is already giving you some stress/anxiety.

I get an occasional bout of nausea but nothing I feel I need medicine for. Do you have HG?

I definitely am not ready for baby but I'm still 2nd tri and have so much to do. I'll probably pack a hospital bag around 32 or 34 weeks. We are also packing an emergency bag in case DH has to deliver baby since I'm expecting labor to last 1.5 hours this time and hospital 35 minutes away plus having to get childcare sorted.

I would defintely call the hospital or your provider and ask them. I think it's better to err on the side of cautionand trust your instincts.
Azure hope you sell quickly. I actually mentioned movers but DH shot that down. I won't do heavy lifting like furniture when it comes time but I seriously hate feeling lazy so I'll do some things.

Joanna bahaha I'm glad I'm not the only one having crazy dreams. Breastfeeding, I'm hoping my milk storage capacity increases from last time. It was about an average one but I hate struggling to pump enough and having to supplement with some formula. On one hand I know an over supply has it's own challenges. I shouldn't have to pump as much this time though since I'll be working from home most days and DH home with the girls. So much easier to BF than pump.

I haven't really got to the uncomfortable part yet and have been doing things like normal. I know it won't be much longer though until my bump prevents me from doing some things.

For newborns, infants, and toddlers I like just a normal oral thermometer and use it under their armpit. Not a fan of the scanner ones and they are too small and wiggly for an ear one, imo.

Glad they are taking it serious. I feel fortunate that I'm a+ so no worries on that front.

Fern I'm sorry your job is so stressful right now. I hope things get better. Oh that would be great if you could work from home!
How was your appt?

Co yes my 2nd loved kicking me in the cervix and this one does every now and then. It's such an odd feeling.

Jess wonderful news on your growth scan! How interesting so many of us are moving during our pregnancies.

Going to pack around 32 or 34 weeks I believe.

AFM been super busy trying to get house ready to sell, will be listed either Monday night or Tuesday morning :) Wish us luckon a quick sell! Work has also been busy. Had a 4 hour drive to and from one of our offices today. It was a beautiful drive through the mountains.

Had to get stuff sorted with my Makena injections so they would be at my OB office by Monday. Also trying to get a dental checkup since Covid delayed my cleaning. I think it's best not to delay dental care so would like a checkup as it's almost been a year!

Feeling pretty good so far but I know 3rd tri aches and pains are around the corner. I've gained 9lbs so far and hoping to stay under 25 lb gain but not going to beat myself up over it.
Cat I replied to your thread in third tri, hope you’re doing okay and everything goes well today!

Flueky that reminds me that I need to get my dentist sorted out too! My routine appointment was cancelled during lockdown and I’m not sure when they’re actually restarting anything other than emergencies.
That drive through the mountains sounds wonderful! I love that sort of scenery.
All the best for a speedy house sale!

Joanna I’ve got a braun ear thermometer. We bought it when I was pregnant with my eldest 7 years ago and it’s still going strong. It’s the ones GPs use here. They’re not the cheapest but they’re accurate and easy to use.

I’ve spent the last day reading birth and especially home birth stories and getting really excited. I think it’s finally sunk in that I’m actually pregnant. This is real!
Hi ladies, it’s nice as always to read through everyone’s posts, sorry if I don’t reply to everyone in person x

Cat I would phone in for sure. Please keep us updated.

Jellybean I hope you get your home birth, I’m already looking forward to everyone’s birth stories!

Flueky are you a bit scared of anticipating a possible home birth yourself? You seem calm about it though!

Scan went well, baby is measuring spot on in 60th percentile. I’ll post a 3d pic of his face :). Dr said I can work from home if I want (not compulsory) and gave me a dr’s letter to that effect. However she said that she’s worried about my stress levels, I just about broke down in her office. Covid stress, school chaos, not having a supportive husband, being totally overworked... Idk what I can do about my stress levels though all of those are out of my control...

I’ll probably pack my bag at 34 weeks and hope to at least have A’s bed and clothes, nappies & consumables, car seat and pram ready by then. I sit and work every weekend just to try to get through the school work so since my week off I haven’t been able to do anything regarding nesting. Hopefully he takes his time to be born and I’ll have some time to fix up his room when I’m on mat leave.

Heard today that my dr doesn’t do elective inductions which I was hoping for, only in emergency cases. She strongly prefers waiting until the body goes into labour. She is also not a fan of elective cs but promotes vb (which is why I chose her) but it’s going to be a whole new experience going into labour on my own, on an unplanned date, it’s adding to my anxiety right now but I guess I’ll get used to the idea.

