Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

TTC - With LO we got pregnant the cycle before we were going to take Fermera. I'm sorry you're still not having full answers yet. I'm praying for you hun, I really want this to be it! I would definitely call and get a blood test in.

Xan - :hugs: Thank you. So happy to hear Liam is doing so well. Yuck that you're on blood thinners, glad the doctor caught your clot though! I hope it all gets sorted out soon so you know if you'll have to stay on the blood thinners or only during pregnancy.

I'm back to temping, although I don't know if it's all that accurate with broken sleep and not starting at a beginning of a cycle. I really hope I get a period soon so we can start over. Amelia is growing like a weed and saying so many words now. My favorite is still "wow" when she gets excited.
Dragonfly - I don't envy you!! I sleep such crazy hours temping wouldn't ever work for me. How are things going?
AFM - I'm still over here in limbo land. I have a Dr appointment on Tuesday so hopefully answers by then. I keep getting what I think are faint positives but I would definitely think being 3 weeks late they should be incredibly darker than a squint line.
Dragonfly - I don't envy you!! I sleep such crazy hours temping wouldn't ever work for me. How are things going?
AFM - I'm still over here in limbo land. I have a Dr appointment on Tuesday so hopefully answers by then. I keep getting what I think are faint positives but I would definitely think being 3 weeks late they should be incredibly darker than a squint line.
Fingers and toes are crossed for you TTC, do let us know how the appointment goes! Maybe you O'd super late so they're only faint because you're earlier than you think? Praying this is it!!

AFM - Still waiting on af over here. I'm practically drowning in cm so I have no idea what's going on. My temps will dip low then rise so no definite sign of O yet. Never have I wished for af so hard!
Dragonfly- I had that, it was very frustrating :hugs: I kept thinking I was ovulating, and had positive pregnancy tests. I had a weak ovulation probably 1 1/2 months later then a strong one the next month. Of course every MC is different, and I was at 14 weeks, and the closer you are to 12 weeks the longer.

I hope you get some answers soon :hugs:
Thanks ladies! Tomorrow can't come soon enough. I test so.many times a day with so many different tests that I'm going insane!!! I wish that was it Dragonfly but I got my smiley and it has never been wrong before but at this point anything is possible. I'm 25-27 days late. I've read having PCOS could cause this but I don't think I have that, who knows. I hope AF finds you soon so you can get back on track! I hope LO is doing well and you too Xan!!
The urine hcg was negative but the Dr ordered a blood test so now we wait some more. I'm going insane. Please say a few prayers for us. DF especially because I'm losing my mind lol.
Xan - I haven't taken any pregnancy tests. My mc was at 6 weeks and my levels were only at 38 from the start, a week later they were down at 9 already and I had passed the sac. I would hope that there isn't any hcg left in my system by now... I keep getting low back cramps and low abdomen cramps so I'm praying af is going to show soon. I'm so sorry your loss was at 14 weeks :hugs: I can't even imagine after going through mine but it was early.

TTC - Praying for you hun! Did they happen to say when you'll get the blood results back? :hugs:
TTC- good luck, let us know!

Dragonfly- it was hard, it's hard at any stage. One week before I delivered, I was driving to my last doctor's appointment and I saw the most beautiful rainbow I've ever seen. In that instant, I knew my baby was going to be okay. And now he's here and he's perfect :) I can't believe he's almost a month old already, it goes by so fast.
Hi ladies.
I think you told us already but are you trying naturally Dragonfly? I apologize but honestly I read the forums at night as I'm dosing off to sleep so sometimes I just don't remember lol.
Xan- awww wow! Time really does fly by. Hope all is well.
AFM - So a whole bunch of stuff happened today. They called to tell me that the blood test was negative. Then the nurse said they would be starting meds because I'm pre-diabetic and I should make an appointment with the fertility dr. So I got the appointment with the fertility and barely hung up before I completely lost it. I just sat there crying feeling lost. As if the negative blood test wasn't bad enough. Well the story doesn't end there. I get there to get my meds and the pharmacist tells me my sugar was elevated but the metformin is to help with fertility. They think it's likely that I have PCOS. They also prescribed prenatal meds. The nurse mentioned nothing about PCOS, nothing about prenatals. When I left I was so angry. This lady told me my worst nightmare happened that I was pre-diabetic and then I get there to find out its the lowest dose possible just to help with fertility. I mean my prescription on the bottle says likely PCOS. So I took a breath of relief and carried one. I'm not 28-30 days late. My breasts hurt so bad and nausea on top of that. I don't know what is happening with my body.
TTC- wow, sounds rough, sorry you had to go through all that. But if the metaformin is supposed to help with fertility maybe it will help 2 birds with one stone? I believe that's what Leetie was taking that regulated her cycles. Plus, I don't want to scare you, but it's important to get your blood sugar controlled before pregnancy. I didn't have gestational diabetes, but know a lot of women who did, and it can cause complications for the baby during pregnancy. I ended up with a gluten intolerance (it went away, fortunately) but it really helped to control carbs, and might have spared me a lot of headaches. No bread, pizza, pasta- even a small triangle of pita made me really sick, so I started watching what I was eating very closely. It made me very aware of how many carbs I had been eating before.
Xan - That's beautiful! I love that the rainbow you saw provided peace knowing things were going to be okay. Wow, that is fast! I swear I was just watching for updates on your induction :) How is little man doing?

