February Cherubs | Testing Thread

I may have to change my own testing date now as I've still not ovulated yet. In cd14 and have *always* ovulated by this point in my cycle - usually I have a temp rise CD11 or 12 but I always have one by CD14

hope you ovulate soon hun
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@NDH hope you ovulate soon too. Mine was so late- cd26! Hope yours is soon and well baby danced!!
Im now cd3. Im taking my third cycle of clomid. My doctor had prescribed 3 cycles and I used two: july & aug, before dh deployed. Doc said to take it starting day two.
I also moved my son’s bed into our bedroom so hopefully night weaning will be able to happen. I love bedsharing but he’s off the charts in growth. Over 99th percentile in height and tends to take over the bed especially laying on the pillows perpendicular to myself and dh. Poor hubby needs more space! Haha
We’ll try him in his own bed in our room.
FF suggests 2/17 as my test date. We’ll see!
Im now cd3. Im taking my third cycle of clomid. My doctor had prescribed 3 cycles and I used two: july & aug, before dh deployed. Doc said to take it starting day two.
I also moved my son’s bed into our bedroom so hopefully night weaning will be able to happen. I love bedsharing but he’s off the charts in growth. Over 99th percentile in height and tends to take over the bed especially laying on the pillows perpendicular to myself and dh. Poor hubby needs more space! Haha
We’ll try him in his own bed in our room.
FF suggests 2/17 as my test date. We’ll see!

good luck with the night weaning. I hope your son manages to settle well in his own bed. Best of luck for this cycle
Hi ladies
So temp went up today to my normal post ovulation temps so ovulation was probably yesterday. ff has me at 1dpo today so now I’m the 2ww.
Also noticed since last Bd yesterday I’ve had no ewcm since. Had a load b4 we did anything, but none since.
Cm is a watery ish but a but thicker and slightly creamy.
May temp again tomorrow and maybe the next day then will stop.
Will see how it goes.
Thank you so much Suggerhoney and Laurabub.

It's been really messing me up, I nearly told OH to wrap up mid deed as I had a moment of weakness. It's silly because I have had this broodiness for a good couple of years now and its come and gone in waves but the last few months it's been insanely strong so I know I am ''ready'' so to speak. It's just having 2 kids aged 5 & almost 9, they are so independent and both fantastic sleepers, my daughter infact has always been an amazing sleeper and shes the youngest so you could say I have gotten used to years of okay sleep (I am an insomniac due to PTSD so my sleep has never been perfect). I think that's what is getting to me, with my insomnia I am awake anywhere from 2-10 times a night, which is okay when I can get myself back to sleep but if I did have nights of only getting like 2 hours due to insomnia, I could be facing getting 0 if a baby took up the only time I would sleep!

But then the other part of me keeps telling myself as humans and Mums we find a way, we always find a way even on the hardest of days to get through it. So hopefully that will be the case.

Suffering cramps today and I don't know why, pretty strong, even feeling them in my hips. Not ovulating yet, only on CD9 and have OPK tested to be sure.

Hope everyone else is doing well so far!

Insomnia sucks.
I don’t have PCOS but I do suffer with insomnia.
There’s a few nights a week where I just can’t get to sleep. Or if I do I’m waking up all through the night.
I feel you on that hon.
So sorry your still waiting for ovulation hon..
I used to always always ovulate on cd13. But it has been as late as day 20 since ttc this time around, that was directly after covid tho.

I ovulated on cd18 2 cycles ago but think that’s because I had a cycle with no ovulation the cycle b4 a
Then last cycle i ovulated on cd15 and this cycle was cd16.
So it seems I’m ovulating later now.
Hope it won’t jeopardise my chances.

with the miscarriage I ovulated on cd13 my normal time.
With all these later ovulations I’ve not fallen but I know it’s still within the normal range so hopefully we have caught.

I really hope you ovulate soon lovely.
That waiting for it is horrible.
Still no sign of ovulation.
I started coQ10 and a herbal remedy the Tibetan healer I started seeing put me on and I'm guessing one of those two things has delayed my ovulation as nothing else has changed.

I don't have any hopes pinned on a bfp this month or anything but it's still annoying to have my cycle delayed.

Focusing on getting a lot of house projects done before getting pregnant again due to how sick I was last time. I don't want to be stressing about all the stuff I want to get done if I'm sick again.
Idk what we would have done if I was still pregnant and just three months out from my due date because we would *not* be ready to be bringing a baby into our RV lol. We'll now have the summer to renovate the kids' room.
And I'll be able to get a whole garden season in without having a newborn, so I need to start getting garden prep done too.
Having projects to focus on is really helping keep me from getting discouraged.