Despite eating very healthy and truly not a lot these past 6 weeks, I’ve picked up another 6-7 lb for a total of a 26 lb so far. Dr is not concerned whatsoever but I’m devastated. I weighed 75kg when G was born and if I keep picking up at this rate I’ll be 80kg + when A is born.

Here is the pic; sideways again..!

Fern - what an adorable little face <3 I'm sorry your so stressed out. Has there been anymore talk about working from home?

Jellybean - I'll take a look for the braun ear thermometer. I recognize the brand so can probably get it here.

Flukey - Good luck on the selling of your house!

Catmum - what did you end up doing about baby? I'm hoping everything was fine. With your history I'd probably go get checked.

On another note: what baby monitor do you have/will you get? The prices vary so much here and it seems that Amazon's reviews are very mixed and a bit biased. I saw a post by someone saying that when they got their monitor they had the option of leaving a 5 star review and getting an additional screen! So I don't know how to trust the reviews.

We had a video monitor when my first was born and we loved it, but the thing didn't last long. We had an audio monitor when my daughter was born (don't have it anymore). I'd like another video monitor... I'm feeling very nervous this time about SIDS and I don't know why, so I think the video monitor will help with that anxiety. Anyway, any suggestions?
Thanks Joanna:) dr said that although there are no guidelines currently in RSA for pregnant teachers, I can work from home if it’s feasible so she wrote a letter recommending it to my bosses. I’ll see what happens, schools might close again regardless (then we’ll all work from home for a month or so), the announcement will be made at 8 tonight.

I have an Angelcare sound monitor but I think it’s broken so I’m following for advice. The Angelcare is nice and has a long range and is very sensitive but sometimes I had trouble getting it to work. You get an Angelcare with a sensory pad that goes in the cot/baby bed which sounds an alarm if baby stops breathing, my sister used it with her twins.

I have a nuvita ear & forehead thermometer but it measures 0,5 deg C lower (ear) and 1 deg C lower (forehead) than my digital underarm/mouth thermometer. At our schools everyone is temp tested via a non-contact thermometer daily but we make lots of jokes about it because if you measure too cold on your forehead (zombie-like temp) then you have to turn your head and neck until they get a better temp so those are very unreliable and readings seem to depend on the outside temp (it’s still winter here). I don’t recommend getting one of those for household use.
I noticed home birth is being discussed! I’m in WA state so it’s been pretty crazy, I also decided against a hospital birth. I am seeing a midwife (who I found out is actually in my women’s group at church!), she will either deliver at my house, at her brand new birth center, or at her house where she’s operated for the last 33 years. I can wait until labor to decide where if I want, which is nice, considering how fast I go.

I am actually really looking forward to it too, my last two deliveries were unmediated (also under two hours) w my water spontaneously breaking first - hoping this one follows suit x
CC it sounds like you’ve found something that will work really well for you! Great that you’ve got the option of both.
I’ve also got a good birthing centre nearby that I would be transferred to if needed and I had my second son there. It’s comforting to have options! Is that an independent midwife you’d have then? I have no idea how it all works in other places! Here in England we get a national health service community midwife and they do the home births as well. Which one I’ll get will depend on when I go into labour. My own midwife that I see for appointments is part of the home birth team so I’m hoping it’s her. They always come in pairs. If I end up in hospital for whatever reason, it’ll still be a midwife but one of the hospital ones. They have doctors there if needed but both my babies have been delivered by midwives, though there were doctors in the room with my first. There’s always the option of hiring an independent midwife for home births here but I’d have to pay for that.

Joanna we’ve got a Samsung video monitor, again we bought it 7 years ago when I was pregnant with the eldest and it’s still going strong. We’ll use that again.

Fern I’m glad the scan went well, that’s a lovely photo!
CC it sounds like you’ve found something that will work really well for you! Great that you’ve got the option of both.
I’ve also got a good birthing centre nearby that I would be transferred to if needed and I had my second son there. It’s comforting to have options! Is that an independent midwife you’d have then? I have no idea how it all works in other places! Here in England we get a national health service community midwife and they do the home births as well. Which one I’ll get will depend on when I go into labour. My own midwife that I see for appointments is part of the home birth team so I’m hoping it’s her. They always come in pairs. If I end up in hospital for whatever reason, it’ll still be a midwife but one of the hospital ones. They have doctors there if needed but both my babies have been delivered by midwives, though there were doctors in the room with my first. There’s always the option of hiring an independent midwife for home births here but I’d have to pay for that.

