12 week scan today - baby has enlarged bladder. Help!


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Jun 1, 2011
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I had my 12 week scan today and we saw the baby moving and wriggling away appearing to be quite happy. At the end of the scan the radiographer said that the babies bladder is more prominent and enlarged than it should be for this stage and that it is measuring 7mm. She explained it COULD be because baby needs to pee, or it could be a sign of a problem. I am booked in for another scan next week now. When I asked what would happen if things didnt improve by next week, she wouldnt answer. She said we would need to discuss that at the time. I knew straight away this wasnt good and stupidly started to google as soon as we left the hospital. Im now driving myself sick with worry at what im finding. Does anyone have any experience of this or know of anyone who does? Id really rather hear the honest truth about what we may be facing.
No knowledge, but I just want to say that I hate how medical professionals behave sometimes. They really do forget that their patients are human beings. Bedside manner is disappearing.
I guess she couldn't say without knowing if it is a problem or not. I have heard bad things about enlarged bladders, BUT all could be fine. Hard to do I know, but try stay positive that everything is fine until you're told otherwise. Enlarged bladders can be a sign of a number of problems, but as I said, can be nothing. Depending on the outcome next week, they may offer you a cvs/amnio. They haven't confirmed there is a problem, so try not to worry too much. Just remember, you'll find more stories on google that end badly, than the ones that came back fine. Same with every worry and concern. Really hope the next week is gentle on you and update us next week saying its nothing and baby just needed to pee x
Have you had a further scan since your scare at 12 weeks? How are you doing and how is the little one? We are in the same position, I had a 12 week scan and our little one had an enlarged bladder (11mm), how large was your little ones?

It seems like you didn't get much information at the time, whereas I feel that we got loads, maybe a little too much. I have to go back at 16 weeks and the wait isn't nice, but there again I am not looking forward to the scan incase it is bad news.

There is so much information on google, and even though the specialist says there is a 90% chance of everything being ok - where are the success stories. Do people not publish these bits?

Would be great to hear from you!!!!!
I would try to stay as calm as you can... Ultrasounds can be a scary thing because you just can't tell WHY something looks the way it does. Like she said, your baby may just need to pee!! She could get into trouble if she told you thats all it was and it ended up being something different so thats why they keep their mouth shut. I have known a few radiographers that have gotten fired for saying too much because they aren't allowed to speculate or diagnose. I think everything will be just fine but I know how it is when you're worried and you don't know what is going on. Keep us informed <3
Thank you. I think it is pot luck on how much information you are told. It must depend on the specialist, but they can't win really - if they tell you a lot, you worry, if they don't tell you much, you google it and then worry!

I will keep you informed about how our little one gets on and realise that the odds are different if baby is a boy or girl. Mojo were you given any idea if you were having a boy or girl?
Hi ladies I am so happy and grateful to say I went back for a repeat scan this week and the bladder was back down to normal size. The baby had just needed to pee!! Never in my life been so relieved!! So now I wont be scanned again until 20 weeks which is routine. Thanks so much for everyones support! Your right Vrose there are not many success stories online and googling just made me feel worse. I completely understand how your feeling I was a complete wreck the whole week waiting for this second scan. Did they say why they are making you wait 4 weeks before scanning again? I am praying all is ok with your baby and that he or she just also needed to pee!! Feel free to PM me any time xxx
That is great news! I'm so pleased everything I ok with your little one. I know it is a worrying time. Was the baby bladder 7mm at 12weeks? how big was baby? the specialist we saw wanted to wait til closer to 16 weeks as baby will have grown a lot and hopefully bladder a bit smaller. our baby bladder was 11mm and baby was 66mm. We have just over a week to wait . I'm nervous about the scan though! do you know whether your having a boy or girl or want a surprise? bladder problems are more common in boys
That is great news! I'm so pleased everything I ok with your little one. I know it is a worrying time. Was the baby bladder 7mm at 12weeks? how big was baby? the specialist we saw wanted to wait til closer to 16 weeks as baby will have grown a lot and hopefully bladder a bit smaller. our baby bladder was 11mm and baby was 66mm. We have just over a week to wait . I'm nervous about the scan though! do you know whether your having a boy or girl or want a surprise? bladder problems are more common in boys

