A successful pregnancy after a traumatic birth?


Mommy to 3 beautiful girls & 2 adorable boys!
May 2, 2014
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So, after I gave birth to my youngest Kloe, they told me "not to have mor kids because the same thing could happen next time". Basically, it was a very traumatic birth, she was sunny side up and could barely get her turned over, she also got stuck and they had to break her arm, as well as having breakial plexus palsy in her other arm (she is still getting therapy for it and has trouble turning her wrists). Anyway, I believe they had her gestational age wrong, because she was 10lbs 5oz's at only 37 weeks, and tons of fluid. I also had Pre-E which is why they had to break my water and get labor started a lil quicker, even though I was already 2-3 cm dilated. Anyway, here is mostly what happened below:

Everything started on Saturday when I was getting consistent contractions. I thought maybe it was prodromal labor and that I was wasting my time by going in. It's a good thing I decided to though because by the time I got there around 11:00 a.m. I was already 4 cm dilated. The original nurse who checked me when I was registered said I was only 1 cm dilated but that's because she actually couldn't reach my cervix. After they checked my cervix they checked my blood pressure and it turned out to be really high, which was unusual for me because my blood pressure normally was really really good. After checking about three times and getting the same result, they drew my blood and it came back that I had preeclampsia. My doctor decided to break my water and induce labor to get my little peanut out as quick as possible. After they broke my water I waited a couple hours for the anesthesiologist to come and give me the epidural before receiving pitocin. Around 7pm I reach 7 cm dilated and things started to slow down. When I finally reached 10 cm dilated baby girl started to get stressed, she was face up and not moving down. We had to try a bunch of different positions to get her to turn. On top of that my epidural was wearing off and I was in a lot of pain. After about an hour maybe a little more the doctor reached in and tried to turn her a little bit. Once that was done I had no choice but to push. I didn't expect to be pushing for two and a half hours. It was the most excruciating pain I've ever experienced. I was exhausted and worried that I wouldn't be able to make it through. They did suggest a C-section but because I don't have any help to take care of my babies I had to push through it. I couldn't allow myself to get a C-section unless it was an emergency. I was finally able to get her head through and almost passed out twice from the pain. Just when I thought it would be over and she would be here her shoulder got stuck in my pelvic bone because she was too big to fit & turned face up. The doctor ended up having to break her arm to get her out. When she was finally out she was pale with purple lips and not breathing. I waited for over a minute and a half which felt like eternity to hear my baby cry. She was in shock from the delivery. I was able to kiss her before they took her to make sure she was alright. As for me, other than being traumatized I didn't tear or hemorrhage, thank goodness, especially since my DR basically had her arms up there trying to help me get her out. The only thing we could do for my baby girl's arm is wrap it up with an Ace bandage to stabilize it. She is in pain, the Tylenol seems to help a little so she can sleep though. She is breastfeeding well, which I am very thankful for. It's been a couple days now since her birth and a tough recovery for the both of us but we are both doing well. She is beautiful and healthy. Although the experience was traumatizing, I'm so happy that she's here. I have my postpartum appointment tomorrow to check my blood pressure and I'm going to make sure to tell my doctor how thankful I am for everything that she did for us.[/B]

I am still in shock that I made it through, the pain what is excruciating especially since I had to push for so long. I was so exhausted. The nursing staff that were there to help me through it were absolutely amazing. I couldn't have asked for a better medical team.

What I am wondering is, if anyone else has had a traumatic birth like this one and gone on to have a successful pregnancy the next time around?
Oh my that sounds like quite the experience ,I’ve read so many traumatic stories like this. I mean even though it sounds scary I can’t wait to meet my little one ! This will be my first rainbow I’m at 2nd week .I hope no issues later on . But back to you .It’s usually what doctors recommend , given your history if you do plan on having another baby I would just let your provider know and see what you can do differently :hugs:maybe consider getting a doula to help you along the way if you have more questions during the pregnancy? :dust:
Could you have had gestational diabetes? I would imagine they’ll keep a really close eye on any further pregnancies and induce early if they feel baby is growing too big.
Could you have had gestational diabetes? I would imagine they’ll keep a really close eye on any further pregnancies and induce early if they feel baby is growing too big.

I did not have GD. I was tested for it, and all was good. I think the dating of the pregnancy was off by at least 5 weeks. The bleeding that I had before I found out I was pregnant could have just been pregnancy bleeding and not AF like I originally thought it was. That is the only reason I can think of honestly.
Oh my that sounds like quite the experience ,I’ve read so many traumatic stories like this. I mean even though it sounds scary I can’t wait to meet my little one ! This will be my first rainbow I’m at 2nd week .I hope no issues later on . But back to you .It’s usually what doctors recommend , given your history if you do plan on having another baby I would just let your provider know and see what you can do differently :hugs:maybe consider getting a doula to help you along the way if you have more questions during the pregnancy? :dust:

I'm not really sure what caused it. I do know that only 1 of the 4 pregnancies I've had was actually smooth. That was my son. My first 2 pregnancies they were born premature, the 2nd one was a rupture in the lining of the sack and I was leaking fluid so they had to induce at 34 weeks. My first, no reason why but they told me some people's bodies just give birth early. I have had to get weekly progesterone injections to strengthen the cervix for the past 3 pregnancies I've had. My son was 8.5 lbs at 37 weeks. I only had GD with 1 of my pregnancies and that was with my 2nd born. I just think they had the dates wrong and went based on LMP mostly because what I thought was AF could have just been early pregnancy bleeding and they could have been off by 4-5 weeks. Which would make complete sense as to why she was 10.5 lbs. It def didn't carry over, she's tall and lean for an 18 month old.

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