TTC- I'm so sorry that you didn't get good news. This is so hard not knowing what your body is up to. If I remember correctly, Metformin is prescribed for PCOS as well as diabetes. The nurse may have said you're pre-diabetic just because of seeing the meds the dr is prescribing. Although it would be wise to get your blood sugars checked to make sure you're not borderline diabetic, getting that under control will help with ttc too. Massive hugs to you hun, I know these aren't quite answers. But they do sound like they're on the road to some!

AFM -Fertility friend gave me crosshairs today! Really praying that I did in fact ovulate, counting down the days until af shows so we can get on the baby making train again. We are trying naturally, with Amelia we got pregnant the cycle before I was supposed to start fermera. We got pregnant again this time when we were NTNP so I hope that works for us again. After the loss I'm scared of diving into ttc so hard that it makes hubs change his mind. He's already leery of me temping already, but I assured him its to help me track my cycles.
Thanks ladies, I knew I could depend on you to help me.
Xan - sorry you had to experience that, I'm sure it wasn't pleasant! Glad it went away though.
Dragonfly - good luck!! Hopefully no intervention is needed. Lots of baby dust.

AFM - they never told me my sugar level so I'm not sure how high it was. The metformin is making me feel really blah. A friend was prescribed it to help with fertility but it made her sick because she didn't have high sugar problems regularly. Last night I took it with more than just a snack so maybe the answer is taking it with more food to avoid the yuckiness. Then this happened this morning. It's not an evap, it was well before the 10 min mark. It had only been 5 mins. So when I googled it, it's somewhat common for blood tests to be negative and still be pregnant ugh. Way to still keep me in limbo my wonderful body lol. If it is positive, I'm not sure where I go from here. The Dr office is closed all weekend. I don't know if I keep taking the metformin and call in Monday. Just ahhhhh.


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Hi ladies,

Xan - how's your little man? How are you feeling pp?

Ttc - that one looks the most like a positive to me of any i have seen. Update?

How is Leetie doing?

Dragonfly - the thermometer is coming out! I hope for a quick bfp and a heathly pregnancy for your next LO.

AFM little man just turned 20 months last week. How the time flies! He loves to hike already with his father and I - we went on a 2 hr hike this weekend without even carrying him, amazing! He demanded cheese at the end. So cute. No plans for expansion for us ATM. Many hugs!
TTC - any new updates? I think you of you often hun :hugs:

Labgal - That's awesome he loves to hike! I'm impressed he went 2 hours without being carried! Our girl loves to hike with us too, but she starts pooping out and I toss her in the carrier so we can keep going. I can't believe our littles are going to be 2 soon!

Leetie - :flower:

afm - af came and went, with temping it was right on time at 37 days. The first few days of af there were a lot of tears, but each day is better.
Hi ladies! Sorry for the long silence, but when I would sign on there were political ads, and I just couldn't stomach them.

Dragonfly- congrats!!! I hope everything goes well with your sticky little bean.

Leetie, TTC, Labgal- I hope all is well.

We're all doing well. Liam is turning 3 months next week. He is a big, beautiful healthy baby who smiles and laughs all of the time. I can't believe how fast time goes.
Thank you Xan! Tomorrow will be 6 weeks and I'm super nervous. With Amelia 6 weeks is when MS kicked in and it's when we loss our August angel.

Happy 3 months Liam! Time flies so quickly, love that he's a giggly baby! I don't blame you in the political ads, I've been avoiding Facebook because people are going crazy. I just feel like hiding under a rock for the next 4 years...
Hey Ladies! Sorry it's been so long. Just been super busy with family and helping DH on jobs.

Dragonfly- Congrats and praying for healthy and happy 9 months

Ttc- Praying your levels get straightened out and the metformin helps. I was on it for a while but took my self off. I didn't have any sugar problems and it gave me a lot of tummy bathroom issues. But it's different for everyone. I hope it help you.

Xan- wow 3 months already! Hope you guys are doing great!

Lab - That's so cute your lil guy loves to hike. We can't take DH's 18 year old to the mall without him complaining about walking lol.

We are still just going with the flow. Trying to get finances in order so one day we can take a loan out on our house and do IVF. We have also been talking a little about fostering to adopt. A lady from our church talked about it a couple weeks ago. But no immediate plans to do anything yet. Just enjoying family.

Hope your Thanksgivings were good and if I don't make it back on here before Christmas Merry Christmas to you all!!!

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