thanks i just burst into tears when she said it was ok. Such a stressful time and no point me telling you dot to worry because its a natural reaction. The bladder was 7mm at the first scan. Baby was measuring 47mm and i was told i was 11w 3d. When i went back i was 12w 2d and baby was 60mm. Try not to Google and surround yourself with supportive, positive people. Look after yourself and try and sleep, i know its hard. Im here any time you wanna chat. I also read this is more common in boys, but no idea what im having, OH Asked at the scan but they said it was too early to say xx
Thank you. I will let you know how we get on. our scan is the 17th. the specialist already said what the worst case situation is! this is our first baby and an IVF baby too. just hoping that the little one will be ok!
Had our 16 week scan and it showed that babies bladder had remained the same size, this hopefully means that baby is weeing but not sure if the right amount. No signs of Patau or Edwards so no just had to wait til our 20 week scan for more news. Hopefully we will get the all clear.
This is not related but I'm sure OP won't mind... Lexi I remember you from Third Tri and following your story and feeling so sad for you hearing about your baby :[ Just wanted to say how awesome I think you are for your strength! xxx
I had my first trimester screen on Monday this week at 12+3. I was told that the baby had a very enlarged bladder 11mm (13 mm with the keyhole sign). It was all very confusing and worrying, especially when the sonographer said that if it was hopeless she would tell me! This was supposed to make me feel better but made it much worse. Anyway armed with the numbers, enlarged bladder and keyhole I googled! As a medical reseracher myself I could access all of the scientific literature, we cried and I prepared for the worst. There are very few studies that give a true picture of the stats for enlarged bladder/megacystis in the normal population. Most studies come from tertiary hospitals/universities which only the very severe cases are referred to, so there is considerable publication bias. Anyway of the one or two studies done on unbiased stats, 90% of chromosomally normal fetuses will show spontaneous resolution of enlarged bladder. I went back today at 13 weeks (armed with all sorts of good-luck trinkets and wishes, and prayers, and questions and stats floating around in my head) and we couldn't even see the bladder it was that small!!!! The sonographer said that if this had been the first scan they would have waited to see the bladder fill - that's how empty it was! I cried again, this time with tears of joy and relief. Apparently fetuses start producing urine at about 10 weeks but the bladder only gains contractile function at 13 weeks, so there can be a bit of lag between the bladder filling with urine and it being able to actually force urine out. So hang in there everybody, I know how incredibly distressing this journey can be - I hope our story gives you some comfort. The other stories were all that kept me going over the past 4 days.
I also want to add my story, since the forums seem to be filled with sad, dire stories while the statistics say that many of these cases will resolve themselves. I feel tremendously for the parents who have had a tragic outcome, as my wife and I have been going through IVF for three years and have had a terrible ride. So you can imagine our sorrow when our 12 week scan showed an enlarged bladder--we noticed it right away at the scan and asked what it was--and our doctor told us we would have to wait and see if it got worse and that "options" included termination. To hear that dreaded T word when our scan only 2 weeks before had been perfect was devastating. We spent 2 weeks in sheer agony waiting for our followup and prepared for the worst. Yet when they scanned our little guy, it had totally resolved! you could not even see the bladder! We still have a long way to go in this pregnancy, but we are so relieved we are celebrating. I suspect there are many more of these happy stories out there, but it seems that folks don't come back to the websites to share their stories when things resolve, only when they go wrong. Be hopeful!
Hi mojo, I'm a sonographer! I can help you :) enlarged bladders are seen often at 12 weeks 90% resolve by your next scan. It can be a sign of chromosomal anomaly, but 7mm is only slightly enlarged. See what your next scan shows. Good luck!!
I know this is an old thread but I just wanted to post some hope since I just went through this situation myself. At our ultrasound at 11 weeks 3 days, everything about our baby looked healthy, except we kept noticing a large black spot in baby's belly. The doctor told that baby's bladder was much larger than it should be and that there is a possibility baby has posterior urethral valves. I guess a "normal" bladder is <6mm but our baby's was 8mm. The doctor immediately started using phrases like "terminate the pregnancy". We were in a fog. The last week has been horrible...lots of crying, praying, and googling.

At 12 weeks, 2 days, we went to a different doctor for another ultrasound. To our surprise, baby's bladder was back to the size it should be! In fact, the doctor was even able to see the baby urinate during the ultrasound appointment so we know the urinary tract is working correctly. In short, the issue self-corrected.

We know we have a long way to go, but we are relieved to know that this issue is hopefully behind us. I am sure there are a lot of other stories of hope out there but people just haven't posted them so I wanted to offer mine so the next mom-to-be in this situation can find something positive to read. Reading medical studies was my lifeline this last week so I suggest looking for those as a bridge of hope, too.

I would like to share my recent experience of this.

Last week at 11w5d i had a scan and was told baby unfortunately had a prominent bladder- 6mm just borderline but still cause for concern.
i was told to do the blood test for down syndrome which i am still waiting on and advised of what the outcome could be for a baby with an enlarged bladder.
Dr google had me distraught, i even ended up having a huge bleed that night and was convinced i had lost the baby.

at 12w2d i had another scan - the bladder now measured 4mm! although i have not spoken to a doctor since the first scan i am taking reassurance in this that my baby can actually pee so im hoping that he/she has corrected the situation.

I will keep you updated and hope that my baby will have a happy outcome.

Thank you so much for sharing your stories! I am in the same situation now, had a 12 week US that showed enlarged bladder 10mm. Expert doctor told me not to worry and that 90% cases resolve spontaneously if chromosomes are normal. So far all the test results have come normal and I have an amniocentesis scheduled at 16 weeks when they will again check anatomy. For those who had spontaneous resolution, could you please share how was the rest of the pregnancy and how are the little ones? Were there any health issues after birth?


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