Hey ladies!
I’m going to join you in the feb group as I’ve finally started a new cycle. My last cycle was 40 days - I’m normally 26-28 so AF was really really late. I think I had another chemical this month but that’s never delayed AF in the past. Just glad to be past that and prepping to try again.
Sending you all baby dust!!
I’ve never checked/recorded my temperatures before. Could anyone explain what to do and where do you record it? Guessing a app? What thermometers do you use? Do you think it’s more accurate than opk’s? Sorry for all the questions. Any help appreciated x
Still no sign of ovulation.
I started coQ10 and a herbal remedy the Tibetan healer I started seeing put me on and I'm guessing one of those two things has delayed my ovulation as nothing else has changed.

I don't have any hopes pinned on a bfp this month or anything but it's still annoying to have my cycle delayed.

Focusing on getting a lot of house projects done before getting pregnant again due to how sick I was last time. I don't want to be stressing about all the stuff I want to get done if I'm sick again.
Idk what we would have done if I was still pregnant and just three months out from my due date because we would *not* be ready to be bringing a baby into our RV lol. We'll now have the summer to renovate the kids' room.
And I'll be able to get a whole garden season in without having a newborn, so I need to start getting garden prep done too.
Having projects to focus on is really helping keep me from getting discouraged.

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That’s wonderful! We’re working on planting corn, pumpkins, and broccoli soon. It is a nice way to distract from the ttc stress. We raise sheep too and I think one of our ewes is pregnant. Smh, Im jealous of a sheep! Lmao
My last ovulation was cd26 so I know the waiting can be frustrating. Sounds like you have fun projects though.
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Sorry you're back elmum :hugs:. Are you doing iui again this month?

Newbie87 you need a basal body thermometer (BBT) that records temperatures to two decimal points as opposed to a regular one that only does one decimal point. You can temp orally or vaginally, but whichever mode you use be consistent (obviously :haha:). You need to temp as soon as you wake up in the morning (or after your longest sleep if you do night shifts) before doing anything else. Most consistent results from temping at the same time every day and after a solid 3 hour sleep minimum, but as soon as you wake up is the most important factor - patterns can still be tracked if the time fluctuates or you don't get unbroken sleep before waking up (some people think that if they can't meet those conditions there's no point in temping, but that's not true).

Fertility friend is probably the most popular app/website for tracking temperature but there are others. And some people do it the old school method plotting their temperature on graph paper.

OPKs will show you if your LH is surging, so will give you advance notice that you're going to ovulate. But they won't verify whether you have ovulated or not. Temperatures will only verify when you've already ovulated, it won't give you an indication of when you're going to. So really there is no one way is better than another, they really work best in tandem.
Checking cervix position and cervical fluid will also give you an indication of when you are fertile and again gives a more complete picture than just temperature or just OPKs.
CD 7 over here. I stupidly started watching some TTC videos on Youtube tonight. It seemed like so many posted videos are authored by incredibly lucky women who get pregnant in less than 3 cycles. I ended up just feeling bummed and broken. Do any of you feel the same lately?

Cycle #11 for me. I know I am so lucky to have my 2 daughters, and I am trying to come to a sense of peace that it may not happen for me again.
I am logging my OPK in the PreMom app for the first time this cycle, so maybe that will help.
I never really know how good our timing will be because my husband is definitely on the NTNP track, while my heart is fully TTC. I guess I'll just have to try to successfully seduce him at just the right times. :) Some months its easy, some months a hard ask.

I plan to test February 9--but I will update if that changes.
Still no sign of ovulation.
I started coQ10 and a herbal remedy the Tibetan healer I started seeing put me on and I'm guessing one of those two things has delayed my ovulation as nothing else has changed.

I don't have any hopes pinned on a bfp this month or anything but it's still annoying to have my cycle delayed.

Focusing on getting a lot of house projects done before getting pregnant again due to how sick I was last time. I don't want to be stressing about all the stuff I want to get done if I'm sick again.
Idk what we would have done if I was still pregnant and just three months out from my due date because we would *not* be ready to be bringing a baby into our RV lol. We'll now have the summer to renovate the kids' room.
And I'll be able to get a whole garden season in without having a newborn, so I need to start getting garden prep done too.
Having projects to focus on is really helping keep me from getting discouraged.

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I feel you on this. I am always super sick with each pregnancy. And it lasts till at least half way through and then theres the sciatica too. So we have made a list of things we want done asap and hope to start working on that now!

Hey ladies!
I’m going to join you in the feb group as I’ve finally started a new cycle. My last cycle was 40 days - I’m normally 26-28 so AF was really really late. I think I had another chemical this month but that’s never delayed AF in the past. Just glad to be past that and prepping to try again.
Sending you all baby dust!!