Joanna we’ve got a Samsung video monitor, again we bought it 7 years ago when I was pregnant with the eldest and it’s still going strong. We’ll use that again.

Fern I’m glad the scan went well, that’s a lovely photo!

she is an independent midwife yes except she does have a little team of her own, healthcare is quite different in the US, we fortunately have great private insurance who she is considered in network with so will only have to pay 20% of the contracted allowance (rates agreed between provider and insurance) for all services. Out of hospital births, or even unmedicated in hospital births Are SO much more cost saving in that regard, definitely a bonus. She actually lives right down the road from me (I’m considered rural) so that was also a huge, huge, huge bonus as otherwise I’d be commuting 45-60 min to the bigger hospital due to covid - being that my water spontaneously breaks and contractions instantly set in 2-5 min apart, it is go time with no notice so that she’s so close is a HUGE factor, so grateful to have found her x

can’t believe it’s almost August, can not wait for the birth stories!!!!
Wow I'm so behind on posting these days!

Okay so someone asked about being tested for anti-d and then getting a shot at 28 weeks or so. My doctor just had me tested and I will have to have the shot (I'm also O negative) the next time I go in for an appointment - so before birth. As it stands, because I had bleeding early on, I've already had to have the shot. I will also be getting the TDAP shot at the same time.

Had my glucose screen and I am thrilled to say my results came back normal so no GD for me!!! Woot! This is kinda a big deal for me because I had a lot of the risk factors. I suspected I didn't have it, because Baby is so small, but nevertheless it's nice to actually know.

Someone asked about packing hospital bags. I don't even have a bag to pack things in at the moment. Hoping for one to be gifted at my shower. Once I do get one, though, I will probably pack it right away lol. But then also I don't want to jinx myself and go into preterm labor which I'm already terrified of happening.

Catmum - I would call your doctor asap. If you feel like this is early labor, better safe than sorry. At least the doctor can check to see if your cervix has thinned at all.

Someone mentioned selling/ buying/ moving house. Well, we just came into an opportunity with some friends and it looks like we might be buying a house soon too. Yay 3rd trimester moving - exactly the thing I wanted to avoid but honestly I will be SO thankful to be able to own my own home and leave renting behind before Baby gets here.

Baby Monitors - I literally just came across the Wyze baby monitor and I'm stoked about it. It packs a real punch. Wifi capable (but you can get one with a SD card if you're like me and don't like storing recordings of your baby on the cloud), can be adjusted from a distance (as in, you can change the angle it's facing), has 22 thousand reviews on Amazon and has a 4.5 star rating and the best part is it's under $40 US unless you get the SD card and then it's $50 US. I haven't found a single baby monitor for that low of a price that can do all of that.
Fern - I have looked into other forms of Angelcare type products (for heartbeat/breathing). I'm going to try out a video baby monitor to start but if my anxiety about SIDS gets worse when baby is born then I'll be looking into those Angelcare type devices.

CC94 - it sounds like you have an amazing midwife and so glad she lives so close. I'd be considering a home birth this time if my second wasn't a c-section baby. My first labour was quick and easy but my second was c-section due to baby being breech. So i'll be in the hospital for this birth (hoping for a VBAC though).

Jellybean - thanks for the advice on the samsung video monitor. I'll take a look for it.

Foster - it was me talking about the RhoGAM shot at 28 weeks. I had mine yesterday.
Glad your glucose test came back normal, that must be a relief.

As for hospital bags - I use the baby diaper bag for the baby things and pack a small suitcase for myself. My hospital only provides diapers/wipes and feminine pads for first time mothers. So I'll have to pack those things and they will take up a bit more space.
Fern - I have looked into other forms of Angelcare type products (for heartbeat/breathing). I'm going to try out a video baby monitor to start but if my anxiety about SIDS gets worse when baby is born then I'll be looking into those Angelcare type devices.

CC94 - it sounds like you have an amazing midwife and so glad she lives so close. I'd be considering a home birth this time if my second wasn't a c-section baby. My first labour was quick and easy but my second was c-section due to baby being breech. So i'll be in the hospital for this birth (hoping for a VBAC though).

Jellybean - thanks for the advice on the samsung video monitor. I'll take a look for it.

