Elected c section or natural what's best? Update decision made for me today bit miffed:(

Aww hun I'm so sorry about the section, if they just said no I'd be telling you to kick off, but as your at risk of losing so much blood I think you should just get on with the vaginal delivery if it's the safest option for you and your little man, hopefully they will monitor you and look after you and fingers crossed you have a straight forward delivery, and get an epidural in lol! Not long for you at all now. 4 months yesterday and it will be my due date, that isn't really that long away at all <3
Aww hun I'm so sorry about the section, if they just said no I'd be telling you to kick off, but as your at risk of losing so much blood I think you should just get on with the vaginal delivery if it's the safest option for you and your little man, hopefully they will monitor you and look after you and fingers crossed you have a straight forward delivery, and get an epidural in lol! Not long for you at all now. 4 months yesterday and it will be my due date, that isn't really that long away at all <3

I am definitely going to be having a epidural and I will make sure they keep it topped up to the max so i dont have to feel that dreadful ring of fire.
I'm quite looking forward to it now because I get to have gas and air and I wudnt of got that with a section and I love the stuff Haha. Pluss recovery time will be much quicker.
I will still have to stay in hospital for about a week after giving birth so they can monitor my liver function so at least I'll be looked after.just as long as baby is healthy that's all that matters.
Cant believe he will be here in just over 10 weeks eeeeek. My hubby is convinced I will have him earlier. He keeps saying ure have him at 35 weeks and my husband always gets things right its actually quite spooky lol.
Back when we were ttc he said u will fall pregnant in January and it will be a boy and bang I did fall in jan and he is a boy. He has romany gypsy in him as his nan was one so I swear he is bloody physic lol. If I do have this baby at 35 weeks I'm gonna be freaked right out hahaha.
It's only just over 8 weeks away eeeeeeeek.
Still got so much to buy. Not even brought one baby grow yet. How bad am I.
Will do it in the next few weeks. Gonna write a list if stuff we need.
The only things we brought so far is the pram (it's still in its box at mo)
A second hand moses basket and stand (I just need to put the inside and the hood and mattress in the washing machine)
And a little teddy thing holding a little blanket.
We have brought a crib as well but that's at a friends at the moment.

Still need to get
Baby grows
Scratch mits and hats
Wet wipes
Changing bad and mat
Blankets etc and then all the stuff I'll need for my hospital bag and baby wash etc.
I just cudnt face buying it all early on.
Hope I get it all done in time.

Just cant wait to have him safe in my arms. This pregnancy has been such a worry. I'm so much more relaxed now but still worry about going into pre term labour and stuff.

Cant believe I'll be in 3rd trimester on Monday. Still gonna pop into the 1st and 2nd tri forums tho. Gives u something to do. Baby and bump is not as active as what it used to be years ago x

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