Welcome in! February is the month of love, so who knows, maybe if we shout how much we would love a baby it will happen?! Heh.
Insomnia sucks.
I don’t have PCOS but I do suffer with insomnia.
There’s a few nights a week where I just can’t get to sleep. Or if I do I’m waking up all through the night.
I feel you on that hon.

No PCOS, just PTSD, figured that was a typo hehe. But thank you, your kind words mean alot!
Still no sign of ovulation.
I started coQ10 and a herbal remedy the Tibetan healer I started seeing put me on and I'm guessing one of those two things has delayed my ovulation as nothing else has changed.

I don't have any hopes pinned on a bfp this month or anything but it's still annoying to have my cycle delayed.

Focusing on getting a lot of house projects done before getting pregnant again due to how sick I was last time. I don't want to be stressing about all the stuff I want to get done if I'm sick again.
Idk what we would have done if I was still pregnant and just three months out from my due date because we would *not* be ready to be bringing a baby into our RV lol. We'll now have the summer to renovate the kids' room.
And I'll be able to get a whole garden season in without having a newborn, so I need to start getting garden prep done too.
Having projects to focus on is really helping keep me from getting discouraged.

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Sorry you’ve still not ovulated. It is so frustrating when you expect it at a certain time and it doesn’t happen. Its great that you have so much positives to focus on.

Hey ladies!
I’m going to join you in the feb group as I’ve finally started a new cycle. My last cycle was 40 days - I’m normally 26-28 so AF was really really late. I think I had another chemical this month but that’s never delayed AF in the past. Just glad to be past that and prepping to try again.
Sending you all baby dust!!

I hope this new cycle brings you your bfp. Best of luck

I’ve never checked/recorded my temperatures before. Could anyone explain what to do and where do you record it? Guessing an app? What thermometers do you use? Do you think it’s more accurate than opk’s? Sorry for all the questions. Any help appreciated x

this is the thermometer I use. I use the fertility friend app to log my temperatures. You test everyday at the same time. I have an alarm set everyday for 6:30am as that’s when I get up with the children for school. If it’s a weekend I’ll take it, tap it into the app, and go back to sleep for a bit. Your temperature will be lower before ovulation. Personally I tend to get a low dip on the day of ovulation, when I get my peak opk, and then it will rise the day after and stay high until af. Charting confirms ovulation by the risen temperatures. This was my chart when I conceived my son.
My temp dropped to its lowest when I ovulated. My temperatures did rise slowly the first couple of days but you can see the shift and that my temperatures stayed higher post ovulation. Obviously adding when you get your positive opks and any other signs like ewcm, cervical position, helps to confirm ovulation. I hope I’ve made sense, lol

That’s wonderful! We’re working on planting corn, pumpkins, and broccoli soon. It is a nice way to distract from the ttc stress. We raise sheep too and I think one of our ewes is pregnant. Smh, Im jealous of a sheep! Lmao
My last ovulation was cd26 so I know the waiting can be frustrating. Sounds like you have fun projects though.

@HalfricanMa jealous of a sheep, oh hun that made me chuckle, bless you. Honestly I’d be jealous of her too.

CD 7 over here. I stupidly started watching some TTC videos on Youtube tonight. It seemed like so many posted videos are authored by incredibly lucky women who get pregnant in less than 3 cycles. I ended up just feeling bummed and broken. Do any of you feel the same lately?

Cycle #11 for me. I know I am so lucky to have my 2 daughters, and I am trying to come to a sense of peace that it may not happen for me again.
I am logging my OPK in the PreMom app for the first time this cycle, so maybe that will help.
I never really know how good our timing will be because my husband is definitely on the NTNP track, while my heart is fully TTC. I guess I'll just have to try to successfully seduce him at just the right times. :) Some months its easy, some months a hard ask.

I plan to test February 9--but I will update if that changes.

It can be normal to take 12 months to conceive. Unfortunately for some women it just takes time. Apart from the miscarriage I just had that’s the first time I fell first time. Because it happened so quickly I had a bad feeling about it being too good to be true as it’s always taken me 12-18 months to fall with my take home babies. Sadly my feelings were right. It can be so disheartening trying so long and still nothing happening. I hope a healthy bfp is just around the corner for you
I finally had a temp rise this morning. It's not as high as my usual post ovulation temperatures but it is above coverline. I hope that means I finally ovulated. I'm only temping until I'm satisfied I did ovulate and then I'm putting away the thermometer until my next cycle.
After a long December/Jan cycle, and a two days positive that turned to AF :cry:, I'll be testing again starting February 20th. If my cycle is normal length I'll be ovulating right around my 35th birthday on the 10th. :haha:
I have really mixed feelings about THAT, since conceiving a baby so close to Valentine's Day feels very stereotypical, but you know what, that's our anniversary too, so who can fault us. :kiss:

Best of luck and lots of baby dust to us all! I'll try to stay more in touch with the group this month! <3

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