*Please Read* Obstetric Cholestasis

Erm your midwife sound stupid :lol:
If needs be i would make an appointment ASAP with your GP just to rule anything more serious out

Are you itching anywhere eles? if not that could be your deoderant but with the tiredness and swollen fingers it could be someting else

Better to be safe darling :hugs:
I really wish my wife and I had learned of this before we had lost our daughter Hannah April 17th of 2007. We kept telling our MW all of her symptoms and she completely ignored them. If this MW would have just taken the time to listen to us we would have delivered a healthy baby girl instead we had a stillborn baby just days before she was supposed to have been born.

If you at any time ever feel very itchy or have any of the symptoms see your MW or OB and ask them to have you tested..It is a simple blood test..
Sorry do not want to start a panic...Just still very upset and at times angry at losing my daughter
I really wish my wife and I had learned of this before we had lost our daughter Hannah April 17th of 2007. We kept telling our MW all of her symptoms and she completely ignored them. If this MW would have just taken the time to listen to us we would have delivered a healthy baby girl instead we had a stillborn baby just days before she was supposed to have been born.

If you at any time ever feel very itchy or have any of the symptoms see your MW or OB and ask them to have you tested..It is a simple blood test..
Sorry do not want to start a panic...Just still very upset and at times angry at losing my daughter
Oh i am so sorry about the loss of your daughter :hugs:
It really annoys me that some healthcare proffesionals really don't seem clued up on O.C
many Health care Professionals have never heard of OC.. We are NOW seeing more information being published about it. However when my DW was pregnant with Hannah it was not until after she was stillborn did we statr to find out information about OC. By that time it was too late. We did an article for our local paper which was later published in other Canadian papers about OC. just hopng we could try to help other people so they would not go through the same thing as what we did.

We are hopefully having another girl due September 25th, However my wife would like to be induced a few weeks earlier as we just do not want to have to go through losing another baby. Our OB is great and knows about OC which is a plus. But I see that more information needs to out out there so more Health care professionals are aware of this.
Oddly enough went to my Gyno today for my 32week appointment. Had a list of symptoms as long as my arm because he aske me to document anythin I felt was unusual to see if it could help us figure out the reason for some of the complications I've been experiencing.

Anyway..... He sent me to have some tests done one of which was for O.C appearantly. And I have to go back next week to find out the results of them all! I'd obviously be hoping I dont have it but at least if I do it can be monitored.

Sadens me to think that based on lack of attention (from medical professionals) some ppl who definately have it must suffer. Thank goodness the word seems to be getting out about it as something to look for.
good luck with your results x
Im having tests for this tomorrow. Thought itching was normal at first but it drove me mad so i ended up going to the doctors about it.
Im still waiting for my results. :( There's been a hold up in the lab at my hospital. Should know by Friday though
Good luck with your results girls :hugs:
hi everyone,
i was dx with obstetric cholestasis quite early in my pregnancy- at 22 weeks, although the itching began around 18 weeks. i am now 29 weeks and it has been so difficult. i am take 1000mg of urso a day along with 4g of cholestramine and 1g of vit k. while those meds have improved the severity of the itching, i am still very itchy. it gets so bad sometimes i have to rub myself on the rug- rug burning myself- and i feel like im on fire and having a panic attack at the same time. the dr. said its still too early for steriods. i am also a little depressed because i am totally exhausted all the time and i feel like no one really understands. people will say oh yea 'i used to have eczema' or 'once i had athlete's foot' and i know they mean well but it's not even close to the same thing (i've had both) and i feel kind of alone in it. All this on top of worrying if my baby will be ok:( A lot of people are like 'it will be fine' and I feel like they brush it off, but when you are dealing with it 24/7 for months it's kind of a big deal. i'm really don't like to complain (believe it or not) but i wish i had someone to talk to who really knows what i'm going through first hand. that's why i signed up here. not that i want to just talk about depression and illness constantly, i am also very!!! excited, it would just be nice to know other people are out there and going through the same thing that i can relate to. so if any of you are, or have, it would be nice to share with each other our daily tribulations. sounds kinda corny haha but i need a support group.:blush:
hi, just wanted to stay that what your doctors saying about steroids is rubbish. I had them at 28weeks and I know a few ppl who had them a lot earlier
I am 28 weeks pregnant with my third baby. Ive had itching that started on my lower bk and has moved all way up to the middle of my bk now. Then it started on my lower arms with some itching on my hands and feet. The itching on my hands and feet usually only happens in the evening,not so much during the day. My chest and neck have also started to itch now. The itching feels almost similar to a mosquito bite,you start scratching and you cant stop! Does this sound serious? I have an appointment with my mw wednesday morning and will mention it to her. Please any advice would be greatly appreciated...:hug:
i would def mention it to her and ask her if she will get you a liver function blood test and bile acid test if possible. hope this helps.
i have had the itchy feet bad at night and itching else where during the day. Called the nurse and she said its just normal itching just to take benadryl. I went to my reg doc, not ob and had them do blood work since all the information i have found about it and that it can be serious. I get results this afternoon. Better to be safe than sorry and put your mind at ease that its ok.
i have had the itchy feet bad at night and itching else where during the day. Called the nurse and she said its just normal itching just to take benadryl. I went to my reg doc, not ob and had them do blood work since all the information i have found about it and that it can be serious. I get results this afternoon. Better to be safe than sorry and put your mind at ease that its ok.

I had my bloods done on wednesday and should hopefully get results bk today,if not monday. I agree better safe than sorry. But the itching is unbearable. Hope you get gd news hun.:hug:
good luck with your results, it is far better to have a blood test and nothing be there than put it down to normal itching x
So my first blood work came back fine, i went to my ob and he did the bile salts blood test that will take a week for the results to get back. In the mean time he gave me meds to help reduce the itch and reduce the bile salts. He said that he will induce me by the end of this week. I am 38wks today, why cant he just induce me now so i dont have to take any meds. I'm just getting put through more miserable pain with the side effects of the meds and everything else.
i had itching from finding out i was pregnant but recently had itchy palms and feet i went for my bloods done and was diagnosed with oc im on medication now 6 a day til birth xx
Thanks for this thread! i know im near the end of my pregnancy but for the past week i have had extremely itch legs and my arms have been a little itchy 2...
my legs are the worst,i have scratched them so much that they bled and its driving me up the wall!
also not been able to get up and do little things like housework...cook dinner etc due to feeling too hot(despite having every window and door open and also several fans around the house) and feeling too tired (i went to bed at 10pm last night,didnt wake til 1.30pm today and have just woken from a 3 hour nap!)

im like that most days and now a little worried...

Is this something that could wait till my m/w appointment on wednesday? or do i need to get it checked out ASAP?

thanks xx
i can't thank anyone enough for trying to raise awareness on this condition. it's mainly doctors, though, that don't seem to know a thing, especially in smaller hospitals like the one that i am based at.

i have been itchy this pregnancy and have had to fight tooth and nail just to get a blood test every four weeks.

at the very end of my pregnancy, though i am going to fight again for even more. it started with itchy hands and feet at 18 weeks pregnant and now i am nearly 29 weeks and i am itching all over. i have had two normal test results come back, but i am blue in the face explaining to doctors that if the itching continues throughout the rest of my pregnancy it doesn't mean that i don't have obstetric cholestasis.

it makes me so angry. when i have had my baby i am going to forge a complaint so that hopefully the hospital i am based at improves their policy a bit.

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