What have your elves been up to?


Aug 3, 2010
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Anyone doing elf on the shelf this year? Mine returned with some activity books and pajamas as well as ab Advent calendar I will put treats in every day. Unfortunately my youngest ate her brother's candy this morning and didnt seem to understand it was one candy each. I'm hoping it doesn't happen again.

Oh bless her.

Our Elves came with some advent calenders. They were just sat there in front of the calenders with a note saying they were back

Ours was on the Christmas tree on the first night and then playing on the PlayStation on the second night.
This morning they were hanging from the handles on the kitchen cupboards
Wearing Reubens nappies, one has it on his head :haha:
Ours were inside a fluffy sock with their heads sticking out 'caterpillar racing'
My mind comes up with some strange stuff !
Ours brought the advent calendars on day 1, slept in the cats beds on day 2, pea-d in DS's pants (filled them with frozen peas!) and did target practice with ketchup. Think this may be DD2's last year believing, she's already quite sceptical, so trying not to reuse ideas we've done in previous years.
Our elf has brought the Christmas tree on Sunday. On Monday he brought Xmas dresses for the girls (they had their Christmas photo shoot at school yesterday and I told them I forgot to get them outfits and they need to ask Ralf the elf if he can magic some). And advent calendars today (he was hiding them in a box).
They brought the annual Christmas list writing stuff. Kids hung it on the tree tonight and the elves will take the lists and leave a little treat in its place. I’ve got grinch choc coins.
Today is St Nicholas's Day and in Poland it is celebrated by Santa leaving chocolates in the kids' shoes, so our elf was sitting in the shoes too. Screenshot_20231206_224626_Gallery.jpg
And tonight I set him up in the kitchen for tomorrow - he is having a party and dressed some dolls/toys in Christmas hats.

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