Foster - it was me talking about the RhoGAM shot at 28 weeks. I had mine yesterday.
Glad your glucose test came back normal, that must be a relief.

As for hospital bags - I use the baby diaper bag for the baby things and pack a small suitcase for myself. My hospital only provides diapers/wipes and feminine pads for first time mothers. So I'll have to pack those things and they will take up a bit more space.

I’ve gotten quite lucky with her for sure! Fx you get your vbac!! <3
I can’t wait to read the home birth and midwife assisted birth stories. Like I’ve said previously, most ladies I know have had elective cs, everyone I know has given birth in a hospital with a gynae and pediatrician in attendance. That’s one of the things I started freaking out about when my dr said I will have to go into labour by myself; I thought omw what if it’s 3AM and there is no pediatrician! But dr assured me all specialists are on call and pediatricians attend all births any time of the night or day; I can’t imagine it any other way! Weird and cool how things are so different in different cultures and countries.
Good morning everyone sorry it's been so long-

Good luck to those wanting a homebirth tho I will admit iv never been fond of the idea (I'm v v high risk) I like the thought of chilling in your own environment!

Hospital bags iv had mine done for ages but I'm ocd about having things ready lol I have a smaller bag for me in case I have to go in early like last time- I had obstetric cholestasis so was in for about a week before induction last time. And a prob too big suitcase for after because I will have to stay in for a day or two because of the medication I have to take for my fibro.

Angelcare were good but I found the sensor mat unreliable and caused a few unnecessary panics. I have a Motorola sound one that is great clear as day.

Arm the other night I held off going until the pains were quite bad. They did all their checks and everything was clear except my blood pressure was a little high. When the doctor came in she said it's my c section scar stretching and pulling on my womb and that I would have to keep an eye on it because it is only just a about 2 years old it could split!!!! Oh yey!!

Had my scan on Thurs and Bonnie is doing really well but she's only on the 20th centile so will have to see how she is at my 32 weeks scan and plan from there

Hope your all well xxx
I had a 4D scan today! It was wonderful as my husband was able to come to the scan for the first time. Even though I wanted to wait for the birth to find out the sex, I said that if he wanted to know today that we could find out. He couldn’t decide and was still thinking about it when we got there. Turns out baby didn’t want us to know anyway! I didn’t expect that! Both our lads were flashing their bits as soon as they were scanned :haha: maybe I finally have a shy baby! I do wonder if it’s a girl because boy bits would be more obvious? Maybe that’s just my boys though! The ultrasound tech was desperate to know herself but baby was very stubborn.
It does mean we got to be there for a while and got some great photos.

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Catmum - at 20 weeks my baby measured in the 9th% and at 25 weeks he had moved up to 16th%. Both times the doctors said they weren't overly concerned about it so 20th% probably isn't something to worry about. Of course, you'll want to listen to what your doctors think about it and not me lol. Maybe they just said that to help me not stress out, but I really doubt they would have reason to lie to me or be misleading, honestly. The last doctor said she thought the baby was probably just "petite."

Jelly - Awww! CUTE baby and great pics! I'm sorry you didn't get to find out the sex though. Maybe next time?!
Co thanks! I think we’ll just stick with not finding out now. It’s what I kept saying I wanted to do so obviously baby has been listening. Three more scans to get through though!

Cat I hope the pains are better now and glad Bonnie is doing okay. Have they made you one of those personalised growth charts? I get extra scans because my eldest was small and the consultant then measures baby against my other kids rather than a generic chart because I don’t grow particularly big babies anyway!

Fern I’m fascinated by the different cultural influences around pregnancy and birth. I think the woman’s comfort level is the main thing but that’s definitely influenced by what’s normal in your own culture along with previous experiences. I always trust the midwifes a lot more than the doctors as I feel like they get more birth experience here. I can see how that would seem strange in countries where having a midwife isn’t the norm though!
@jellybeanxx gorgeous scan photos!! We are holding out for a surprise too with 2 more scans to get through without giving into temptation. I was so tempted at my 28 week scan but I like having that extra motivation to push when I'm in labour because the anticipation is killing me by then :lol:

My job for this week is to find a bag for baby's hospital things. I'm just going to take a hand luggage size suitcase with mine in I think but will put baby in seperately so easier for OH to find stuff incase I'm not in any fit state to help xx
Jess that’s a very good point about the motivation! I quite enjoy being in labour weirdly but I find the pushing part so difficult. My first took an hour of pushing and my second 30 minutes so hopefully the extra motivation will help!

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